Unpopular opinion on karma

I used to enjoy fast foods but since I started listening to fields, I can’t stand it anymore. The food tastes like shit, doesn’t nourish you and it’s hard to digest. And it’s damn expensive for its quality. I’d rather spend those 10-15 euros in a local shop and support who actually cares about ingredient quality.

This beautiful homemade burger costs like a crispy mcbacon menu large here in Sardinia


I can taste it just from looking at the picture with Conceptual Realizations. :wink:


It is true, unfortunately.

Someone much Wiser than me said that any action has ripples through both the future, but also the past…

The fact that we eat meat, the butchers are counting on that, so a future action determines the horrible suffering and death of an innocent being…
That’s why (one of the reasons) I became a Vegetarian in the first place, the thought of me enjoying death or rather finding pleasure after some being was tortured and killed…

I will get back to being Vegetarian, however, all the other points I made still stand,…, but indeed, Compassion towards Life/Other Lifeforms, especially towards Innocent ones, Is The Way Forward.

Suffering/torturing a Being or simply killing it just to eat it (unless absolutely needed), just for the taste, it is horrible…

I also want to add another thing:
We are All One, we make One Body, One Huge Existence, we are all parts of it and we are That Existence Itself…
Killing, torturing, punishing or producing any kind of suffering to/towards others/other beings, is actually Self Harm, Self Killing, Self Torturing, Self Punishing, Since we are all connected and basically different cells of the same Body, different Shades of the Same Supreme Reality…

Due to the Adrenaline or due to Liking the Taste (of meat or any other pleasure which results from harming other beings, in any way), one might not feel the pain immediately, but one will, in due time…
Any harm done to another being is self harm.

Anything Done To Others is Done to (One)Self…

Regarding Plants…

I think that Karma is Heavier when we eat a more Complex Organism, due to it being a Higher Expression of The Absolute, so, eating Plants/Vegetables would bring less Negative Karma upon oneself.


I’m way too tired, and beyond angry with most of you, to even deal with the stupidity in this thread in full right now, so here goes.

  1. You KNOW you’re paying people to torture animals when you buy a big mac. You WILL eat the karma for this. You WILL live out every life of every animal you’ve paid people to torture until the very ability to do so in another incarnation is burned out of your soul. You may think otherwise, but I promise you, this will happen.

  2. All your excuses are just so much drivel. It takes more “food” to feed animals for slaughter than to just eat the food naturally and healthy, without creating and mistreating new lives because “I like cheeseburgers” or whatever ridiculous excuse you’ve come up with. Explain that to Jesus while you’re being cut off and cast into the fire in outer darkness. Literally, if you believe just the red letters in the Bible, if you choose to do evil because, “I like cheeseburgers,” that’s exactly where you’re going - in this life, and the next. When you are told The Truth, and you willfully choose for your branch NOT to bear fruit, well… What would Jesus do? Outer darkness! His words, not mine. From a physical perspective, your body barely sees it as sustenance, and you are likely to die young with a limp dick and a fat gut.

  3. I will deal with this point in depth later. Piracy isn’t stealing, period. Intellectual Property is a modern invention of kings and guilds to consolidate and control power. The argument that if people pirate things it’ll stop the creators from getting paid, and therefore from creating, is just silly. We KNOW this is a lie. We KNOW this is false. It can easily be Googled. Back in 09 the MPAA released a statement saying that the movie industry was dead, more movies were being pirated than ever, and there would be no more blockbuster movies, as there would be no profits. The very next day, Avatar came out. It was both the most pirated and the highest grossing movie in film history up until that point. There is plenty of nuance to this, but I’m just not going to allow that bit of ridiculousness to go on anymore. IF YOU STEAL SOMETHING, SOMEONE ELSE DOESN’T HAVE IT. NO EXCEPTIONS. Every time I see the word stealing used to refer to piracy it makes me viscerally angry, and yes, I’m going to address this very specifically and at length in my upcoming book-length post. Someone sent me a copy (zero chance I’ll be telling anyone who, and they are under my metaphysical protection of course) of Blueprint of Life two weeks before I paid for it.

