Stem cell hair regeneration

Welcome to the forum by the way.

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Ok thank you,

Better to wait for official confirmation indeed but personally, I had no problem so far. 2 years ago, I had a crappy period with a painful breakup, several deaths in a row among family and friends, etc. etc. Plus, I was tying my hair up a little too tight during summer days. I ended up with a massive hair loss on the sides.

Then, I started repairing the damage with good diet and healthy products (oils, henna, etc.) again. But this field has literally acted like a cherry on the top.

As for the face: I’m a more than thin person but with this field, my cheeks, etc. seem to look less skeletal.


Yes I do . I use it everyday for months. I’m regrowing lost hair that I lost due to mpb. I already regrew hair before but no its definitely a lot faster .
Dont get me wrong it’s still a painfully slow process but at least I can speed it up a little .


I am using to for a little time now and have seen new hairs in place of a scar and new hairs growing in bald areas.


What about hairloss treatment ver3?

I am using hair loss v3 also, but i think it improves the overall health of scalp hair while the stem cells to scalp directly targets growth of new hair.


Have you regrown hair of Hairline part as well? I’ve been using this field and small tiny hair i can feel on my whole scalp which kinda like pricks my hand on touching but my Hairline which is badly receded hasn’t seen any change.

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Would be awesome if the next hairloss field was something like, move fat from stomach to scalp, then turn into stem cells. Lol


What field is good for crowning/thinning hair on scalp?

Plasma Combo 3


You got any results?

Check out scalp exercises ,this is the way I regrow my hair. It works you just have to stick to it for like 6-12 months before you see results and most dont want to do that.
It increases blood flow in the scalp and breaks up calcifications. I am the living example that it works. The stem cells definitely accelerate the whole process .


What does that actually do to your hair differently compared to the stem cell field?

Not gonna lie but I have not had much luck with any hair tracks in the past no matter how hard I was trying until I ran plasma combo 3 for like a week and then tiny hairs started showing up oh and not sure if this is also helping but the crown chakra emotional release card from healing code cards by brad Johnson.

Those two alone have helped pave the way for almost any hair regrowth track I try now. Anyways good luck


No that’s only useful if you’re bald. It doesn’t prevent it.

plasma protocol 3 -if used 3-4 times everyday should really help with hair growth

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Did you see new hair regrowing?

I’d like to ask you, I ve strted doing these exercises, a week ago.I know its a long term game so I do not expect immediate results however I just want to make sure I’m doing it correctly.

I can barely contract my forehead muscle and tiny bit of scalp on the top of my head and I do really struggle with back muscle, it feels like its not moving at all.What was your experience when you started, did it go better after some time?

OP is referring to this audio: Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck (Energetic/Morphic field programmed audio)