The Karma Crucible NFT

Clearing. Surrender to it, allow it to have its way

There’s 2 types of clearing generally, in here or out there. Directly clearing in the body often means you don’t have to experience it out there, not always though


Oh yeah I’m definitely allowing it to clear me, it’s just that, out of all the clearing and healing fields I have used, this one has produced uncomfortable and painful sensations in my body.

I would like to know what’s happening behind the scene but I will trust the work lol.

That’s going to be personal to you and your karmic momentum. If you fully slow down and put 100% of your concentration into the sensations and don’t waver, eventually an impression will be made available to the conscious mind


Ok thank you, will note this.

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To the other owners of this NFT:

Can you please give an update of your experiences with the field?
How often do you use the audio?
What has changed for you so far?
How is it affecting you and your life?

Thank you in advance.


I feel paranoia, as if I am experiencing past life damage. I gotten weird “life flashing before my eyes” thoughts, my heart is burning sometimes, my right side of my body, especially my right ribs feels like it is getting stabbed. Like I said I don’t know if it is me being paranoid but I gotten “flashes” like I was stabbed in the right corner of my body.

5-8 hours.

I feel free at times or after I finished my long listening. I feel the burning rage withering, it is not like other clearing fields I have experienced. I feel one with myself gradually. My ego seems to be fighting hard it seems, trying to stop me from listening.

Life seems more accepting of me… people are bringing nice energy to me, I feel like the veil of the world are unfolding. I can’t describe it well conceptually but this is a whole another new level of clearing.


That’s because it is indeed another level, another layer of reality. Of your cosmic body.

Have a look at the results I posted when I first received this NFT @JAAJ those were the most profound results I got. I’ve had similar since then, just not to the same intensity


Everyday in every way I am getting better and better with Karma Crucible. One of the holy grail field imo. :pray:


Life becomes easier and easier… :blush:


I have been using karma crucible for the last 4 months continuously and sometimes off and on and the things I have experienced is next level. The first few months were awesome felt more lighter inside and energy sensitivity went up with some things coming up here and there. This past month I decided to take a break for a couple of weeks to focus on other things. Got back into this a few days ago and the field feels like 10x stronger than in the beginning and this time I could feel it working on something really deep inside me. Also forgot to mention I think KC released something in my ancestral lineage cause I noticed my family and even distant uncles/cousins have been changing and transforming it’s like everyone is now following their purpose and they are starting to ask deeper questions about life and stuff which caught me off guard lol.


Thank you for posting this. I noticed the same and thought it was just my imagination.


I can attest to this, it is as if a revision has happened and made my family forget anguish and worries. Also when I look at the subtle changes in my life, they add up tremendously.

I promise you, you won’t regret this guys. Keep listening everyday. You’ll experience wonderful changes.


It’s crazy you are talking about revision because after my first few listens I had a download- the same kind I get when I do psychic readings. I’ll spare all of the detailed imagery but I had a vision as well as a somatic experience that correlated and I understood in that moment that my mothers past had been revised— she had been healed, redeemed, elevated etc. and then myself, as her daughter benefited from her healing. I saw that she was given a second chance and she never lost custody of me. I felt it and saw it— it was WILD.

I can’t even…

I’m interested to see how my outer world will begin changing now that I’ve seen this revision


How many times do you listen to it daily?

Thanks and great results!!


I usually listen like once or twice a day then I use the mandala most of the time.


„Karma is our unconscious momentum.

– Sarah Elkhaldy


This has released a lot of resentment towards a lot of people I had in the past. While meditating to this, I felt all the resentment leaving, all I can think of is “I have no enemies”. The vibe with my dad was positive, I always held resentment towards him even though I knew he helped me a lot, but his particular actions in the past has caused lots of disruption within the family.

My dad seems ok, my sisters seem to be doing well, brother seems to be on track. I think this karma or negative sustaining energy within my family has been broken :open_mouth:


This music is so fire, I just play it all day because it’s so catchy. Feels like disco fire burning up all that karma.

Still waiting a long due testimonial from @JAAJ btw lots of hidden subconscious blockages removed that I never was aware.

Guilt and shame over past scenes don’t effect me that much, I suspect, this hidden guilt over my action to which it translated to my subconscious mind that this scene is important to me, so my external reality was reflected.

It is evident those past actions that I have committed aren’t effecting me that much and my negative external reality changed to a positive reality.

Better energy in general, no heavy loads. Although I’m facing tons of “karma induced” scenes that are flashing pass me very fast. That was scary but it was quickly gone.


I’ve seen some talk on here about karmic scenes repeating. I’ll share a little story…

My great grandmother gave birth to a baby boy. The baby had shoulder dystocia (shoulder stuck) and sadly didn’t make it. I remember being told he had red hair.
Fast forward to 3 years ago— I gave birth to my youngest son. He had a shoulder dystocia delivery and almost didn’t make it. Came very close to not making it. An interesting note? He was born with red hair.

I strongly feel that this field in conjunction with doing sorcery supremes arch Angel cord cutting did something metaphysically. Major props to black panther totem, because she is the one who showed me the intentions or karmic ties placed upon my family in some way. This is what led me to do the cord cutting.

Well, last night my son almost got hit by a car while on a bike ride with his dad. We are surely divine protected and blessed, as evident that this sweet boy is still here despite a couple scares in his life.

I just can’t help but feel like this was an effect of the above mentioned energies. I feel that this close call was a physical manifestation of a karmic cord being cut in someway.

If anyone has insight on this sort of thing I’d love to hear it. All I know is the energy in my personal field and home feels very different. It feels like a rip in the fabric of reality is the best way I can describe it. It feels as though a veil has been torn down. I wish I could bottle up the energy because it’s very raw… and somehow special in a way.

Thanks for listening 🩵