  4. The Jew comment was because someone made an ignorant post and his arguments could just as easily have applied to Jews. Context, people. I have found that most arguments in favor of our treatment of animals are 100% applicable to humans, too. You could just sub in “people” for “animals” and “Jews/blacks/whatever” for the species, and literally, slave owners 160 years ago were using the identical arguments, as did the Nazis regarding the Jews. The fact that you didn’t mean it that extreme means nothing - the point is the vibe you are in, and from what I can tell, eating abused animals both gives you an unrealistic sense that you have to defend your position, and makes you dumber than a box of rocks. And no, I’m not even trying to be nice about it, and I have no obligation to be. I said in my first post, don’t argue, just ask yourself, “what on Earth is wrong with me?” That right there’s some of the best advice I’ve ever given. You should all be taking it right about now. But no one in my life has ever done so, and then karma comes and clobbers you, hard.

  5. I am specific and precise in my analogies. I am not convinced that eating a humanely killed overpopulated prey animal would be worse than selling pirated audios, for example, nor would I claim that the folks reselling Sapien’s audios are only guilty of piracy. I am specific and precise in the rest of my words as well. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

  6. There is an opinion that we can’t worry about this stuff, we should just live our lives and be happy. That’s ridiculously evil. It is your divine purpose to be PRESENT for all your actions and decisions, and if you ignore your higher self and allow the evil within to take root, you will soon find yourself very unhappy and completely smote by karma. Let me be clear - if you pay people to torture animals, you are not a good person, and you have more bad karma coming your way, for SURE.

Follow the Instagram Pages “alkalinearchitect” and “alkaline_cellfood” to get a better perspective.

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It’s not an attack.
I’m not here to disagree with “eating animal” is evil. But since this is a public forum and you made a thread where we can all freely reply.

You ignore many other things.
If you look at the highest grossing movies of all time adjusted for inflation, number 1 will be “Gone with the wind” from 1939. The only 2 movies on the list after 1979 are ET (82) and Titanic (97).

Word of mouth is marketing, but yeah, real profit have been going down and the industry is now afraid of taking risk recycling known successful tropes that are predictable.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that if people get your product for free instead of buying, it’s less income.
In fact the movie industry had to shift into higher prices, theme parks, movie theatres (which are social events and have gotten more costly). They’ve bargained harder with movie theatre on profit sharing and beverages and drinks have gone up in price to make up for it.

There’s also increased product placements and advertising revenues, which come with strings attached.

Now everything is a series on subscription services, yes, blockbusters are pretty much dead.
I assume you were using hyperboles when you said kings and stuff.

There are some big excesses with copyright, but Intellectual Property stipulates that the objects subject to protection cannot be obvious. That is because it cost lots of research and development and movies cost more and more.

Movie studios are subsidized now on top of the tax advantages, artificially proping them up. Tax payers foot the bill and their reliance on the financial sector explains many of the restrictions and propaganda inside them. Any movie buff will notice the drop of quality in movies over the years. That’s the part that’s not accounted for. Creators of big budget endeavours cannot rely on customers alone anymore and creative freedom is going down.

Let’s take the example of technologies who took decades of funding and are stolen by a foreign country who didn’t have to bare the cost of research, they can now be more cost-efficient and take other the market. It lowers the incentive to invest in fundamental research.

That partly explains why most new inventions are just software and why new smartphones and other technologies stay the same.

If I put billions to research something and then you just manufacture it, I have billions of dollars of disadvantage to make up for before showing a profit. Clear case: Solar panels. There are many more.

Somebody is paying for it in non-obvious ways including the time it took to become an expert and create the intellectual property. Instead they could have done something else with their lives. Innovations have diminishing returns, that’s why it takes more scientists and more money to sustain innovation and now every research paper about minor discoveries take so many co-authors and multi-disciplinary specialist which is reflected in the quasi disappearance of lone inventors and non-institutional discoverers.

Also, the faillure rate is way north of 50%, most fail, they compensate knowing that one big win will make up for the lost time, effort and investments.

People from around the world study for years and move to the developed world for its legal system and profit from their inventions. It’s a powerful incentive.

Someone needs to pay for the machines, lasers, wages.
Also disinvestment from lower performing industries leads to stagnation. Which sounds bad but everyone wants their hedge fund and pension fund to invest in higher returns industries.

