What's your personality type?

Most of them could be mistyped ISTJ’s. INTJ’s with INFJ’s are one of the most rarest types. While their Sensor counterparts are the most frequent.


so the criteria was just how many people trust them?
Even with them, it might be still among the most accurate. You have to understand that these tests are all subjective in a sense. For some may do better, for some not. 16p is the most famous, has elaborate descriptions and it’s reasonably accurate, that’s why I chose it.

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Theoretically. But don’t expect that the distribution of these types will match the general ones. You have some types that incline more to spirituality or fields, or anything related to the channel and forum. Maybe some of them might be mistyped, but I wouldn’t be surprised if none of them were mistyped. It’s no surprise to me that there would be mostly INTJs and INFPs, or overall INXXs.

A theoretical intj stumbled upon the channel, things didn’t make sense much, but was willing to try bcs what could he lose? Then he saw other people in comments that seem to have results, the intj will feel something and then tells himself maybe it’s doing some stuff. Then goes with it days by days and gets some results and gets excited, so he’s gonna explore it whole, will understand more and makes his stack. Then later with more results and insight, he will buy some fields and will want to know how is it doing for others, will want to explore the community a bit more, so he checks reddit, quora, facebook and stumbles upon the forum and he’s there. So in a nutshell, that should be it. Sensor types may not be very open for something that doesn’t seem to make sense at all for them or they just cannot relate it to anything, extroverts may not rly tend to try out and search things so much like that, and with other INXX types it might be somewhat similar to INTJs, just less likely and these may not be so, let’s say, ambitious in that sense. For INFPs the process might be often different, as there are more of them and they might sometimes be somewhat inclined to astrology, spirituality, etc.


Well, I have to say (after reading a little), the descriprion it gave me, about different aspects of my personality, was quite accurate.

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you just described how i got into sapien med !


You literally described how I discovered morphic fields and subliminals. Was also sceptic in the beginning, after I tried some fields and subs for enhancing my memorization skills. After one week of making consistently use I saw the first benefits.


I actually had the assumption that many people especially in this community or in spirituality-oriented communities in general would be INFP-ish and it seems about right.


I’m not shocked about the INTJ-INTP dominance here.

Capture d’écran 2023-09-04 à 22.55.01

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I between INFJ and INFP, depends on which fields im using


Too much self-love fields turns you into INFP, I think. Right?

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Well it depends also on brain fields. In not judging anymore im more perceiving my environment.

It depends on what ability im using.


I was an INFP before too. I turned into an INTJ after doing some inner work. I’m searching right now to turn into an ENTJ after buying The Social Bonder field.

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Very interesting. That’s a good experiment. Please post your results.

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I can already see the subtle shift but it’s not lasting. I will update my results for sure if I attain the peak effects of The Social Bonder.




Nice one. ENFP are the more pleasant, loving and caring MBTI. Generally, women are more prone to be ENFP and men INFP. The dark side of this MBTI is extreme resentfulness towards those who have done them wrong.


This is very true :grin: :relaxed:

Aldo I took test 3 x every time it’s different results :smiley_cat:

I’m an ex-INFP, so yeah.

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The current emotional state when you’re taking the test play a big role. You have to be neutral as much as possible to find your accurate one.


Ok I will take again .

Was the same Campaigner :sparkles:

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