Unpopular opinion on karma

Actually store bought bread, baguettes in particular are way cheaper than McDonald’s. At least I haven’t yet seen them to be more expensive.

I don’t think that one will be affected by karma when eating a Big Mac. But instead, I think that the karmic account of the personal (corporation or big heads of McDo) behind all this get fed by selling them.

In the east, there is the legend of hungry ghosts



:joy: :rofl: :joy:

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Than you, don’t hesitate to drop some articles like that from time to time

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Like that Wendigo stories, interesting. Thanks for sharing.

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Hey I know those guys, I feed them food sometimes to get them off my back. They thank me after.

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IMO McDonalds is worst of them all ( KFC, McD, Burger King) but NOTHING beats burgers of this dude around the corner or kebab two streets away :grin: son of the burger guy is my friend and beef is 100% grass feed too, bought from local farmer.
Not only it taste much better, but it feels different than eating chickens that lived in “death boxes” with 0 mobility


bro leave lazy people alone we literally did nothing wrong :grin::grin:


Just so you’re aware, these may be bad interpretations of the original teaching, especially “sloth” from what I remember. Some are more obvious than others, but sloth is one that’s more like “slow to come to God” than “unproductive.” Some overlap of course, but we view so much of religious teachings through a post-industrial lense that the original meaning gets warped.

I am lazy myself. I wrote about this a few days ago publically on the forum… :joy:

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When you eat a Big Mac you are directly paying people to torture animals. The treatment of animals on the factory farms that supply McDonald’s is beyond horrible. There is a direct chain of responsibility here.

Of course you get not only the karma of all the animals you’ve knowingly paid to have tortured, you also get some of the most toxic non-food on the planet, so your karma manifests in this life, in your afterlife, and in your next life.

In addition, you take on the consciousness of the animals you eat. So if you live in a state of fear and lack and suffering, you’re just living out the energies of the beings you’ve eaten. You shouldn’t expect supplements or fields to help you do anything but process this after you’ve consciously chosen to give it up and release that part of your life.

As far as piracy, I’m a field creator with a variety of extremely powerful fields, from which I profit.

It’s not about direct cause and effect, it’s about doing the right thing.

Once someone has gotten to the point that they hold man-made intellectual property ideals higher than directly paying someone to torture an animal so they can eat it, I don’t know or care to argue the point, except to say, they’re going to have some very difficult karma to work through.


Then eat real food.

If that’s your excuse why don’t you eat Jews instead of animals?

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:thinking: That wouldn’t be Kosher


My apologies for projecting. Please forgive me.

I wish you the highest good.


I think everything that happens in that moment (buying that burger) defines that karma.
Also the intention of the person and I highly doubt they buy it to make these animals suffer but to eat something.
Often times people are also lied to about the origin of the meat or the information is not easy to find etc.

That said I do think paying attention to it and maybe eating less meat or becoming vegetarian/vegan could be a huge plus for the overall vibration of the collective.
Think about all the suffering that would stop polluting earth alone.

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It’s way too complicated a subject and I don’t really know how it works, plus i have heard so many opinions, views and theories (including contradictory ones, from reputable sources/persons), that I can’t conclude anything, so I am sincere, I don’t know how it works (again, some advanced spiritual individuals say that you basically don’t get negative karma for eating meat and some even deny negative karma; now, a few individuals that I respect very much, say that karma’s a real thing and that we will pay for every small action…) and I’m not going to believe anything.

I can say that I have seen what looks like karma in action, even for myself, I did something bad, boom, something happened to me, but I have seen people who have done harm to others, getting the exact same problems that they caused others, so I tend to believe that these are not just coincidences,…, but, I don’t hold strong beliefs about anything.

I tried to be a vegetarian for years, nowadays I ate some meat, so I abstain from judging myself or others.

I might get back to being a vegetarian though.

I have to say, we inherited these instincts from our ancestors and I got to ask myself, why doesn’t the Universe/Multiverse changes the rules? Why these laws of physics, why eating other beings, why suffering?

We humans are caught in a web of suffering and lack of knowledge and illusions, we are victims too, everyone’s a victim of this system/reality.

