Unpopular opinion on karma

Scare of your… stern words. But it’s okay if you reveal some cool stuffs later.

Anyway, so in the end i want karma-free Big Burger. Or karma-free meats which contain Karma Crucible field in it with a bit of luck energy. So in the end we can eat burger as many as we want. :wink:

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You’re trying to piss him off now.

He’s worried about the animals, you want to hack karma to keep torturing them karma free.


Karma is everywhere… but there are degrees to it.

You’d get more bad karma if you specifically killed the animal and ate it.

When someone else tortured/killed it you get second hand karma.

A bit like second hand smoke… how bad it is for you depends on how savage the tastes of the smoker are lol


It is not me you should be scared of, but that’s not a thing you get.

You want to cause suffering to living and divine beings and not experience any suffering yourself.

You don’t have to worry about “pissing me off”. I’m going to do what I’m going to do either way, and karma will do what it will do either way.

The one thing I WILL do “to” you is to clearly state Truth. And you are karmically responsible for what you do with it.

I don’t disagree, but why participate in bad food and bad karma and animal torture? Just because you’re not the only one doesn’t mean you aren’t karmically ruining your life and ruining your body at the same time.

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I don’t disagree… I can’t remember the last time I had fast food…

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Good for you! Note that animal torture is rampant throughout the industry, so you’re not necessarily on the level by buying more expensive meat at the grocery store. But I’m glad you’ve given up fast food, and I hope you continue your journey toward a pure and karmically brilliant life!

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Y’all don’t even know. I have severe and real PTSD from the last time I intentionally ate store-bought meat. My roommates had made some stew, I got drunk, and decided to eat some. I will probably never talk about what Metatron made me experience that night while I slept, but I am not dumb enough to ever make that mistake again.

Being an incarnation of the archangel Metatron, I am probably more susceptible to his direct punishment than you are. But you are not immune, and you’re not going to be immune, and when you eat that garbage it doesn’t just screw with your karma, it screws with your body, it screws with your mind, and it put you in a low vibration.

I have said before that Metatron, the archangel of Karma, is by far the most terrifying being I know. If you are scared of a feather from an archangel, imagine when the entire archangel comes for you. I am not even a wing.

Do not fear me. Fear Karma. Fear God. Fear the divine faces that have appeared from karma. Fear your life review when your life will be integrated with the other lives you influenced. Fear the pain that will come with that process if you have knowingly caused them suffering here. Recognize that you will absorb and experience that suffering.

I’ve done long term vegetarianism. It’s hard to maintain in every phase of life unless you’re a yogi and sit in meditation all day. If you need to live in the world it’s just not sustainable. Historically only the south of India has been for generations vegetarian with milk products. Jainism also but these guys (Jain) aren’t healthy and normally die of starvation. I’ve not had maccas, kfc, anything like that, no soft drinks for all this time and will not continue it but a little meat and saturated fat is something that I need right now. All indigenous cultures ate meat but with big differences to how they treated animals and used every single part, so nothing went to waste. Definitely agree that how we treat animals, how much meat we consume and our attitudes to sentient beings must change.


I agree with this. Less meat and better treatment of animals.

I spent a lot of time on small farms as a kid, people gave names to their livestock, they’d give them space, worry about the heat, they rub their animals fur, no one was allowed to stress or beat animals. They would get angry if one mistreated the animals “would you like to be treated like that ?”, the farmers thought about the family and relationships of their animals, as much as they could. The mama, the sister, the son. They needed their personal space.

You had to treat them well before eating them, they weren’t supposed to see a knife and the other animals were not supposed to see the slaughter, it would be emotional torture.

Industrial meat grinders are disgusting, it’s barbaric and gives you bad quality meat.
Less meat and higher quality, sure.

BUT… I think we have way more important issues than the wellbeing of animals these days. I think it’s distracting us from more urgent problems and human suffering. In terms of priorities, this is at the bottom of my list.

Making animals suffer is low IQ, uncivilized behavior. But I won’t put a chicken or a cow above a human life. Never. Call me an humanist if you want, but I say we have bigger issues.

Like honestly, if you can either save a human baby or a baby chicken and you hesitate because both have the same value. To me there is something really wrong with you and I find it disgusting when pets in rich countries have more medical treatments than humans in poor countries.


Can’t *say they’re at the bottom of the list but certainly more pressing issues are at hand. Lots of respect to smaller scale farmers
Sorry typos irk me

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Karma-free burgers exist only in your lucid dreams or as energetic constructs on the astral planes where no being had to die for.

