What's your personality type?

Well, we will see.

According to the Jungian theory, personality type, the cognitive functions, which is primary, secondary etc should be very hard-written, deep inside the brain, so theoretically, it shouldn’t be possible to change your type similarly as with archetype.

And becoming more disciplined and structured doesn’t mean you became an xxxJ. Not saying it’s impossible, just it’s more complicated.

Funnily enough, before Dream ended NFTs, I was long-time planning a project named Universal Individual, which would be to develop and mature all 8 cognitive functions, and much much more, lol.


Yes, that’s correct. I think I pretty much explained it somewhere above, just it’s quite surprising it’s 82%, that’s quite a lot. Perhaps the thread will need lots of bumping to get more votes, better statistics.

Plus I even convinced my ISTJ friend to use fields. So sensorics may start using them if they have a friend who is using them.

It’s also possible sensorics are less likely to learn English or engage in spiritual community like this. Lots of variables


It’s weird. Before sapien and spiritual work etc happened I always tested INTJ. But for the past years I usually test INFP. I don’t really know what happened apart from spiritual stuff, in that period of time I became somewhat of an empath too so might also affect the results, who knows.

I heard the shadow counterpart of INTJ is INFP, there was a chart but I forgot where to look for that, a long time ago…it also said a traumatized INFP might grow to function as an INTJ until healed, this might be the reason.

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Intp but I’m gravitating towards infj more and more, it’s the NI boost up from the Conceptual Conglomerate field and the FE increase from love oriented fields

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In your opinion, can people be right down the middle in some functions?

I test ENTJ usually, but my E and my J are borderline and basically 50/50. I do seem to share traits of ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ, & INTP.

It seems obvious to me that people would exist more on the spectrum of the two letter dichotomy, but MBTI theory tends to magnetise people to their closest approximation.

Side note: That’s quite an achievement :rofl:. I’ve got an ISTJ friend that would probably rather commit harikiri than admit the legitimacy of anything against mainstream scientific consensus.


No idea what that means, according to the test I would be ISFJ-T.


I am INFJ-T personality type.


There was actually a creator here that stated it was possible. I think with hardcore brainwiring and subconscious reprogramming it can be done.

Changing genes as well.

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Nah, I meant generally. One simply doesn’t change his deep cognitive framework, no matters what traits you think you have developed. It’s a functional science, not behaviornal science.

And I didn’t rule out the fields, actually the opposite. That’s why I mentioned I was working on a project which would be to develop all of those 8 cognitive functions, so yeah, I do think that with hardcore brainwiring and subconscious reprogramming together with self work, it’s possible. But without fields? Highly unlikely.

Consider the outside world, their limits of what’s possible and our forum as sort of two different worlds.

And genes, yes, of course. I had DEC2 based field that also was doing huge spikes in A-personality traits.

And I am not Powpren. :slight_smile:

Oh I see, yeah I was referring to myself in the comment. I said I personally have changed.

Oh of course, I was simply adding to the conversation. In the comment I put in the part where you said you weren’t ruling it out. I think your 8 cognitive type idea is awesome and can lead to tons of growth.

Agreed. That’s why being here is so awesome. We can make huge changes with insane speed.

Yes I thought of this as well, but I was referring to myself.

I apologize for the typo lol.

According to the theory, all types have their strengths and weaknesses - and stereotypes tend to form around these. (Worth noting that these stereotypes may not always be accurate.)

ISTJ types are infamous for being stubborn and single-minded - that’s why I said it’s an achievement to convince an ISTJ of the legitimacy of fields, because they have a stereotype of stubbornly stick to their viewpoints.

You’re an ISFJ which is different to an ISTJ. Having 3 letters in common with a different type doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re similar to that type.

The stereotype around ISFJs is that they tend to be caring and altruistic, almost to a fault.


Y’know this project would be very interesting.

There are certain historical figures that are hard to type because they tend to have such developed functions, that it’s hard to tell one from the other.

  • Example that comes to mind is Alexander Hamilton. Seems like a highly developed ENTP that is often typed as ENTJ due to his achievements.
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According to the system, not rly. At least very unlikely. You can get tested in the middle but sooner or later, there should be an inclination found. It’s after all harder, since it’s functional-based, while many other variables may come to influence the outcome.

Will gladly get to most of the rest of stuff here later.

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