Steal... I made a mistake. I'm bad? what will happen to my karma?

I robbed a person, a family member to be exact, even though he deserved it; I feel bad for her.
She doesn’t know, and it’s not that it seriously affects or harms her and it’s not the question…

The thing is that I feel guilty, I already did something good for her and her mother (who is my grandmother), but I feel bad, I don’t know why…

Although she stole from him because she needed to, my second reason was because of an argument she had with her mother, which made me angry too, and well, I don’t know… was it okay? obviously not

Will karma affect me? Will God (if he exists) punish me? Will the planets align to give me one problem after another? (lol) although that last one is a joke, the topic is serious for me


Thank you for reading

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Did you think about confessing to her and giving it back ?


Don’t worry, you will receive your punishment/correction, somehow and someway, so don’t worry, there is no point in worrying.


Your karma is you suffering right now, feeling guilty. Forgive yourself and don’t do it again.


I thought karma was the soul entropy that would reset his soul so it could have a higher vibration and evolution later on… Like if he stole he went into a dark place to get in this situation, that’s what is supposed to be cleaned through karma to bring him back into the light on a deeper imprint level. Otherwise your soul collects imprints and sinks deeper and deeper. Destruction needs to happen to revers the negative construction.

I guess I was wrong lol

If every-time i feel bad after doing bad things I just feel guilty and it cleanse itself, that’s sweet


I think the revival period can be of arbitrary length in terms of perceived/spiritual time and physical/wall clock time. Otherwise it’s probably finite.

Yeah, but feeling guilty is merely the acknowledgement that you did wrong. He didn’t compensate or repair it. He’s keeping what he stole.

If anything that guilt is adding to the lower level imprints.

I’m no Karma doctor so, that’s all I’ll say.

I don’t know anything about these things lol


I don’t consider any real compensation possible in most matters, it’s basically acknowledgement of sunk costs, more productive is focusing on preventing, elevating suffered party so that losses can be overcome, putting wrongdoer in the position where they have to acknowledge their deed and further grow as a person to avoid repeating it in the future.


What are the universal standards for right and wrong that affect one’s soul? How do I know they exist?

I said he can forgive himself. That’s how he transcends his “karma”, whether he feels like he has to return what he stole for him to forgive himself is up to him.

Shit man, neither do I. But that’s how I view things as of now :man_shrugging:

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I saw so many messages in a single minute that I thought “f__, I’m going to get removed” hahaha

I already said that I did something good for her and her mother, “double prize” would I say right? to make up for stealing from her, and what if being stolen from her was karma to her? she also did something bad. But I can’t give much more detail


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Karma as a concept seems very fluid to me.

If law, order and punishment differs from culture to culture, there are cultures in which private property is not a thing (because it belongs to the community), then, how is steal possible in such society?

Would karma for stealing have an effect if both parties do not consider to “own” anything in the first place?

And, isn’t ownership an ego attachment anyways? How is that invalidating someone else’s artificial ego is a cosmic thing? And what happens if the person didn’t want that thing anyways and is grateful that it had been stolen from his/her belongings?

It seems to me that it all is very relative.


And to be clear…

This does not explain how I view karma in its totality. It was just advice…

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If the person is still alive, u try to correct your mistake.
If U stole, give back what u stole and apologize and dont do it again.

If the person is dead, apologize to them via a meditative state or using an Intersession.
Then try to make amends in other ways. Perhaps their decendants or to a charity or cause the wronged person believed in. Perhaps volunteer work, where u get no recognition. Do good for others.

This is how I was raised. ( when :sauropod: roamed the planet, lol)

Treat people the way u would like to be treated

Loving yourself and forgiving yourself is fine, but it doesnt take the place of action.


Also, what happens to cannibalistic tribes that deeply believe that eating their opponents after killing them is a gesture of respect towards them? Are they getting cosmically kicked in the ass because they don’t understand universal laws that they weren’t even aware of their existence?

Karma seems to me the particular effect of particular laws, restrictions and prohibitions that you feel in debt towards, but they were introduced by humans.


My point of view:

Your Subconscious Mind knows the amount of damage (material damage, trust damage, loss of integrity etc.) you have caused to her.

Her Subconscious Mind knows the amount of damage (material damage, trust damage, loss of integrity etc.) you have caused to her.

You cannot consciously lie to your own Subconscious Mind, neither can you to hers.

Consciously acting as if “everything is forgiven again” without BOTH Subconscious Minds agreeing to it is just delusional and lying to yourself.

Unless action is taken (this can be action on both sides or on one side), that will reconcile the created negative information in BOTH of your Subconscious Minds, there will always remain a negative effect stored and lurking in the background.

if your and her Subconscious Mind does not release this negativity, there will always be some hidden unconscious resentment lurking around in the background, and influencing the relationship negatively.

Confessing to her what you did is a good way to ask her and her Subconscious Mind for forgiveness.

When her Conscious AND Subconscious Minds have forgiven you, you have “burned off that karma”.

Or in other words:
Your conscious justifications to yourself mean nothing.
The truth that the Subconscious Minds are always seeing are everything.


Lol, I love it. So many different opinions and views.


@Neko-Edo Please forgive me for my previous answer…

What I mean is that somehow everyone pays for their mistakes, also worrying doesn’t help only on/by itself.

Now, do I know how karma works?
On a Conscious level, I have no idea, but probably @JAAJ is right with everyone/every party knowing Everything on the Subconscious level.

I believe in Goodness and In the fact that ALL Life and ALL Worlds And ALL Souls Can Be Saved, Can Evolve, but Again, it’s probably an individual choice.

You and Me and Everyone, We CAN Learn from our mistakes.

Relax, You can Do Better from now on, also you have remorse and you already did some good to her, you’re on the right path as a human and as a a soul/spirit, just keep going on that good path.

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Patting some ones back doesn’t make it okay to step on their toes



Related to what I wrote, here is a good video confirming that it is all about the consent (the free will) of the Subconscious Mind (!) that really matters.

Which thus also means, with regards to “being forgiven” and “removing bad karma”, it is all about the Subconscious Mind’s consent to do so.

Acting as if “one has been forgiven” will not work.
The Subconscious Mind must be brought on board 100%.


I had forgotten to answer this.
Thank you all very much, I was able to resolve the conflict. :raised_hands: