Life is Eternal and There is No Such Thing as "Death"

I have come across NDE of atheists too and they indeed experienced nothingness and darkness. They had an NDE and they saw everything dark and there was no light and nothingness. They came back scared and traumatised

But what is to note here is that even if these atheists were aware of darkness and nothingness, they were at least aware. The awareness of even nothingness is also an awareness and a clear implication that the consciousness is present to cause an awareness. And life is eternal. They didn’t perish after they died since there awareness was still present


It is not a state they stay in for too long. Sooner or later some Spirit Guides or Angels or Soul Retrievers show up and offer them idea to change their mind and just come with them “into the light”.

Most choose to follow of course.
Because if there is only the choice of staying in this nothingness versus going somewhere else with someone, of course the second option is the more exciting one.
And then also for this reason that you mention:

They thought that nothing comes after death. But since they experience still “being there” and alive, they instantly start to question their assumptions about life after death and become open minded to other possibilities.


Are you saying that eventually everyone goes into the light and there is no place like hell or suffering for any soul at all after death? Not even the mass murderers?

My idea isn’t to instil any fear … I am just at a point of trying to understand all this. And know the truth of it all whatever we can know within our limited perception of reality. Also if we can know the right path to make our experience better and meaningful here and after.

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Eventually your consciousness will move on. What happens right after death is a transition phase. It can be short or longer if you speak in terms of how we understand time here. But on reality time isn’t linear. Even reincarnation isn’t linear. We are living many lives and are existing in many realities at once. So there is never a stagnation.

The way I understand it from my research: when you die, you then adjust to the new experience of reality outside of the physical world, and then you have the opportunity to learn from your past live, review certain aspects, revisit even situations if you wish, and then you might choose your next reincarnation.
You won’t be left alone. There will be teachers or guides that can help you adjust and even give support if you need it (if you are in distress).

There is no punishment for your sins like entering everlasting hell. That doesn’t mean someone who committed crimes or evil acts won’t face any consequences. He will face them in other lives and will work through them.
„Any problems that were not faced in this life will, however, be faced in another one.“ (Seth Speaks)


Eventuelly, every soul that participates in the Earth Game will merge back into their respective Higher Selves.

That is when each of them has cleared up all the “Karma”, i.e. “open bills” that they have between each other.

This can take a very long time but eventually no one is left behind, be it on physical earth or on the various astral levels of earth.

The question is always how much pain and suffering some souls want to endure until they learn their lessons (their conceptual realizations)?

To reach so called “Escape Velocity” for mastering and leaving the Earth Game as a “complete Higher Self”, all the emotional bagage that pulls one back into the physical and lower astral, needs to be healed and let go.

It is important to remember that the MAIN Earth Game is NOT played here in the physical but on Earth’s various astral planes!

The physical plane is the “hardcore difficulty” server of the game.

It is not even necessary to physically incarnate in this game and all can be learned and realized by playing the game on the astral levels only.

However, incarnating into the physical is like self development on ultra steroids and for souls who are impatient (like us) and who like to speedrun things (like us).

Souls like us literally cannot await it to finally become “like the Sun”!

Many of us are here because we so are excited “to become more” that we are up to the hardest challenges in order to grow.


With regards to “Karma” and “open bills” of murderers and similar folks, here is my understanding of this:

…and further posts in the same threads


Thanks @JAAJ for making effort to yet again share so much for your understanding and food for thought. Let me go through the videos.
Also all these concepts are very consistent with the eastern religious philosophy. They seem all familiar to the concepts I have grown up with in Jainism/ Hinduism. I wanted to know from the Christian point of view these things but also from a non religious spiritual and experiential point of view as shared by souls who have had a chance to experience these without leaving the physical body and share these back to earth.
You seem to have been astral projecting if I am correct so you must ‘know’ things in an experiential way and also the NDE experiences of people throw a lot of light on life after death

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On that note let me share one of my own experience here. It is not revealing too much but it still was quite significant to me that it left me wondering for a long time.

So I have been under anaesthesia for three times in my life so far. The last two times were with no experience… I just slept and woke up in the room after surgery. But the very first one was indeed something.

I was about 12 years old when I had to get teeth extraction done and I was so scared of needle in the mouth that I insisted on GA and my dentist agreed. I was administered general anaesthesia and it’s then that I had an experience. I found myself going through a tunnel. It was not my body going but my awareness going through this tunnel. I was travelling inside this tunnel at a significant speed. Now this tunnel was unique. It wasn’t like the tunnel shown in the NDE videos with a circular section and all stars and galaxy. It was a rather geometric tunnel. It has a rectangular cross section and was striped all the way. So moving through it felt like moving through a kaleidoscope. Something like this :point_down:t2:


But the colour wasn’t this red … they were bright multi colour with a yellowish overall hue.
At first it felt wonderful… I liked the experience of passing through these geometric patterns but after a short while… I got some thoughts of fear… why is this tunnel endless and where am I going. It also felt claustrophobic somewhat. And then just after these feelings/thoughts … it all disappeared. The next I know is that I was in the after surgery room conscious of myself and my surroundings. That was all that I experienced, it seems to be nothing, even dreams are more eventful than this. But still it was so vivid, so profound that I couldn’t forget it. Even after decades I remember it to the exact details. Like I can see the tunnel as it was in my mind’s eye. While you tend to forget the dreams within a few hours let alone remembering them for decades.

That time I was a kid with no knowledge of spirituality, at least in terms of the theory and principles. So even though this was a very profound experience I could not make much sense of it. I had left it as likely a dream since I was asleep. However the thoughts of it were there with me for days. But thinking back about it now that I am reading stories on NDE and correlating my experience to those … was it likely an NDE experience? Was this tunnel like the tunnels NDErs report about? Can we even get dreams during the time when we are unconscious? Since dreams need brain to function and unconscious brain doesn’t function.
I am thinking it could be that since it’s so much impressed upon my memory.

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I have no knowledge of the various religions and what exact beliefs they have – therefore I cannot tell you how all that is written in this thread compares to the various beliefs of the various religions.

I never explored religions because coming from a family of atheist scientists I went straight into esoteric and spirituality from a scientific point of view (NDE books), so I kind of skipped the whole exploration of religious things.

For me personally, religions are all just human made belief systems, full of limiting beliefs and irrational assumptions and therefore, for me personally, not worth my time. I do my best to learn and experience things from an as “objective” as possible point of view. That’s for me personally and everyone is free to grow their consciousness through their learning tools of choice.

I astral projected several times but I never had any NDE’s.

Which can be a good sign, because often a Higher Self can use the experience of an NDE to bring a soul “back on track” if they deviate too much from their original incarnational plan.

Always being open minded to new ideas and concepts is the best way to ensure that no “bad stuff” needs to happen first in order “to wake” someone up so that they finally pay attention to something.

If you don’t have the time to read books, I found that this channel (Afterlife Topics) here is one of the best summaries on these topics so far.


That is a good reasoning.

Thank you so much … I will definitely watch this channel. :pray:t2:

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I cannot tell you what this experience was. Only you can know.

I always encourage people to go astral without the use of any chemicals, brainwave tapes, drugs and mushrooms. This is the only way to truly know that you are experiencing something with a clear mind and not hallucinating.

But intuitively, I would say that it was because of the anaesthesia chemical.


If you have to question whether this was an actual NDE, then answer is NO.
A real NDE would feel to you more realistic than you being alive right now.
There would be no room for questions as it would be the most real thing you have ever experienced.

It would not be “just a memory”, but an experience that your whole life would revolve around since you’ve made it. It would be more impressionable to you than giving birth to five children and your wedding day and “your first time”.

An NDE or an astral projection experience are significantly different from a dream or a lucid dream. If you are not sure what it was, then it was a dream (for reason #1).

Furthermore, the physical brain only plays are role in processing and translating signals from your consciousness down into the physical plane. On the astral, you are using your “astral brain” or your “energy body brain”, whatever you may wanna call it.

And memories are not stored in any of the brains but in the Subconscious Mind (which is the level of Consciousness). The various brains (physical, astral etc.) with all their neural wirings and created circuits are only tools to recall memories on the respective levels. And to operate and run the programs of the various bodies.

Brains are not the memory storages. They are the signal processing devices that consciousness (you!) is using to experience itself on the various planes of existence.

For example the Conceptual Realizations / Conglomerate field will also works on the various brains and therefore enhances those brains’ capabilities of translating information and signals, processing concepts into picture and words et.c so that you can understand these concepts while being in a physical body.

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It was very real. Only that I was too young to derive any meaning out of it consciously. But more than that it wasn’t eventful. It was just the tunnel.
But the point opposing it to be NDE is that, no my life didn’t turn around by it. It didn’t give me any message or revelation. But it was profound. But well whatever it was it was. Doesn’t change anything for me today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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And on the other hand, if you still rememeber it to this day from early childhood I think that the experience, whatever it was, still had a major impact on your spiritual development and outlook on life. Imagine how your view on life would have developed differently without this experience :slight_smile:

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I skipped through the video.
This has nothing to do with the “life after death” topic.
Like, literally nothing.
Just a dude with bad hair and zero sense of style doing his own basic mental gymnastics on some basic concepts he picked up in 8th grade physics at school. What he spills out here has nothing to do with any serious afterlife research, nor with physics, nor with the physical brain, nor with the theories of consciousness.
It looks like content that a Boomer teacher would show to his 4th graders in class.

I posted some serious research sources in the very first post that you may want to explore.

You guys should please do your own research and not drop some random YouTube videos here and then ask me for my opinion. What matters in the end, are your own realizations.

Thank you @Siria for sharing your understandings. Sorry I missed acknowledging it. These are consistent with what JAAJ has been saying and my idea too.


how about Universal Om & Ascension-naut? I assume The answer is yes

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JAAJ,may I ask how to end up on the high astral planes?

I’m planning to buy The Tapasya of Savitur ,The Universal Om ,The Ascension-naut ,The Karma Crucible ,Conceptual Conglomerate and ego diss+ / The Malleable Ego

and what should I do also? positive thinking and being a good person?
cuz I want to experience heavenly environment in my after life

Edit:nvm i think i just found the answer. but is that all ?what else i need to do?cuz my goal is high astral plane


Yes :grinning:

Whatever our inner guidance tells you that you need to do.

Also keep in mind, that “the highest” does not necessarily means “the most enjoyable and the most fun”.
I think most stay on the mid-astral planes and play out their various games and scenarios until the earth game is really finished and it is really time to move on.


Linking to a related discussion:


The bible says in heaven there is no male or female:

Matthew 22:30
“For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.”

i can see the appeal to the angels that wanted embodiment and mingle themselves with whatever run the show here (satan)
The appeal is they could be their own god, be naughty if you want, be cocreators with Lucifer. Yea sure we are trying to be our own gods but have been severely setback with whatever tricky happened now that we have lost our identity.

And it seems only 1 or 2 people like dreamweaver seemed to have come across our full potential. Imagine if everyone had this knowledge? Again, whoever is running the show here has done all this to keep us in the dark. Blindfolded.