JAAJ's Mystical Journal

Beautiful in Body, Soul, Spirit and Mind.

Beauty takes no prisoners.


How small things can teach you more self-love:

I purchased a new type of bread in order to try it out.
It did not taste good.

Now there are two options:
Throw it away and buy a tasty one, or force yourself to finish it because you’ve already bought it.

Society would say:
„Now you have to eat it completely. You cannot throw out the rest into the garbage bin. Especially since food is limited on the planet and a lot of people are starving on a daily basis.“

This is a message that comes from a lack mindset and that uses shame and guilt in order to force people back into what everyone believes – at the expense of individual self-esteem.

The Higher Self would says:
“If the bread does not taste good, then don‘t eat it. Forcing yourself into doing something that you don’t want to do equals self-rape.”

Remember, that on the astral planes food is available infinitely.
No one there would even come up with the idea of „you have to force to eat it because it is limited“.
This lack mindset is a typical thing of physical earth.

The spiritual quest here is to recognize this pattern and not allow anything, regardless of how limited it is, to affect your self-esteem.

Self-esteem and self-love must always be, in ALL cases, PRIORITY #1.

Forcing yourself to eat that bread, just because you already bought it, would be like selling-out your own self-esteem to that bread.
What is worth more?
Your self-esteem or that 2 € bread?

Just because food is limited on the physical plane, does not mean that I have to ever put food ABOVE my self-esteem.

This is how even the smallest things like a pack of bread can teach you more self-love.

On the physical plane, ALMOST EVERYTHING, is a disguised lesson in more self-love!

"Yöllä taas mä menin parvekkeelle nukkumaan,
Jotta lähempänä mua ois hän
Pediltäni taivas näkyy, ryhdyin oottamaan,
Että näen tähden lentävän
Sanovat jos jossain huomaa tähdenlennon niin
Toivoa voit’silloin mitä vaan
Yöllä ylös taivaalle mä pyynnön kuiskasin
Kävisipä pian tuulemaan"


Ultimate Freedom (Love) does exists.

But in order to utilize it, one needs to develop Real Free Will.

True love is unconditional and it can only be unconditional when it is the consequence of a real free will decision.

conditional love



Most people, if they would experience one single day of true real love, would probably instantly forgive everyone who has ever wronged them.

A typical moment where such a love is experienced, is when people physically die and are met on the astral planes by their Higher Selves’s all embracing unconditional love.

The question is always, do you want to wait for so long until then?




Advanced Concept:

How “Karma” is “burned off”:

I think that at least one of the features and mechanisms of how the Karma Crucible NFT is „burning off karma“, is by reconciling all types of disagreements that your own Subconscious Mind has with the Subconscious Minds of others (people, aliens, angels, animals etc).

This equals the process of „coming clean“ on all levels where you and they now have no longer "any open bills“.

This process for sure also includes Forgiveness and Cutting Etheric Cords.

Now people may ask, how can someone else‘s Subconscious Mind forgive me out of free will if they are not aware of it with their waking consciousness?

The answer is, as explained in one of the posts above, is that we are not limited to just our waking incarnational consciousness.
While we sleep and astral travel, we live a double life on the other side
A double life with much more awareness about everything and with much more communication with others, especially those who are „karmically“ connected with us somehow.
Your other self and other‘s selves on the astral that are living the double secret life, can totally with their free will make the decisions to forgive each other.
This then translates down into everyone‘s Subconscious Minds and the incarnational selves experience this as „suddenly removed and reconciled karma“.



“Expect the Unexpected.”

Simple vs. Complex Games

A self-reflection that was triggered by the „your favorite sports thread“, made me realize why I don’t like most types of sports and through this, another reason of why I am incarnated here in the physical version of earth:

I love complex games.

While both types of games, simple and complex, can be a lot of fun, you actually learn only a lot when playing complex games.

The reason for that is obvious as complex games contain more complex concepts and more different concepts in general. And the more of these concepts you realize (Conceptual Realization), the more growth you experience.

Simple games are for NPCs or Noobs.

The Pro’s play the most complex games only, diving in super deep to their core, studying every possible game stats table and formula and all the games inside the games.
Which ultimatively leads to mastering the game’s concepts, discovering shortcuts and tricks, leading to the most growth.



Funny, I’ve listened to this field this morning
after reading the post, because why not

And we got gifted with a 20€ voucher from our local shop


"There’s an ocean between us.
You know where to find me.
You reach out and touch me.
I feel you in my own heart.
More than a lifetime.
Still goes on forever.
But it helps to remember
You’re only an ocean away."

True Happiness is the deep inner feeling of Appreciation.

Feeling of Appreciation = Happiness.

When we incarnate into the harsh physical environment and play the game on super hardcore mode, we experience a lot of contrast.

It is with the experience of this contrast is that we learn to really, I mean really appreciate the good things of creation.

When you first experienced being “existentially broke poor”, now “being crazy stupid rich” will feel amazing and you will really appreciate all of this abudance.

When you first experienced being “completely sexless, rejected and invisible”, now feeling “super desired” and “overwhelmed by infinite sexual opportunities” will feel amazing and you will really appreciate all of this abudance.

When you first experienced being “completely unloved and left alone”, now feeling “completely whole” and “more than enough for the whole universe” will feel amazing and you will really appreciate all of this abudance.


The lesson of “Appreciation through Contrast” can be realized without going through the painful experiences by raising your awareness and consciousness so that you really deep understand and learn to appreciate things without the need to first experience the pain. A lot of authentic empathy coming from your heart is required for this method though.

When the lesson of appreciation is completely realized and learned, contrast is no longer necessary and thus wealth and abundance can be manifested Millions of times easier and faster.

That is why Appreciation and Gratitude fields are among one of the most powerful manifestation tools out there. The universe rewards those whose appreciate it. And because you are the universe too, it is nothing else than a different form of self love.

Furthermore, by feeling appreciation, you are sending a clear signal to your Subconscious Mind that there “more than enough of everything good”, with the result that the Subconscious Mind will manifest even more of it.

Another side effect of real appreciation will be that you will feel happy, lol.


I see zero connection between my post and this.

This game is not a tournament. But about growth of consciousness.

Chess is a complex game. Consciousness favours those who challenge the status quo [antistatic energy/negentropic] (hence the rise in testosterone when challenging the top player [this could be egregores]).
Another thing it shows is that testosterone and physicality are necessarily as interlinked as people think.

Also, dominance is primarily determined by levels of serotonin, not testosterone. Calmness(state of elemental balance) with high EQ (compassion) is how consciousness determines who leads.

You can pretty much stretch the application of the law of correspondence as far as your imagination can go. It will help you discover hidden layers within specific phenomena. Something like: when this occurs, usually this follows, so where is the second part of the equation?

Just fun exercises to dabble in.

This has still zero to do with my post here.
My post has nothing to do with dominance or similar concepts.
Even when thinking in analogies and correspondencies it has nothing to do with it.
I think you are reading things that are not written there.
I think you also have a completely different definition of “Consciousness” than me.
Probably our models of reality are too different and there is a lot of misunderstanding when I write my stuff in words and you write your stuff in words.
Words are such big distorters.

And this almost made me laugh:

It is not.
It was solved by basic human computer algorithms decades ago.
It is one of the most primitive games, even 2-dimensional.
It is a typical NPC game in my opinion.
Nothing more boring than thinking in 2d scenarios, especially when the amount of possible scenarios is already pre-determined.
There is no real consciousness growth to make here.

Instead, complex games consists of feelings, concepts and qualia attributes.
But not math.
Anything that an algorithm or an AI can solve is per definition a primitive game because there is almost zero consciousness growth coming with that.
Primitive games can be solved by pattern recognition and similar AI features.
Complex games can only be solved through conceptual realizations.

Anyways, I do not want this thread to become a discussion thread, so I kindly ask you to delete your 2 last posts again. We can discuss such topics in other threads. Thank you.


No worries. It won’t.

For sure.


I was looking at the What’s your personality type? thread.

In my experience all these so called “personality tests”, including Myers Briggs are based on the fact that most people never change throughout their whole lives. This is why certain character attributes within most people “stay the same”.

Most people never really change and experience the incarnation through the pre-defined lenses of the character setup that their Higher Self has defined for them. And even most spiritual people barely change throughout their lives because they never get down to the deep level work on themselves.

It requires a lot of real free will and a lot of work in reprogramming yourself at the core identity level deep within one’s Subconscious Mind.

This includes doing all the shadow work, trauma facing and healing, becoming completely congruent, becoming absolutely honest with oneself, taking off all the masks, giving up all the artificial roles, becoming the real-real you.

And when you change yourself at the deep core beliefs level in your Subconscious Mind, then your whole personality setup also completely changes. You become a new game “character class”.

