STOP System (Addiction)

what does this part mean? also how many loops do u recommend and whats the best way to use this

thankzz :D

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For example, the ability to control your desires and impulses, the ability to put long-term goals above short-term pleasures, the awareness of your responsibilities to yourself, your family, your loved ones and fulfill them, responsibility for your actions and their consequences, and many others

There is one life hack related to the presence of addictions that “eat” a lot of energy. For this technique a person needs to identify any addiction, preferably obvious and physiologically felt: the simplest is addiction to food (quantity, frequency or a certain type of food), to smoking, coffee, alcohol, perhaps many people will be addicted to flipping the phone, social networks, the Internet

You do not need to dig deep, we take the first and most obvious :slight_smile:

further it is necessary to determine the periodicity of addiction - for example, morning coffee right after waking up, or get on the Internet every 15-30 minutes. We set ourselves the goal of delaying the satisfaction of the need for any period of time, even the most insignificant, for the same 15-30 minutes. It is important that we do not set a goal to stop or get rid of the addiction (this is so that the subconscious mind does not resist), but do it “as an experiment”, just postpone satisfaction for an insignificant period of time

any very small amount of time delaying the satisfaction of the need due to the addiction results in a powerful influx of energy

each will take its own time, but it is usually not so significant, during which time there is a sense of humility, the joy of the influx of energy caused by breaking the rhythm of “feeding” an addiction

I do not smoke, but smokers say that due to frequent regularity it is easiest for them to feel it

person begins to get a certain high, joy, pleasure in delaying the moment when a cup of coffee will finally be drunk, etc. It is important to redirect attention from the desired to the current state, which is an example of assimilation of incoming energy. You can anchor it and use it to assimilate energy in the future.

and most importantly, at this moment use this field. :slight_smile:




I still drink coffee… the last frontier haha


Damn, it really annihilated the desire for a lot of things that tempted me before (yes I have a lot of hobbies) I feel freer and I have more time to listen to fields now lol


This one is a golden key to cut the harmfull habits of all kinds…
I use it every few days on a loop and i don’t feel sugar cravings so much anymore
Im the begininig i had a dreams about cupcakes and angelfood cake lol :joy:


Gonna buy this soon.

It’s is ridiculous how much my own addiction consumes me (porn) and I keep falling off the cliff. I can’t afford to be like this all the time.

Going to be free! I can’t give up no matter what.

@Ugninis forgive me for staying the obvious but just need a little clarification.

The way it works is, I listen to this field and set my intention towards the addiction I am struggling with and let the magic happen from there?


I think whether or not to watch porn is up to the individual.
Yes, there are reasons why it’s harder for you to hold on and factors that push you to break down

Observe yourself and determine at what times you become vulnerable to the urge to turn on porn. For example, when you’re bored. Perhaps socializing with certain people is stressful and encourages you to have a breakdown, etc. Try to avoid these situations

To get rid of porn addiction, you must first honestly admit that you have a problem.
You must have the determination to overcome it and the desire to live a normal life. You’ve done that.

If you can, work with a psychologist.
Work with the help of the fields on old traumas and set goals for the future.

Put filters to block access to such sites
Find real hobbies - sports, creativity, reading, developing abilities, learning new things.

Use this field and fields to relieve stress with intention


Thank you :pray:


just got this! whats improved in brain regeneration field?


I was on vacation recently, and drank a lot of alcohol + smoked a lot of cigs every day for almost a week.
Today is second day without either and cravings are almost unnoticeable (usually I would feel really strong cravings first few days after stopping)


Can this help with phone addiction or room scrolling the forum


it hasnt helped mine tbh. its helped with junk food tho lol but doom scrolling is still there. not to say it wont help u tho, try it boss

Personally ive dug up my old flip phone i used to use to quit social media and do the exact same thing now :pray:


I have just bought this one. I have for the first time in 22 years a true desire to cut off smoking and free myself from the addiction. Luckily I was able to cut off alcohol, coffee and porn quite some time ago - I mean I can still indulge but it doesn’t control me as an addiction any more. I am looking forward to be free from this addiction as well. To freedom!


This field is a gem .
Any bad habit will disappear with regular use .
Smoking, sugar , you name it,

I like sweets and i still eat too much but each time i listen i don’t have cravings it’s very potent .


A couple of questions:

As the description states that it helps with “willpower”, I believe it will be useful for things like portion control of meals (things you are not necessarily “addicted to”), for instance. And avoiding this like dessert too, lol

I seem to recall that people that are open and aware of our (my) playing a field and receptive to the benefits, can also receive benefits from this too, correct?

Would @Ugninis or someone else be able to chime in on the “occasional use” of this field to help with different types of cravings, and perhaps playing it on occasion around others who may have different types of addictions?

My intuition tells me this may be helpful to curb short-term cravings, but is there a permanence factor to the effects for the listener after a set period of time?

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