Unpopular opinion on karma

That’s not what I said.
You decide for you.
I decide for me.

Which ideas do you mean?

I’ve been studying this topic for decades.
So unless you are a super experienced astral traveler I would assume that you have no clue about the afterlife.

Whatever this means to you and whatever your definition of “evolution” is, these are not the mechanics that I live by.

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You said it does not matter what I believe, your belief trumps it. I.e. my subconscious mind will affect me based on guilt. You made a belief based judgement upon me so I am able to do the same to you. That’s called fair.

You also said because I am aware I am responsible for the ideas you believe are true. Once again, disregarding my beliefs to impose yours.

I dont actually mind that you do this, just be aware that you’re doing it. I dont really care if you disregard my or other’s beliefs and try to impose yours on me as I have a religious family and so am used to how believers act lol.

Your ideas on karma.

Nice. Same. Make all of the assumptions you want to in this life.

Live however you choose to. One of humanity’s greatest strengths is its ability to choose any version of right or wrong it wants and run with it.


I meant with regards to believing in a “higher judging power”.

If you aware that some of you actions can cause harm to others, then you are automatically responsible and have the free will choice.

As for imposing ideas from me onto you or you onto me: we are both aware of what the other’s communicated idea is and each of us, with their free will, has the option and choice to decide whether we want to accept it or not.

I don’t really believe in karma, that’s why I put the word in " ".
But I believe in alignment and congruency of your Subconscious Mind with your conscious mind. There is no need for the word “karma” here to explain the mechanincs. The mechanics is that if you consciously do harm to another being, a part of you will always know it and it will create incongruency within you, or even a cognitive dissonance. This incongruency will lead to you manifesting stuff into your personal reality that will reflect this and that is usually not positive.

So you have been studying this topics for decades as well?

I don’t fully understand where your world model come from, but since you are still speaking about “humanity”, this might indicate that you have a very heavy physical-earth-focussed perspective.

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It was more than that obviously. You saying how guilt and such work within a person’s existence and subconscious means you have a belief system that you are using to decide how things will play out. That’s normal and everyone does it to some extent.

Free will isnt a given imo, but I pretty much agree with you here.

I don’t necessarily agree but that’s just your belief vs mine.

Yeah. Existence is a trip. It’s easy to see why people like being here.

Humanity is our anchor whether we like it or not. We were born into a species based on group social mechanics and so it’s obvious why people process things how they do. The idea of oneness, unity vs individuals and all of that is pretty easy to see is based upon our programming. We kinda step past that after kundalini but it doesnt go away completely.


The large chunk of India you’re talking about is near the equator, so food is ample. Imagine just living near mango trees and being able to eat them whenever. Lucky forest dwellers

But if you come from the northern hemisphere you’re dealing with snow and cold conditions at various times of the year. Not much food growing so hunting it is if you want to stay alive.




The karma of putting a curse on someone is surely no joke either

We all make choices where we are and we make better choices as we gather more resources and become more conscious.

Fear mongering and shaming people for their current choices isn’t something that vibes with me at all…


Is this supposed to be scientific or is it some food for spiritual thought ?

Either way, see you in a few hours.


Nothing spiritual. Its purely biology, comparison of digestive system of different types of organisms.


This may be interesting for some or completely crazy for others, but I don’t view God, Jesus, Metatron, any Angel or “Higher Being” as being superior to me, none of them…

I think we are all practically Equals, yes, we are at a different level, for sure, i also don’t walk on water :sweat_smile: (yet, who knows lol, maybe we’ll get a field someday :grin::pray:), nor am I perhaps as Moral or as Strong, Mighty, Glorious, Fancy, Loving, etc. (you name it) as them, but I Am a Divine Being and so is Everyone, and All Animals as Well and All Beings,…, so WHY Should God, Jesus, Metatron or Anyone have the Right to Judge Me?

Have i given my Consent or My Approval to these rules (not to eat meat, etc.)?

If not, I don’t recognize their Authority, nor their Judgement.

But, them being Stronger, might judge me anyway…
But I don’t like nor find that to be right.
It is against My Will to be judged.
We are not the same, as in, we act differently, we view the world differently, and for some of us (not me), eating meat is not such a big deal…

Now, do I find it wrong?
Yes, eating meat is definitely wrong, immoral, etc.

The problem is that we live in a cursed world, which allows so much suffering, are humans to blame or the ones who made the whole system?


I don’t blame anyone.

I have more important things to focus on, you know, Getting Healthier and Having a Better Life, among them.

Whether I like it or not, I live in a physical body, in this world, which seems to have certain rules, many of which are beyond my current knowing/understanding, whether I like them or not…

In a practical sense, I just want less suffering and a Better life for me, my dear ones, for those who have helped me and to skip to the end, I wish all The Best for All Beings…
Including meat eaters and vegans. :grin::pray:


You’re proving your point with meme level visuals?

Humans are not herbivores | Vegan Biologist

Humans are Omnivores - Evidence - Biology Online Archive Article.

zoology - What makes humans omnivores, and not herbivores? - Biology Stack Exchange

I’m not trashing anyone’s rights or desires to eat how they want, but if you’re going to claim humans are supposed to eat one way or another based on biology then you should at least look into it some beyond peta/vegan propaganda and old drawings.


The real question though. Who’s gonna feed me today. Vegan or non vegan. I’m open for free foods.


Freee foods always test better

Anyone who couldn’t agree with that just salty.


You are Aussie? In Indonesia, that indomie is goated and akin to universal fast food lol

Im fully Indonesian. No not Aussie

Selamat malam qaqa, emang boleh se fully indonesian ini?

Jk jk

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Mlm. Slm kenal barong!

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ga nyangka the infamous imogen ternyata indonesia

Oops … I am a Jain by birth and by practice too… I am not unhealthy for the lack of nutrition and no one in my family ever died of starvation. I am and have been a vegetarian all my life, no meat no fish no eggs. I do take milk and milk products so I am not vegan. I am able to get more than enough proteins from lentils (since lentil is part of our daily diet) and veggies and fruits and grains. I don’t feel there is any shortage of creative cuisines that can be made with vegetarian diet and no shortage of flavours as well. I have sustained being vegetarian in Europe as well and now sustaining it in US as well. In India it was easier of course since a larger population was vegetarian so when eating out we had much more options.

The Jain diet of vegetarian and also fasting rather keeps us healthier and saves us from diseases like cancer etc to some extend (although I won’t claim there have been zero cases of cancer and yet I feel they are lesser)


@Ulyana … having grown up in India … your assumptions about India make me laugh :joy:
You should consider a long vacation to India and see for yourself how we forest dwellers live lol :rofl::rofl:

PS : we don’t eat mangoes for desserts … if you go to one of our deserts place ( mithai ) … they have over 250 varieties of desserts to pick from

That’s just a small variety in the pic of what they actually got in India. Besides, out of 25 states each state has hundreds of its own vegetarian cuisines to eat from. So in all there must be around 10,000 different variety of vegetarian preparations across India (I am not exaggerating)

We aren’t gatherers and there is no shortage of nutrition or choices in a vegetarian diet


you can see it too ?

Bless your soul.

If people see through it, might not be worth the effort to reply directly with a long one