The Karma Crucible NFT

How many times do you listen to it daily?

Thanks and great results!!


I usually listen like once or twice a day then I use the mandala most of the time.


„Karma is our unconscious momentum.

– Sarah Elkhaldy


This has released a lot of resentment towards a lot of people I had in the past. While meditating to this, I felt all the resentment leaving, all I can think of is “I have no enemies”. The vibe with my dad was positive, I always held resentment towards him even though I knew he helped me a lot, but his particular actions in the past has caused lots of disruption within the family.

My dad seems ok, my sisters seem to be doing well, brother seems to be on track. I think this karma or negative sustaining energy within my family has been broken :open_mouth:


This music is so fire, I just play it all day because it’s so catchy. Feels like disco fire burning up all that karma.

Still waiting a long due testimonial from @JAAJ btw lots of hidden subconscious blockages removed that I never was aware.

Guilt and shame over past scenes don’t effect me that much, I suspect, this hidden guilt over my action to which it translated to my subconscious mind that this scene is important to me, so my external reality was reflected.

It is evident those past actions that I have committed aren’t effecting me that much and my negative external reality changed to a positive reality.

Better energy in general, no heavy loads. Although I’m facing tons of “karma induced” scenes that are flashing pass me very fast. That was scary but it was quickly gone.


I’ve seen some talk on here about karmic scenes repeating. I’ll share a little story…

My great grandmother gave birth to a baby boy. The baby had shoulder dystocia (shoulder stuck) and sadly didn’t make it. I remember being told he had red hair.
Fast forward to 3 years ago— I gave birth to my youngest son. He had a shoulder dystocia delivery and almost didn’t make it. Came very close to not making it. An interesting note? He was born with red hair.

I strongly feel that this field in conjunction with doing sorcery supremes arch Angel cord cutting did something metaphysically. Major props to black panther totem, because she is the one who showed me the intentions or karmic ties placed upon my family in some way. This is what led me to do the cord cutting.

Well, last night my son almost got hit by a car while on a bike ride with his dad. We are surely divine protected and blessed, as evident that this sweet boy is still here despite a couple scares in his life.

I just can’t help but feel like this was an effect of the above mentioned energies. I feel that this close call was a physical manifestation of a karmic cord being cut in someway.

If anyone has insight on this sort of thing I’d love to hear it. All I know is the energy in my personal field and home feels very different. It feels like a rip in the fabric of reality is the best way I can describe it. It feels as though a veil has been torn down. I wish I could bottle up the energy because it’s very raw… and somehow special in a way.

Thanks for listening 🩵


Hello, I may not know the answer or a better informed user could give a legitimate answer but there were days when I felt a very large processing of paranoia happening within me and it then manifested into my external reality to which the scene passed quickly. The same day the scene happened my paranoia vanished. All I can think of is the shame and guilt were vanished but don’t particularly know why it was there in the first place because prior discovering Karma Crucible, I did a lot of work on myself, cleansing all the negative emotions, loving myself, forgiving myself, lowering my ego, etc but this is field is just bizarre.

And by bizarre, I mean energy is different everywhere around my reality bubble, so in essence of what I am trying to convey is, it is purifying all the accumulated karmic debt you held onto and making you a brand new person, with nothing holding you back. This may seem simple to say but when you listen to this field you understand.

I think it is making you go through all your “karmic” debt in the gentlest way.


Thank you for sharing your experience, I feel good knowing other people experienced the reality glitches too. Maybe you are right, that seems to be a common consensus that karma is released in a way that you are seeing it on the physical plane in various “almost, maybe” events. Very interesting.


How is everyone else doing with this? :weary::laughing:

Everytime I listen I can clairsentiently and claircognizantly understand and feel the effects in my aura! Most audios I feel in my physical body. This one is always a few feet out and all around me. I usually sense snapping sensations and get feelings and visions of like, timelines collapsing.

I only listen once a day, but it’s probably my favorite field of the day simply because it’s so mysterious to me. In some ways I understand what it’s doing, and in other ways I feel completely in the dark.

I will say things have been strange lately since starting it. I already mentioned how my son literally almost got run over. Well, one week later my husband almost loses his job!!!

Like what is going on?!?! :weary:


fun fact: I have 5 planets in the 12th house (karma)
Old soul probs.


And last one to bump now to remind you of one of the crucial fields if not the #1 must have

Take advantage of the sales going now


It’s a gradual process for me

I see things differently from an internal point of view

Sometimes you don’t feel change, other times the changes are happening rapidly.

Dealing with prior past lifetimes (maybe thousands) this is unloading lots of things

A mental pattern which I have have suspected has been born into my essence of soul is dissolving.

This is a field that requires patience in the easiest way possible

My essence always feels like it is being washed with gentle flames

I also seem to be connected with the presence of beings near me.

Looking forward to the new us in one year or more. :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe billions, trillions, infinite :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thank you for sharing. Yes, I’m just pressing play everyday and letting the process unfold. Kind of nice and unexpected things all at the same time.

I just got off the phone with my mom and the day before my sons almost accident, my brother was apparently in an automobile accident. He’s okay!
I think I have to agree with what some people have said earlier of this impacting yourself and family, but pulling you through in the end.

I feel a guiding hand/force over my life more. I know it’s always been there, but I’m more awake to the magic now.

You’re right! Definitely a long term field


What ordered?

Its a treasure field. It is very smooth.

I used several karma protocols from other creators like the advanced version karma cleansing of Shiva of the spirituality zone, karma reiki, akashic karma cleansing and none were so smooth. Maybe its because i listen only three times every night.

I feel ties to some circumstances be in the past. Events and situations in life feel lighter. I also left behind a huge burden in my life lately and this can be a result of this field but can’t say for sure.


Bless both of them for being saved. :pray:


How frequently are you using it?

Does this field also clear trauma?

Thank you my friend, sounds good.

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