Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck (Energetic/Morphic field programmed audio)

This video is programmed energetically to induce the fat stores in your face to turn into stem cells, which then works towards regenerating and restoring your face to give you youthful features,
It also works on your scalp and neck to provide the same benefit, (it may also help with hair growth on the scalp)



hey, bro whats your results with this one?

Can this help with eyebrows regrowth?


I’ve seen people say that they’ve actually lost fat resulting in an overall slimmer face and I’ve seen people say to use it to gain fat in specific areas.

So which one of these is true, or are both true and the field is intelligent enough to either know on its own where to remove/add fat or it follows your desires and does whichever you conscious/subconscious wants?

I can’t speak for others but when I used stem cells in regards to the face I noticed my face got more defined. Of course I was working out, running really fast while keeping my face as relaxed as I could.

The audio basically uses the fat cells in your face and reproduces them to become more useful.

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Hmm, if you found more definition it sounds like fat removal/repositioning then! Thank you for sharing your experience and the prompt response!