I now have made the decision that I personally will no longer listen to any songs with negative lyrics or with negations / hidden negative statements in them. That is even if I love the melody.
While the melody can feel awesome and uplifting in the SHORT-TERM, I caught myself continuing singing the lyrics of the song in my head for days later, repeating the lyrics again and again, which then is definitely negative input for the subconscious mind in the LONG-TERM.
Since long-term is almost always the key to success in life, this is the path I am choosing now. Since my life is 90-98% manifested and guided by my subconscious mind, it really really matters for me what I put into in .
Also because of what @psynergy wrote:
This makes 100% sense to me that those negative affirmations are amplified because of the emotional energy put into it.
Plus, the subconscious mind starts to ASSOCIATE the positive feeling from the melody with the negative affirmations from the lyrics, which we all know from NLP 101, will mess one up and install unhealthy triggers and anchors.
Thanks Mate for this key realization!
It is also not difficult to let go of those songs since there is enough awesome music without any lyrics, and even with those negative songs I can still listen to an instrumental version of these.
Or as some say:
“No one ever went broke by not entering a shity deal.”
One could see this also as an analogy of eating cholocate and crisps:
In the short-term when you eat it, it tastes/feels amazing and “uplifting” (dopamine/serotonin). But in the long-term it messes up the gut flora and over-acidfies the body. Hence, the decision is now clear to me