What's your personality type?

The more of your Higher Self you become, the more IENSTFJP you will be.


This can be useful.


I usually score E/I NT J/P. The NT is very strong and seems hard-wired. The E/I and J/P are floaters that wobble above and below the personality plane in response to the situation, the weather, diet, randomness, etc.

Today, I scored ENTP, but Iā€™m working on a public facing project, so more glad-handing and novel idea work. I may get Social Bonder when I do isolated to see what happens.

Done more than 10 times, always INTP

Some of the questions are very fluid for me. At this moment, Iā€™m looking for exact instructions for problem X, while another problem Iā€™m whiteboarding. I think if I were settled into a routine with incentives, Iā€™d have more consistency.

I either get INTJ or INTP

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Are you familiar with this? My friends-acquaintances canā€™t make prolonged eye contact with me, especially those who arenā€™t trustworthy. Itā€™s frustrating. When Iā€™m on a long semen retention streak, itā€™s a whole different story.

not surprising that INs are the most common here. And ESs are nearly not existent.

The truth is there is probably not as much correlation with astrology, and outside of what one would answer in a test (different story when facing situations in reality), everything else is myth.

You will see many different kinds of people even if they have the same cognitive type (personality is a misleading word here).

Butā€¦I think we all like the same movies kindaā€¦check it out xD (at least the list I once read was 100%).

Itā€™s just mental shift. Use the P to figure out the problem, then slide into work modeā€”procrastination field (and many others) help with thatā€”and use J to finish it. You have to assert control. These are not an identity or personalities, they are tendencies that we need to swap out depending on the situation. I/E and J/P are easy swaps to induce through fields. (I never thought how to use fields to swap out N/S or T/F, but I suppose theyā€™re options.)

I get either ENFJ or INFJ

My favorite character on anime is ENFJ :heart_eyes:

I wonder why heā€™s my favorite

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Time to bump this thread. Hard to believe that INXXs would make so overwhelming majority here, lol.

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Guess mine bro.

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Bro, if u wanna be mysterious, you have to be quiet. :smiley:

Before writing the bumping post, I quickly skimmed through the thread. You firstly mentioned being ENFP and then having often INTP results.

And well, I think I would have guessed the N and P for sure. Then itā€™d be hard to say, just wouldnā€™t associate you with INFP, those are different and usually much more inward-oriented. On the internet, lots of introverts appear more extroverted than irl. And also, INTPs mostly tend to be phlegmatic, while ENFPs donā€™t seem to be that much into brain stuff. And ENTPs are often troll-like, lol. But Iā€™m inclined to say rather E than I. And then may guess ENFP perhaps, based on your inclination towards dancing, alongside other stuff. You might try the cognitive functions tests as well.

But if u donā€™t remember my type, you are free to guess mine :wink:

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I knew you were gonna say that btw. I tried to rickroll a INTJ by deleting LOL.

Figured youā€™d already have taken a stroll through the thread to begin with.

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Hm, either telepathy works or itā€™s just easy to guess the patterns.

Nice, you remember. Even tho I more so alternate between I and E, often getting strong E results, even as much as 63%, as well as often seen as an ENTJ. Plus Iā€™m developing other cognitive functions as well, so the traits of all other personality types as well, so later it may be even harder to guess.

I see myself as a more of an ambivert and omnivert.

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Ngl, once I completely heal my brain after so many months of spamming and finally retrieve the shen back, Iā€™m almost 100% certain Iā€™ll be a INTJ/ENTJ. A lot of shadow work too is changing things.

Definitely more talkative online than in person. Guess weā€™ll have to see.


INXXs being the majority makes a lot of sense to me.

  • Introverts spend more time online, thus are more likely to seek out online solutions to their problems.

  • Intuitives are more likely to be open-minded to a solution that sounds strange to the average person.

Thus introverts are more likely to find this place, and intuitives are more likely to actually give it a earnest try.