Unpopular opinion on karma

Beef, duck, lamb pork, everything is better than Chicken


Have to say… after all this time I still don’t love meat. I eat it so I don’t become anaemic and fall into a heap!

If I had to choose I like the stocks/bone broth made from chicken or fish. Especially with a few Chinese herbs added for tonification. Beneficial for the gut and nourishing. Always makes me feel good when I eat it.

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You don’t like chicken feets?

:rofl: it makes you run fast

Try it

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I’ve eaten some before. More than once.

I prefer beef or duck.


Sorry but didn’t you previously say that karma shouldn’t be believed in/is an illusion?

That’s right and I still kinda don’t believe in it in the way that it is some “cause and effect” / “action and reaction” type of thing.

My latest theory on what “karma” is that it is a disagreement, a dissonance, an incongruency within one’s own Conscious and Subconscious Mind and the Subconscious Minds of other beings involved.

I am using the term here in assuming this underlying mechanics of “incongruency and disagreement inside a person’s Subconscious Mind and related to the Subconscious Minds of others”.
Kind of an “open unpaid subconsicous bills” type of thing.
For the disagreement and incongruence to be settled, all involved parties with their Subconscious Minds AND their Conscious Minds must come to the agreement that the bills are now paid in full or no longer relevant.

That is why I have used the term in " " here. I think it is simpler for most people to understand it this way than the “open bills between Subconscious Minds” model that I just explained.


so does that mean simply acting in good faith?
So that the subconscious is in coherence with the effective deeds so that no distortion arises?
(nach bestem wissen und gewissen?)
So a meat eater who does not grasp on a more profound level that he should not eat meat would also not create “karma”?

The thing is that the Subconscious Mind (and its connection to the Higher Self and connection to other’s Subconscious Minds and the Collective Subconscious Mind) is always already aware of most things.

Not being consciously aware of something does not mean that the Subconscious Mind is not aware of it.

So the meat eater would create “karma” either way.

That’s why there is the heavy emphasis on “making the unconscious conscious”, because if you don’t “it will guide you and be your fate” (as the famous quote from Carl Jung goes).

The Subconscious Mind is aware of the pain caused to another being (because it is connected to their Subconscious Mind too).

The only way were there would be no dissonance (“negative karma”) created, is when the animal eaten would make the conscious and subconscious decision to sacrifice itself as food. But then the question is, how much free will and awareness does a cow has already developed? The cow’s subconscious mind will still experience some kind of trauma from the pain and the knowing of “being slaughtered soon”.


I’m getting too fat man. Definitely gonna try vegetarian again for a week. :rofl:

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I wouldn’t sacrifice myself as food, so I assume we all take on this bill, even as per our own rule.

Now, I had problems with the karma system as I understood it, but the disagreement system seems unfair to me too.

For once…people can’t agree and wouldn’t genuinely forgive someone else, consciously nor subconsciously. I wonder if we sign up for “martyrdom” as payment for someone else’s open bill with us…who can’t genuinely forgive us even if we endure the torture they designed for us.

Second problem is…they’d decide the price to pay.

And third…so someone with completely different values than me thinks something should be made up for/is a trespassing, and I have to roll with it despite me never ever thinking of it as such, or holding anyone up to that criteria.

I know I have enough empathy, that if someone suffers and I feel that subconsciously, I’d immediately agree with their rules and try to make amends through their ruleset too. Since I never thought of it that way until then, it seems absolutely unfair.

It’s something people consciously do, to manipulate and play games with others…everyone seems to be consciously or subconsciously attempting to make you accept their game with the rules they set, and with them having the advantage. For example people don’t think much of when they do something, but it suddenly means the world to them if they can guil-trip you into serving them/paying the price of your sin.

And another poblem with this is, that it would create more karma with everyone. After having to suffer to pay someone’s bill, I’d adopt that belief and demand that others suffer if they commit the same trespassing towards me…and so the wrong views gets passed on and everyone pays for the misperception of one person.

And as far as I know…I may have done nothing to cause anyone suffering, but their way of thinking is what makes it so…again this is way too common in manipulative traumatized people.

So this system seems unfair. Or have we collectively agreed on some common ground?


Although it would be a little bit better this way (if there truly was/is collective agreement), I think we can’t know for sure.

Let’s say some one tells me that I was X in a previous life and did this and that And I need to pay my karmic debt…

NO WAY! I don’t even remember what I ate a few days ago, Nevermind previous incarnations, if it’s true that I’ve had them (I’m Not sold on Anything, sorry… Yes, they are a possibility but Not a certainty in my mind; for all we know, we can live in a freaking game, with some Aliens/Beings playing with us, having some fun lol…).

