What's your personality type?

since having polls became popular, I have one another idea. I think many of you have heard about MBTI or so-called 16 personalities, where you are either Introverted or Extroverted, Sensor or iNtuitive, Thinker or Feeler, Judger or Perceiver.

More about MBTI: The Myers & Briggs Foundation - MBTI® Basics

If you don’t know and are willing to find out, free 16p test is here: Free Personality Test | 16Personalities
(it’s not perfect, but should correlate pretty well)

Might be fun to know what types of personalities we have here the most, lol.

The poll is posted below.

What’s your personality type?
  • ISTJ
  • ISTP
  • ISFJ
  • ISFP
  • ESTJ
  • ESTP
  • ESFJ
  • ESFP
  • INTJ
  • INTP
  • INFJ
  • INFP
  • ENTJ
  • ENTP
  • ENFJ
  • ENFP

0 voters

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If I took this several times, each one would be different, except I would always look like an introvert lol.


well, similar thing happened to me in the past, but one result seemed to appear more than the others and its description of functioning and most correlated traits appeared to make sense for me. So then it may be just up to you to guess yourself, whether you are more imaginative or rather down-to-earth, more logical or emotional, more spontaneous or like to have planned everything.


I actually did the test yesterday to see if it changed but still intj strong


I think it’s more in the gradation of answers. It’s a no brainer about imaginative and emotional, but planning and spontaneity are two totally different things to me and I do both.


Well, then you seem to be just either INFP or INFJ, I would guess rather INFP. When you have just two types, it’s easier to just compare the traits, even tho these two may come off as similar pretty often. Planning is something we all have to do, but you may like one thing more than the other. You may feel a strong need to have very clear picture of what for example you will do on holidays or you like to decide in the moment.

Something that might help you:
" INFJs appear more structured, rigid, and analytical, whereas INFPs appear more open, spontaneous, and artistic . That’s because INFJs are “extroverting” their structured side whereas INFPs are “extroverting” their open side. It also means that inwardly INFJs feel more artistic than they appear."



Now you make me curious, since I don’t know about these categories, but I will take these tests (or the test if it’s just one) later and i’ll find the answer (their answer) and I’ll post it here :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Hmm, the english test gives me ISTJ, while in the German version I’m an INTJ lol


Over 30 % fluctuation, that sounds like a lot.

Btw, oversimplified, but this may help you:


This definitely helps, since I had no idea what these letters (abbreviations) mean! :smiley:

@Powren, I finally kept my promise and I did it and
It looks like I’m a Turbulent Mediator (INFP-T)!
I made a profile and had them email me my results, just to check/compare from time to time.

It looke like 23% of voters are proud members of INFP League (at least for now)! :smiley:
Famous Members of this Elite Club: J.R.R. Tolkien, William Shakespeare, Julia Roberts and (one of my favorite actors) Johnny Depp!

Now, if only I would keep my other promises, to read all the information from all the links that other members of this forum sent me/shared with me … :joy:

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For all INTJ-A rejoice!



INTJ-A. I’ve taken these tests a couple of times before and always get INT-something. This claims Gandalf is also INTJ-A so I’ll take it :star_struck:


Is it possible that these tests are not accurate or that they give different results based on language/culture/country, since psychology is (slightly ?) different from one place to another (I read an article a couple years ago on how “normal” is different, depending on -a given- society values and what not)?


As I said, these tests are not perfect. For example, just because you’re not shy doesn’t mean you’re rather extroverted, there is not very strong correlation actually. Even I had a bit mixed results across languages but that shouldn’t be between more than 2 types. You can just google and compare them.


I did the test on 2 different sites and always got Infp. 16personalities isn’t really one of the most accurate ones though

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Then which online free MBTI tests are the most accurate? 16p is one of the most accurate from that ones I know.

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These two seem to be pretty trusted.

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Any insight on why most of us are intjs?