It is an advanced game concept.
Most people (game chars) play the whole incarnation as one particular fixed character class. Only experiencing change and progress within the the framework and borders of that particular character class.
Almost like being bound by “astrological fate”.
Being born as a “Paladin” and staying a “Paladin”.
Being born as a “Wizard” and staying a “Wizard”.
Being born as a “Bow Amazon” and staying a “Bow Amazon”.

Changing character classes and mixing them during an active incarnation is an advanced in-game concept.
Almost like a game hack.
But totally necessary for speed running.

Don’t allow so called “personality tests” and external definitions tell you what role you have to play and what role you can play.

Furthermore, doesn’t one’s personality type also change when you overwrite your natal chart attributes?
Like for example with PU’s natal chart buff fields



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Most souls live life on slow and lazy mode.
Be it here in the physical or on the astral planes.

Most of them who are NPCs (i.e. yet unsovereign game players) here in the physical also behave as NPCs on the astral.

Going into the afterlife does not make one suddenly wise or enlightened.
Same with choosing to re-incarnate.

It is a long journey and the more proactive it is done, the faster it can be done. But then also, there is no hurry when there is eternity.

What always remains is personal responsibility for one’s own experience.

I had hidden resentments at the NPCs for being lazy.
Which was a projection of a type of behavior that I resented in myself.
Because indirectly, I myself am probably one of the most lazy souls in the galaxy.
I would rather loop workout fields the whole day than lift a single finger, lol.
I am a fan of automating everything.
And leveraging everything.
Exponential leverage and automation is what excites my lazy character.

Now for the souls who come here into the physical, I obtained a new perspective:

Even though most of them still barely make any real progress when they get here and get caught up in the many traps of the matrix (victim mindset, defeatism-mindset etc.), they at least had the super huge courage to actually incarnate here and face the challenge of the physical!

When you realize what “easy mode” and what “hard mode” really means, everything becomes reframed and the people whom you’ve called lazy in the past suddenly appear as the next generation of heroes.

Those souls who came here into the physical, at least they had the balls to face potential growth on “super challenging mode”.

Physical earth is one of THE planets for experiencing adversity, contrast and emotional challenges. Most souls in the universe are too much of a snowflake to even consider it.

This realizations allowed me to obtain a new level of appreciation and compassion for all humans who ever were incarnated, are incarnated or will be incarnated here, and this despite most of them being completely different from me and not in alignment with my values.

I am able to find a deep sense of appreciation for courage and a deep sense of compassion for souls getting lost in a challenging process.

The real NPCs are the ones who are on the astral planes and never had the balls for a single physical incarnation. I am not there yet to appreciate the lazies on the astral, but at least I can now do so for most of incarnated humans.

To everyone, may your Higher Self bless your journey.

Found this video courtesy of @Nice2knowU (go to 14:05):



Why do people from the astral don‘t usually “come down to us”?

For the same reason why we don‘t “go up to them” that often.

Astral projection (going out of your physical body) is a skill that needs to be learned.

And in the same way beings on the astral need to learn to focus their consciousness to even perceive that there is a physical layer, it requires in most cases conscious proactive effort to consciously leave your physical body and vibrate upwards to the mid astral planes.

Your deceased ones have not forgotten about you. It is just very difficult for them to adjust their vibration to perceive you in the same way it is difficult for you to astral project yourself to them.

Also, they are beyond the concept of time, so what appears to you as 50 years, may appear to them as 5 seconds. Lol.


The speedrun through the “matrix” simulation game is not a speedrun back to the Source. It is not about “returning back to the Source” and “become one with it again” as fast as possible.

It is a speedrun to become like the Source – a fully conscious sovereign proactiver manifestor and creator.

The question that still remains is whether boredom was invented by the Source itself or whether Source is a victim of boredom and there is nothing else to do but to create?


You are not here to prove yourself worthy in some type of „incarnation challenge“.

Being a consciousness fragment of the whole you are already worthy for everything that you decide that you are.

You are here to master playing the game of existence and proactive manifestation.

A part of this game is to first forget completely about the rules of the game, and then through listening to your intuition be guided to re-discovering them again.

Why forgetting about the rules in the first place?
Because this way you are less pre-occupied about how reality is supposed to function and you go onto a discovery journey starting with a “blank page”.

You are also left in an environment full of opposite and distractive information, were your only compass for the “best path” is your intuition from your Higher Self. This way you become much more self-reflective and seeking the answers within.

You will also believe that the simulation is the only real reality and take it “serious”.

You will take it serious, until you re-discover that it is a simulation and a game and nothing is “real” except other souls.

One of the mile stones of the game is learning to have fun like a child while playing the game.

Until then, everything will appear as a serious challenge and super hard work.

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus