Unpopular opinion on karma

Doesn’t it rather just come up to what extent can we just accept that it’s pretty much the way nature works?

For now, we can’t have all nice things.


In the higher realm. God doesn’t care what you eat. Period. Nothing good or evil. Its all experience.

Why can’t we just live and be at peace? Sounds like a dream right? That’s not how it works in this realm of duality. But we can always make it better. It’s your choice. But your choice stand for yourself and not to others.


I was vegetarian for 20 years and tried vegan for some of it. Once I started child bearing I had to change how I ate. Not that this is a veggo argument… Maccas is overly processed unhealthy food quite simply (additives, GMO’s, trans fatty acids etc). It’s cheap and accessible though and marketed heavily and this style of food preparation (as originated in the west and makes its way everywhere) contributes to the poor health of societies. I’m sure the original burgers were way healthier and tastier than they are today. I just can’t imagine you feeding your body and brains this and improving the quality of your life through fields is all :woman_shrugging: to me it’s contradictory but I guess that’s the essence of life! To each their own :smiley:

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Do you mean “Maca” or “Meat”?

Sorry it’s slang in Australia. We call MacDonald’s “Maccas”




To me. McDonald is good treat after eating ramen all day mostly everyday. I don’t eat McDonald every day u know. So it’s nice to eat it when I can. Than just ramen and egg.


With that type of diet (one that has almost zero nutritious value) it will be impossible to keep a healthy physical body longterm (because of acidosis and inflammation).

You should, for your own sake, really reflect about your diet and what you are putting into your body…

I add veggies too. So it’s good

I understand. To me ramen and egg is a treat :smiley::laughing: also about avocados. 10 years ago I figured I best get a few trees because the popularity started going up. I didn’t have land to put them in but gave a couple to my dad and eventually when my tide turned, I now have a little land my avo found a home :house_with_garden:


Especially indomie. If you’re Aussie you know lol

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haha the 3am maccas feed after a night on the tiles is written into our constitution here :upside_down_face:

No disrespect op, I know you have strong feelings here

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Yep! Them days are long gone for me now :laughing::sweat_smile:


McDonald’s has pretty good coffee, and it’s a place of refuge for poor people in the US. As such, I give them a pass on lots of things.

I could do better re: the plight of animals. I’ll have to work on that more.

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I love the McDonald’s near Versailles.

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A connoisseur

Ah hahaha im also more of a kebab/falafel wrap at 2am kind of person, I don’t care for mcdo much.
Burger King burger is much better imo in terms of taste, but each time I had it in the past years it made me sick for a day after, so no burger King for me :(

@Imogen please learn to cook and open a food truck where you sell fries better than McDonald’s. I’ll go to Indonesia in 1-2 years and I want to eat Imogen’s legendary fries every day.
It’s the perfect job for you, your work can be your passion, and you can take pictures for advertising :grinning:


Where you going to Indonesia? I think Bali I don’t live in Bali

You’re an evil human if you do something I disagree with but people who do things I agree with are good humans.

All life is built on taking advantage of others. The only way to be truly virtuous is to never live.

If you’re reading this you’re not in that group btw

I will go to where your food truck is ;)