Quick post, not going into too much details here.
I prefer not to touch the 4th slave and nazi point, but I also think it’s misleading.

Ignoring details and using heuristics is great to make quick decisions but doesn’t help manage and create complex things in the age of information and precision.


I am product of karma of my past lives.

All we are.


I love you. You are wrong. You are almost entirely a product of karma. The entire point of the universe is to create a singularity - when that which should not happen according to your programming, happens.

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I disagree but I hearted your post anyway because you took the time to write it and your arguments are well thought out.

I have considered all this, of course. But I’m at a wedding ATM and about to dance with a 2yo to Baby Shark, so no time for long posts lol.


I just watched the 2014 film ‘Noah’ starring Russell Crowe. Fascinating film that repositioned vegetarianism, if not logically (by today’s lights), in a way that made me, as a spectator, root for Noah’s abhorrence of meat eating. I’m still an omnivore, but the Okinawa diet, with those purple sweet potatoes, is something I’m considering.


Yep blue zone is the way to go.

Carry on… enjoying this robust discussion.

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Note that these are also good points. It doesn’t mean that my overarching point is wrong, my point is that piracy is not the same as stealing, not that it’s generally or always a good thing. But I legit disagree with some of them, and I’ll post that later.

BTW, I’m at a wedding right now and drinking. So whatever I post later will 100% be ME, and unfiltered, so that’s the point when you can really learn the deep mysteries of the universe if you choose to, but they will be told through a crasser mindset. I apologize for anything offensive I say, and encourage everyone to both take it with a grain of salt (especially emotionally), and to understand that this is still the highest wisdom I have, and you have a real opportunity to learn something I might not teach otherwise.

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I’m all up for an engaging debate.

My only concern as a moderator is this

I’ve seen what you’re capable of in the past.

As long as it’s not 40% cursing and new users don’t come telling me they are afraid that SorcerySupreme guy will curse them until their genitals fall off because they had a nice BBQ with their families this weekend.

Otherwise, write your mind


I feel you, but whatever it is is what it is.

Do not think that when I explicitly tell you how you have screwed up in the universe and how your karma is going to come and hit you in the ass, you are better off with me not telling you because I just didn’t care and wasn’t unfiltered.

If you have to delete my posts tonight, do what you have to do. If I could make a request, screenshot them and send them to me first. I don’t think I will be saying anything I would not fully support while 100% sober.

Keep in mind that Jesus himself would have said some of the people on this forum are white and sepulchres, and inside are dead men’s bones.

This is not a threat, and I will say mean things to you if you take it as one. What do you think the karma would be of deleting Jesus’ post? If I am not more aggressive than Jesus was, leave it be. Or don’t. The choice is yours. I really don’t care anymore. And yes, 95% or more of churches would definitely ban Jesus too.

In a way, none of it matters. We are all God, we will all go back to God, whatever that means. I will give my speculations and understanding of the future time, but most of us can agree on that. At the same time, everything matters, because every small and tiny thing you do in the universe creates karma and changes the entirety of space-time, and you will live out your karma whether you think you will or not, all the good parts, and all the bad parts.

Since we are both part of the same rate over soul, and we both inhabit the same dimension and reality, I would love for everyone here to just get it all and get along and love each other.

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I approved your post but there must be a problematic word somewhere in there. @system auto flagged it.

Don’t mind it, but it’s not the mods censoring.


If it comes to that, I will.


:scream: i think you’ve become scarier…

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Also, I’m not really expecting an engaging debate. I say that which is true, and nothing I have ever spoken on this forum has not been absolute truth.

My only desire is that those who are ready for that truth see it and resonate with it.

Seeing the absolutely ridiculous responses in the thread relating to Big Macs, I am fully aware that most are not even close to resonating with the truth, and that includes the people on this forum. Hell, a year ago I was eating Big Macs.

If that thread alienates every other person on this forum, but my unfiltered and pure opinion stimulates one person to understand and do the right thing, then I have done what I was supposed to do, and the post was successful.

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You can be scared of me if you want, but I’m not trying to scare anybody. I am trying to explain to people why the stupid and unthinking things they do effect not only their own lives but everyone else’s as well.

Honestly, what are you scared of? Speak it. And the reasoning behind it.

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