How come no God or Higher Power tells us explicitly what to eat or not to eat?
And I don’t mean old texts, but personally, why doesn’t the Absolute reveals stuff on a personal level, how come we don’t know so much?

There is another problem here:
Bacteria, Viruses, microorganisms, insects, etc. - how many of these we kill just by being alive, just by Breathing or by Walking (etc.)?

No guilt there?
They have 0 value, right?
And if they do have value, how come we never hear anyone complain about Viruses, bacteria, mosquitos, etc.?

They are not pigs, dogs or cats (some people eat them), but they are living beings too (although much smaller), right?
Where’s the karma in killing them?

Plants have Consciousness too, some studies show they even have fear or the equivalent - they don’t want to get burned or cut or eaten…

Someday, Earthlings might feed on Sunlight only, but until then, Idk… It is what it is.

Vegetarianism, Veganism definitely are more Compassionate, but some people can’t afford such lifestyle, some people are poor or sick and just can’t do it otherwise, so meat it is.

Lets take a Doctor/Medic…
He saves lives, will we judge him for eating meat?

Also, our sweet pets eat meat too…
No matter how cute they are.

How about Hunter Gatherers?
They lack advanced technology and they must rely on what they know and what they have available…

In the past, all humans were like that.

Were our Ancestors Evil?
If not, why are we evil for simply surviving in a harsh Environment?
(sure, we got tech, but we still have these primitive Bodies and Needs)

Now, here’s the thing: maybe it is evil and we get bad Karma from eating meat, no matter the excuses, again, I dont know, but I find Life in 3D, on this Material Plane, to be pretty Harsh and Unforgiving…
Life here is though, unfortunately.

To reach (for) more Compassion would be Great though…
I just hope that We Will Reach a Higher (more Spiritual and Moral) Level of Sustaining our Lives, some day…
(even while living in a physical body)


Karma depends on the individual, there is no fixed karma for any action one could make that another one could take in the same way with different circumstances (both inner, and outer). In the Baghvad Gita Lord Krishna himself asks Arjun to slay his foes (some of which were actually people the he admired or were close to him), isn’t that worse than eating a cheesburger, or stealing property? The answer is, as I understand it: it depends on the consciousness that is doing the action.
You cannot generalize. And you’re not the one to judge (nobody is, really).

Having said that, I’m not trying to justify anything. I also believe there is negative karma involved to a certain extent both with eating meat (especially from certain sources) and stealing, as long as with many other stuff, of course.


In the end of the day. We can’t control people just as how much one religion think they’re better than others.

We live in a world where duality exist. You can’t force to be in one side of things. Which will ruin the force of the energy itself. There is ying and yang.

That’s just how it is. If a person choose to eat meat. Who we are to judge and say well it’s fucking bad for you?

And some people just can’t be vegetarian due to geological reason too. For example in Africa. How they choose to be vegetarian when eating a grain of rice is already a struggle for some of them or even barely eat for the entire day.

And here we are say well just fucking avoid meat. But how? Are you gonna provide the entire town of fresh veggies everyday? If so that’s good. You see.

It’s not about karma or not. It’s about surviving in this life. It’s the cycle of life itself.

In the wild. Animals haunt other animals to survive. Only human think whats right for us and what not for them. We are animals too.


Because eating humans actually would make us sick. Cannibalism isn’t really sustainable unless one has evolved the genes for it like some cannibal tribes. We would confuse our immune systems.

However we did evolve for eating animals, from sharpness of the teeth, to digestion genes and brain size/complexity. It all coincide with a specific archeological period. Eating animal is an evolutionary advantage, we can choose now to bypass it with other substitutes, but I say those substitutes aren’t good enough yet. Being vegan and completely healthy always involves supplements and other considerations, it’s not the case with an omnivore diet including veggies, carbs and meat eaten in moderation.

I know you don’t eat meat, but comparing a rabbit and a jew.
Even wolves don’t eat other wolves.

Actually humans eat humans and wolves eat wolves when starving. But that’s another story.

Also, I’ve been vegan for 2 years at least once in my life and every relapse into meat raised my moods.

I’ll fight for my meat, I do understand your point view, just “eating a jew vs a cow” that’s sorta misleading.