Unpopular opinion on karma

I dunno… either way, it has issues lol

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I didn’t want to write a long post only to be told “it’s not scientific; it was just meant for some type of thought provoking experiment”.

Though to be fair I really wasn’t sure if it was scientific

I think I’ll reply, we should make a separate thread


You mentioned (in some past post) how the human brain evolved from fats in the diet… that would run up against quite a few lines in the diagram.

With dabetics in my family (who were mostly vegetarian), I know very well that there are big issues with the modern food system as well as things that pass for modern science. That diagram is a bad fit by any measure.

I’m not really interested in changing minds, though. We all find our way for ourselves lol.


When I look at the picture, all I see are sweet and baked stuff i.e. nothing raw vegan or nutritious?
I always assumed that Indian food is almost always cooked so that it is more hygienic?

“Vegetarian” or “vegan” does not mean automatically nutritious or healthy. Otherwise I could just live off potate chips and dark cholocate.

Anyways, the Indian food that I am aware of is in general very unhealthy. It is almost all cooked, all very mucus-rich, all very acidic.
The cooked vegetables are often accompanied with a lot of meat, white rice and bread stuff, all of which are very unhealthy and which leads to acidosis in the longterm – the main origin of most health issues related to diet.

Almost all my friends in Mumbai are overweight and have health-problems and they are in their early thirties and despite doing sports. They almost never eat anything raw vegan.

I go to a premium Indian restaraunt ca. once every two months – for the taste of course and as a special occasion. I would never consider Indian food as anything but festive food and I could not eat it for more than 2 days in a row and stay fit.
My body simply craves fresh vegetables because it knows what is nutritious. I eat 1 to 2 kg of fresh veggies a day and that is my main food. It is primarily alcalic, mucus-less, detoxing, nutritious and youthifying. That’s one of the secrets to stay young – an alcalic raw vegan diet.


I think the answer is:

Humans evolved to be omnivores in the short-term as a survival mechanism but are naturally herbivores/frugivores.

Or in other words:
Humans can eat everything in the short-term in order to survive.
But need to eat mostly plants and fruits in the long-term in order to stay fully healthy.

Hey, listen to this (from an experienced astral traveler and researcher), maybe it will help you:


I agree that veg and fruit is healthy for humans but humans are also healthier on higher protein diets. Higher muscle mass and protein intake helps us as we age. Now I’m not saying its impossible to get enough protein a day on a veg based diet but it’s not as easy, especially when one goes into the realm of 100+ grams a day.


I wouldn’t disagree with you that a lot of Indian food is cooked and often over processed but still the day to day meal is actually not. The food you have eaten in restaurants is the feasty type of preparation and is not healthy but the regular household preparation is actually healthy with cooked vegetables and lentils with flatbreads in north India and rice in south India. Your friends in mumbai are overweight and so are mine because of lack of exercise as India is a different structure … there is a lot of cheap househelp available specially in cities and people don’t do physical labour, almost none of it. They don’t do much sports or outdoor physical activities as well. They also tend to over indulge in food that is over processed and fried. But these days people have become more aware and have stated to resort to healthier eating and exercise … younger people in India have a healthier lifestyle than the older ones.

The point here wasn’t that Indians eat healthier … I was just trying to respond to someone about vegetarian choices of food and how we don’t essentially need meat for nutrition or for variety and flavours.

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I am married to a South Indian man. I’m not saying you all eat mango’s for dessert, I’m saying the weather is warmer and food will grow. Mango trees like the warmth.
And certainly didn’t mean to imply you are all forages :joy:


And re Jainism there are extreme restrictions that obviously doesn’t include your family. Glad you’re all healthy.

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The Reason why your Indian Friends and Most Urban Indians are Un-Healthy and Fat is that we have been strategically shifted away from our Ancestral Food Habits and Ancestral Organic Farming Habits by Man-Made Famines and by using Indoctrination and NLP thru Television and Radio and done by our own Govt at the behest of the Zionist Elites/ Cabal/Globalists and their Evil Food Company-Big Pharma Nexus.

Our Ancestral Diet consisted of Cooking Indian Foods in Pure Coconut Oil or Pure GHEE (Clarified Butter) Derived From Pure A2 Milk of Desi Cow Breeds (Not A1 Milk of Foreign Cow Breeds). Even Today people and Farmers from Indian Villages that follow this diet based on consumption of A2 Milk and Ghee are much stronger and Fitter compared to Urban Indians who Cook their foods in Modern Seed Oils and Purchase adulterated Food from Grocery shops instead of Farmer Markets.

In the Indian State of Haryana which is famous for Wrestlers, even Today People Follow a predominantly Vegetarian Life while consuming A2 Milk based products.

However, I do understand that following a Vegetarian Diet is easier when you live close to the Tropics. For people living Northwards in Europe and Russia, following a pure vegetarian diet is not feasible in the long-term, unless they create Green Houses for Farming Greens and Veggies.


I eat meat. I like it and sometimes my body really craves it.

Not every meat, only good quality from a few selected animals.
No fast food or cheap stuff from the supermarket.

I´ve done vegetarian for some time (none of that trash “vegan-meat” crap), and deffo felt something lacking. I could probably live with less meat, like once a week.

I do see a difference in killing to eat, or killing for pleasure/out of fear.

When I die, my body rots and will be reused by other lifeforms, and I don´t condem them for it.
Life requires resources in one way or another.

How the animals we eat are treated and killed is a completely different discussion.


Anyway guys,
What’s your favourite meat? :grin:


Beef. Chicken and chicken feets



Beef 100% :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Beef, duck, lamb pork, everything is better than Chicken


Have to say… after all this time I still don’t love meat. I eat it so I don’t become anaemic and fall into a heap!

If I had to choose I like the stocks/bone broth made from chicken or fish. Especially with a few Chinese herbs added for tonification. Beneficial for the gut and nourishing. Always makes me feel good when I eat it.

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You don’t like chicken feets?

:rofl: it makes you run fast

Try it

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I’ve eaten some before. More than once.

I prefer beef or duck.


Sorry but didn’t you previously say that karma shouldn’t be believed in/is an illusion?