Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork

You dont need it per se, as this should cover the entire face

but results might be slightly faster when using the maxilla field


Both sounds fine to me

I personally stopped looping a while ago, I think 20-30 minutes max should suffice


I unfortunately dont have this one yet as money is tight

But I use the maxilla one with great results, I got great cheekbones now

they are now my strong point in my face


This is my playlist at the moment:

The reason why i play Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction is because I want to take the pressure off certain areas through the physical changes and Acu-automaton is to spread everything equally over the whole effected areas. Maybe include Bone and Organ Breathing and even Bone Shaker.


Just preference Ayesha and because the music is more upbeat so i can relax after that part :slight_smile:


Jon also suggested someone to include Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck


The audios I listen to to reinforce the effects of the NMM field (this one):

  • Bone Shaker
  • Plasma Protocol 1 (acts on muscles and bones)

And other energies mandala that help according to my pendulum .

I find that my cheekbones are slightly lifted :slightly_smiling_face:. I bought the field on May 8th.

I had 3 hours mirror when I questioned on this field. I think it will bring me a lot of positive changes :relieved:


An energy field of a private group, I will say no more :slightly_smiling_face:


Finally got this.

See y’all later in my movie entry scene



Anyone else tongue feels more closer to roof of their mouth? My tongue is just latched onto the roof completely lol.


Between the maxilla masterwork and this one, which one would you rather get if you had to choose one?

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Maxilla imo because maxilla is what makes you conventionally attractive. I consider this one like a supporting enhancing beauty field.


This + maxilla definitely made me look more handsome. I can see my face turning more chiseled and into a square face sort of. I can’t stop looking at myself, I feel so sexy. Last night I had this playing + maxilla all night btw. Tonight going to loop both all night again.

Today i was at my dad’s restaurant to help him out and a regular customer of mine who is a sweet women complimented me. She said there is something different about me, it’s like I gotten more handsomer.

My brother and sisters were also trying to pinpoint why I look different, def going to shock them with my full transformation.


my guy💪🏻

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I don’t know what happened but I developed a sore throat from listening to this lol. Everytime I listen to this I feel sensations in my throat, that’s cool because that means there’s some structuring going on probably. Been looping all night.

My update is I’m looking more handsome. I don’t know about girls checking me out because I’m focused on SR journey right now, but I do get some compliments. Anyways, see ya next week again with my next update.


This works as mandala?

Cool :sunglasses: Any other fields related to appearance, or are you sure the changes are due to this one? Thx :pray:t3:


Just maxilla and this one. They have been subtle but to me they change me for the better. People can’t pinpoint why I look better these days lol.

One year glow up listening (goal)


Cool :sunglasses: keep the updates coming :nerd_face:


I bought it this morning, and have listened for maybe 40min…
This afternoon i had a beauty appointement for my lashes… At the end when she showed me the results, i was almost in shock… I can recognize myself, but i am 10 Times more beautiful than this morning !!! (And its not because of my lashes :sweat_smile:)

I gained so much symmetry! It seems like my face is much wider… And other things i cant really identify… I always had a “round face” and people always thought i came from eastern Europe, but now it has gained so much in harmony…
And i have been listening for only 40mins :woozy_face::woozy_face::rofl:

@Dreamweaver thank you so much :blue_heart: