Starting from zero

While I’ve got results from fields, positive ones in fact there was still a certain longing in me and negative emotions here and there so today I’ve made the decision of starting from zero and going to approach it in a systematic and healthy way.
A way that allows me to spiritually ascend and find every emotion internally

Can anyone put pointers on how to start with this journey and how to approach it.

I’m thinking of starting with point of no return stack and Divine lotus’s shadow work stack

What should I do next? Is it a good starting point ? Any other practices i should accompany it with for better results?


I have started with point of no return stack + JAAJ self love stack


Thank you :blush:
I think I can accompany his stack with shadow work too let me check it out Again


I don’t think you can ever start from 0 my friend. Sadly, we can’t just reload previous save lol. But I believe thay PONR stack,Shadow Work Stack of Divine Lotus and JAAJ’s self love stack are all great and if you stick to one or more of those you will make great progress on your spiritual journey.


By zero i don’t mean losing all previous progress, I just mean approaching things in a more systematic way and making this my new starting point. I would’ve been pretty disappointed in myself if I let all the progress so far go away. I just believe I can do things in a more better way



The mass meditation field not only helps the planet and everyone on it but it also brings a lot of peace.

I’ve been having a hard time getting to the video, to be honest, but I’m using the mandala.

I encourage you to do the same and see how you feel. You may feel lifted. You can find it in patreon, it is on the $1 tier and up.


I’ve started the Alchemy of Gris course a few days ago, and so far, from my experience with the first two chapters, there is a lot of work with emotions (scale of vibration/emotion)

Might be intersting for you to check out the threads related to it on the forum (search for the freedom course) and see if it matches the journey you wish to experience :purple_heart:

Good luck!

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I unfortunately do not even have the option to have a single penny on any online transaction, would’ve bought the patreon tier a long time ago otherwise, I could access the mass meditation though

While not exactly what you recommended I found the journey to the light from your recommendation which seems to be similar to something I’m looking for , willing to give it a try

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If you were to start from zero, then you might want do the Energy Course.

Try negentropic fool and use the intercessions to ask for help before embarking on the journey.

Then the revision series as it looks for the critical moments and give you support there (same with archetype of parental love).

Some people don’t need this, but for the psychos and slow learners out there, a journal is a good thing. For the record, as a right-handed person, I use the left-hand to channel the inner child or whatever part of me got casted out to the right-brain.

Maybe the brain dancer could help to get the right memories, if there is anything obstructing them from arising with the other fields.

There is a forgiveness journey field along the other guided meditation field, they are nice for it.

Ego dissolution, torsion and plasma to get quick releases seem to work too.

Actually, lots of choice yknow.

If you can learn (and it works for you) zpoint, I think it could help. It uses a cue word to release stuff. It has a general programming but the point is to learn to make it effective on anything.

In nlp the swish pattern can help.

Using imagery in general can help, transforming symbols/metaphors. In Huna (hawaiian shamanism), they first set up the “inner garden”, which is a symbol for your subconscious. Then you intend to find X problem (in symbol form) in the garden, and then you fix whatever problem is there (since this is inner work, it can be done by magical means sometimes…I mean, like you simply ask a dying tree to tell you its problems and it heals on it’s own).

Some methods do the same just by intention…they find the symbol for a problem, then spin it into a positive.

Zpoint has a technique with this. They find the symbol for the problem and then repeat the cue word and watch the symbol transform. I think it has a lot of potential (sadly most of these things don’t work for me but the fields are there to rescue me xD).

And negative emotions, problems, stories, etc; also present themselves as spinning energy around. So another effective nlp pattern is to change the direction of the spin.

Well…so you may not have access to patreon fields like smart tap tapper…but you can learn tapping so there.

If you can get Kam Yuen method done on you…definitely give it a try.

There are some methods that use self-inquiry in creative ways that could also be very effective.

Here is one example:

-What do I see/perceive?
-Who/what part of me sees it that way?
-How would love/calm see it?

If you get a release this way, congrats. This is called the enlightenment technique. Go and enlighten everything :muscle:


Wow, thank you for this amazing post and input! I will def incorporate some of your suggestions into my own practices.

In general, what helped me most when I got started was reading up on Luna‘s suggestions how to create great stacks and make fields work more efficiently.

I start with clearing my aura every morning, then continue with stacks that follow Luna‘s suggestions. I bought the Kinetic Quasi Crystal and it‘s been great so far! Since I used that one I feel like the fields work stronger for me and I don’t need to listen more than once or twice. I also recommend to have a day off without using any fields.

To raise my vibration and energy I also listen to guided meditations on YouTube frequently.
I love the „Guided Journey: Unlock your full potential“ and also this one by tools for ascension by Wolfgang.


Thank you so much man, this really helps, I went through all the suggestions

Journalling is a bit difficult as my hands aren’t that functional
I’m already learning tapping
As for kam Yuen I’m able to find nothing on it and z point is leading me to some mountain so where can I learn that? I’ll even give the enlightenment technique a try

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I absolutely love guided journey

It’s one of my most consistent fields
Break once a week is done too, I’ll give a shot to the one by Wolfgang in like 30 minutes

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This is not to pressure you, and I was simply giving ideas. But there are several modalities (gestalt, transpersonal psychology, “family constellations”) that simply use imagination for this.

I mean, the ego/conscious mind and “otherness” dialogues. Recording audio is another option. Image-streaming consists of this, describing what you imagine to a tape recorder.

Again, these were just ideas, you take what resonates. The fields will probably be your foundation and guidance.

But don’t turn this into a full-time job, cause processing emotions is more of an organic process that a task to do. And techniques are just tools.

Hmmm…well the Yuen method was used in a sort of underground way. It seems to have died off now…most modalities I know are old and seem dead now xD

I found about it through this guy.

This guy mixed Yuen method with matrix energetics and other techniques that were all very effective. But it seems all that led him to a new approach that I know nothing about. I’m an old-schooler, I prefer the classic stuff nonetheless.

I know there is one (probably more) Yuen method practitioners in the forum, so hopefully they come forward.

I’ve never had it work on me…I highly recommend to work with a practitioner…may only be me, but yeah, almost no technique I ever worked on my own.

Anyway you will find what you need when you are ready. I’ve used all sorts of things I haven’t mentioned here, with success. Like h’opponoppono when properly done, etc.

Matrix energetics, if done with imagery, adds to the imagination methods what they are lacking, making them even more effective. Without imagery it can be either great or meh.

Zpoint only had one manual and that’s it. And the practitioners had a sort of active inner circle (except it was public) and published all sorts of methods (like a general method that would work on everything progressively). Indeed things have changed.

-Transform your Life from the Inside Out (English Edition) eBook : Connolly, Grant: Tienda Kindle

This seems to be the original manual, actually. The other book by him seems like an infomercial for this one.

Anyway, this is based on Be Set Free Fast and many other techniques evolved from this (and the cue word method evolved from “mental tapping”), that focus on different statements or approaches. Like increasing acceptance of the feelings, or making the desired change safe, so the subconscious doesn’t resist, and the releasing is taken care of automatically.

What I actually use is Inner Influencing (by Paul Greblick…but you will only find one result for this). Much more elegant than all this eft-derived techniques…just saying. I mentioned zpoint cause I thought it was the easiest to learn, but if it is gonna be a bother, Inner Influencing is much better (at least for me).

Of course, if you look at the prices of all courses and personal sessions, etc…you will see how the mental health nft or any other field is a much better choice.

So again, I wouldn’t over-extend myself here. Fields are the best tools, hands-down. Illumination of Consciousness eBook : Dodson, Frederick: Kindle Store

This is the most valuable little book I’ve ever had…just saying xD

But the author tends to leave pearls of wisdom on his writings that have disappeared…some techniques aren’t in any book or program of his. And they’d be great for any sort of emotional releasing or inner work.

Well, I read recently about zpoint incorporating questions but that website is gone too. The subconscious reacts better to them…so still you can use your intuition and try to add that to any method you use.

Since I’m opening my vault of old-school wisdom. Check out this channel:

She evolved “tapping”, and has a powerful “imagination” system. It’s called Supermind/Project Sanctuary in that channel (and throughout her products). If you’re good at visualizing, it can be great.

I “coerce” my mind into these exercises through questions often. Don’t see anything, but I end up getting the technique result.

Now, if you’re good at visualizing, there’s no reason to not use Huna instead, or plain hypnosis (Ms Hartmann is a hypnotherapist too…I only have one of her audio programs and it’s great), etc.


I still prefer reading books, but if I had internet back then, this would have been a great complement.

The most old-school I can offer xD

There is a lot to learn from this man too.


Wow, Thank you so much man for all those suggestions, i will go through each and everyone of those. Can’t really express my gratitude through words, but i definitely will find ways to incorporate some of those. Thank you :pray:

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