Some things are just unreliable, also I think that memories can be implanted/installed or at least you can feel as if you had lived these lives, but maybe, it was not you, you are just resonating with it/them…


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Also, Subconscious Mind is almost like a Master…

We are kind of obeying it’s rules…
So Much for the Conscious part…

YET, we can reprogram it, but to what degree?


Well, that’s related to common karma ideas (I think implanted memories are a bigger problem than being talked about though).

But for JAAJ’s definition, not necessary. Unconscious communication is true (for me, at least).

But I think the way JAAJ sees things is more along the lines of “if you interact with someone, you already made agreements beforehand”. I would experience my subjective reality, they would experience theirs, and we would experience a shared reality only on the agreements we made.

So someone can’t come to me like “let me in buddy, I’m gonna make you happy”, and then be like…alright breathing next to me is an offense to my tribe so now I have to see you suffering to my satisfaction so I’m able to forgive you.

Ofc, given the awareness of higher selves, I think they’d be more integrous…but people play these games, and it seems people from other planets (with an awareness similar to higher selves and a working knowledge of free will) play these games too, so I’m not sure.

I just see an exploit there, a possible loophole. It may not be so given it’s higher selves dealing with it, so it may be fair and built on common grounds.

I just knee-jerk reacted to the idea since humans can’t consciously collaborate that easily…and this was subconscious and conscious too…it’s the conscious mind of people that looks for the exploit.


If you’re here, living and eating you can’t escape karma. It’s a perfectly imperfect life just do your best.


Their Subconscious Mind, that is connected to their Higher Self can forgive you though.
In most cases this actually happens if you are really sorry from your heart and your intention is pure and authentic.

Animal souls are also connected with their collective group souls (and Gaia I guess).

But that’s why forgiving is so important.
Because if you don’t you will just carry a remaining etheric cord with you that connects you and the other person with negative emotional energy. This negative emotional energy is bagage that keeps your vibration down.
Forgiving is something you primarily do for yourself as a type of release, letting go and moving on.

Not true, because ALL Consciousness always on some levels cooperates and decides together. Your consciousness and the other consciousness come to some type of agreement where both sides agree when and under which conditions “a bill is paid in full”.

Sometimes both sides can simply agree to tear the bill, throw it away and simply move on.

Yes, we with our waking consciousness have different values.
Even our Subconscious Minds have different values.
But the higher on the spectrum of vibration and consciousness you go, I mean Higher Self and higher, the more values become universally the same and it becomes easier for souls to come into agreements with each other.

So many people down here (on physical earth) cannot forgive each other and move on, because they are stuck with totally different value and belief systems and their egos hate it to change those values and belief systems and be of any flexibility.

Mental inflexibility is what keeps people resentful. You can observe this with hardcore materialist and religious fanatics: they refuse to change their beliefs and values at all costs. They have zero tolerance and zero open-mindedness and thus it is so difficult for them to forgive etc. making them stuck with their own negative “karma”.

Can you please elaborate how you mean this? I am not sure I fully understand this. Can you please make an example? Thanks.

Sounds to me like what I mentioned above: people’s egos and unprocessed shadow in their subconscious mind playing their games of power.

No worries, before your Higher Self created you and you went into incarnation mode etc. it was aware that you would create “karma” during your growth phase, but it was also aware in advance that in the end all will be reconciled and resolved. It cannot be any other way, because your Higher Self is you in the future, so either way all generated “karma” during the game will be processed and transcended.

This is what I believe and why I mentioned above that ALL Consciousness always on some levels cooperates and decides together.


Yes, this as well.

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But if we care about our soul and personal peace and vibration and empowernment, we can still try our best here in the physical (and finish the job later when back to the astral planes, which are still part of the big simulation game).

The Karma Crucible NFT, what I believe that it does, at least as one of its functions, is that it takes out the emotional energy that is attached to all the etheric cords we have with people.

And then, this allows for our Subconsicous Minds and Higher Selves to easier to come to agreements of how “open bills shall be settled and reconciled”.

Maybe even followed up by like an automated “Please forgive me” and “I forgive you” type of mechanism.


Oh absolutely, it’s a no brainier to want to live well and with as little drama. It’s what led me into vegetarianism to begin with! With much trial and tribulation I’ve just come to the conclusion life is like a plus and minus game. You come in with a certain ratio and you pay your dues as well as accrue along the way. Ultimately karma aside it’s just live according to Divine laws or somewhat in harmony with the natural world. Life’s ebbs and flows won’t be too extreme.
So in a way karma is also when you’re living in disharmony and it needs correction. Justice for all has a way of correcting it gently too.
This subject alone can be contemplated upon forever!