Here in the physical there is no such thing as a karma-free burger.
Animal torture is animals torture and eating that unhealthy physical meat would be stupid either way.

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That karma is based upon the harm of others is flawed and belief projection imo. It is impossible for life to exist without feeding upon others within the material universe (possibly the spiritual as well…) Resources and scarcity is the fundamental lesson we need to become aware of. Ignoring it causes suffering. Overemphasizing and abusing it causes suffering. Suffering all the way down, so you gotta walk the tight rope if you want to minimize it.

But that is all you’re able to so. Whether you’re discussing the plants that do in fact feel pain or the microorganisms we hold within ourselves that exist within a state of constant war, violence and death is inherent to life and suffering is guaranteed. Again, you can decide to minimize it but it is impossible to completely eradicate it. It’s very possible that if we did numb creatures to the suffering of material existence then their mental/spiritual existence would then be affected to a possibly greater degree. Definitely a gamble there.

So if suffering of some sort is required for this existence then all humans can do is, again, try to minimize it. Then we get down to what is and isnt creating more or less suffering for humans. Imo vegetarian diets are not optimal for humans which are omnivores, especially if physicality is a goal or necessity for them. Sure there are examples of humans in the past where they were able to thrive on vegetarian diets but meat is superior for these endeavors. And since less wealthy individuals are more likely to work physical labor jobs they would be better off as far as health goes by having a decent diet. So then we need to again take into consideration resource scarcity.

Organic free range meats are more expensive than the cheaper varieties, which not everyone can afford. Eggs, same. Fish, same. Even vegetables, same. So we end up in a position where a person can choose to sacrifice physical well being for emotional/belief soothing by abstaining, but it will have a real impact on their capabilities.

Now, I will 10000% agree that better quality foods is better in every way for a person. But can everyone afford to eat like this? There’s a reason premium foods have premium costs. I also dislike how animals are treated and how humans are so dismissive of their bodies and health, but is there an easy fix for this? Like it or not a lot of the time fastfood is a cheaper option for people that dont have the capability to home cook healthy meals. Especially if you’re homeless then fastfood is close to as good as you’re going to ever get. The arguments about treatment of animals and vegetarian vs meat are basically rich people problems anyways.

Basically you’re screwed if you believe that karma is based upon these ideas. If you dont think you are then you’re cherry picking ideas of right vs wrong. A healthy and spiritually advanced person is still attemptting genocide upon the “bad” microorganisms invading his body.


Animal torture is basically meal time for cats in their native environment. A bored cat can put most humans to shame lol


But you are not a cat.
At your level of consciousness you have much more responsibility.
If you act like you don’t, then this is what creates the “karma”.
Subconsciously you will still know that you did harm to another being while you had the option to choose otherwise.


Who determined I have this responsiblity? Your god or mine? I don’t share the same ideas on karma that most people seem to and I dont believe it is a guarantee.


Somebody gets it!

If you wanna be incarnated as an animal with little conscience, little responsibility, and little power, act like one.

But you didn’t incarnate that way, you are in a more evolved body in an evolved society. A big chunk of India was vegan centuries before the industrial revolution.


Does not matter what you believe.
Your Subconscious Mind will know and you will always wear some of this guilt with you and constantly live in cognitive dissonance.

Does not matter whether you believe in God or what God, you cannot lie to your own Subconsicous Mind.

Since you are aware of having the choice, since you are aware of having the option to decide and do otherwise, means you already have the responsibility.

Being aware = automatically also being responsible.

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For me to simply stay alive and breathe my body must sacrifice oxygen molecules.

Or for me to have existed in Creation at all many follicles and millions of sperm would’ve been sacrificed.

But to not see the flaw in this design, the suffering it causes is to be blind.

The Bible does say that Eden was a perfect place though with no suffering. So when we try and live kinder we are trying to recreate that place of perfection that’s in the collective higher mind. The Dreamtime or whatever your religion/ spirituality calls it. It’s a faded memory but there was a time, it’s just not now

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Okay, I’ll bite. If you can decide what affects me based upon your beliefs then I get to decide what happens to you based upon mine. Your subconscious mind will see you purposefully limiting your advancement and growth because you hold onto faulty ideas and so you’ll be spiritually blocked from advancement after this life.

You are prioritizing your adolescent emotions over your future growth. Your subconscious and spiritual self will judge you and won’t be forgiving. You need to stop leaning on emotional soothing and lean into evolution.