STOP System (Addiction)



If you want to quit smoking, but can not get rid of this habit on your own, without cigarettes you experience psychological discomfort and low mood, situations of anxiety make you reach for a cigarette again, then this field is for you! :slightly_smiling_face:

This field ā€œNO-SMOKEā€ is aimed at:

:small_blue_diamond:Alchemical Revision of Addiction;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of pathological urge to smoke (aversive effect);
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of psychophysiological consequences of smoking tobacco;
:small_blue_diamond:Increasing the level of self-control (assertive effect);

Please note that the ā€œNO-SMOKEā€ field does not ā€œcodeā€ for smoking cessation, but eliminates the pathological need and increases self-control. As a result of the course of psychocorrection you will find that you can independently control your behavior and do not depend on a bad habit, that your attraction to cigarettes has disappeared and your psychological well-being has improved.



If you can not always control the amount of alcohol you drink, if you feel broken in the morning after drinking alcohol, if you have a low mood when sober, if alcohol intake leads to violations of relations with close people, this field is for you! :pray:

The impact of the field is aimed at:

:small_blue_diamond:Alchemical Revision of Addiction;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of psychophysiological consequences of alcohol consumption;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of pathological attraction to alcohol (aversive effect);
:small_blue_diamond:Strengthening of resistance to alcohol dependence;
:small_blue_diamond:Increasing the level of self-control;
:small_blue_diamond:Strengthening stress resistance (adaptogenic effect).

Please note that the field does not ā€œencodeā€ for a complete refusal to take alcohol, but increases your own control over the intake of alcoholic beverages. As a result of the psychocorrection course you will find out that you can control your own behavior and decide in time when to stop in order to keep your behavior and well-being in a decent shape.


If you have a pathological desire to take psychotropic (narcotic) drugs, you do not have enough willpower to cope with this addiction, if abstinence you have a bad mood and your physical well-being deteriorates sharply, if your addiction has led to violations of relationships with loved ones, then this field is for you! :pray:

The impact of the field is aimed at:

:small_blue_diamond:Alchemical Revision of Addiction;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of psychophysiological consequences of psychotropic (narcotic) drugs;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of drug addiction (aversive effect);
:small_blue_diamond:Leveling and stabilization of mood (normotimic effect);
:small_blue_diamond:Improvement of volitional qualities and level of self-control;
:small_blue_diamond:Strengthening stress resistance (adaptogenic effect).

Please note that the field does not ā€œencodeā€ and does not ā€œzombieā€, but increases your own control and willpower and eliminates drug addiction.


If you experience an almost irresistible attraction to gambling, you lack the willpower to cope with this addiction yourself, if in your free time it is difficult for you to find another occupation, if your addiction brings material and moral damage to you and your loved ones, this field is for you! :wink:

The impact of the field is aimed at:

:small_blue_diamond:Alchemical Revision of Addiction;
:small_blue_diamond:Elimination of pathological tendency to gambling (aversive effect);
:small_blue_diamond:Increase in willpower and self-control;
:small_blue_diamond:Changing the priority of interests;
:small_blue_diamond:Formation of socially positive personal qualities.

Please note that the field does not ā€œencodeā€ and does not ā€œzombieā€, but changes the priority of interests and eliminates pathological tendency to gambling (gambling addiction).

Added: Improved Brain Regeneration field.




Congrats and thank you :blue_heart::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Thanks to our Captain :muscle:


Both of You obviusly :blue_heart::nerd_face:


I support this field :100:
Quitting everything has been a journey for me for sureā€¦

Coffee and fields are my vices these days
And qigong :grin:


Wow. Will this work for opioidā€™s physical withdrawals in particular? @Ugninis

I know there is a field for that but it only took off the edge when trying to get off Suboxone. Hoping the Alchemical Revision of Addiction of the Narcotics part will help.


Will this work on dopamine addiction and internet addiction?

thankss for this project My bro and Dreammm <3


yes ;)
I donā€™t doubt it.

Thereā€™s one more thing, just to give my personal opinion, Iā€™ve been bombarded with this question. :slightly_smiling_face:

Porn addiction.
the goal of the project is a little different, but I propose this combination:

Stop System + Alchemical revision of sexual trauma + Sexual Energy Alchemy

just a suggestion :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for the answer and for making this public! Thanks to you as well, Captain!

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you need to find something interesting my little bro
a business that will ignite passion in you ;)


Depending on the reason the Alchemical revision of sexual trauma could help with this addiction too I think. Dunno how much the stop system would cover.
It is on premium patreon


Just grabbed this.
Thank you both :pray::sparkling_heart:


you know, I personally have always believed that the scope of different fields is broader.
at least thatā€™s my personal experience.
I mean, there are certain target results, there is a certain plan that we propose to the Captain, there should be a description so that people can orient themselves in the clear functionality of the field and make a conscious choice to buy it.
itā€™s logical and natural.

mental processes are also connected, by ā€œremovingā€ something it can affect other problems, causing a cascading effect of solving other problems.

this is also our personal responsibility, we are also Alchemists and we choose a combination of different products to solve different problems.

I think in the long run it might make sense too.

Thank you for your comment.
Iā€™ve edited the post. :slightly_smiling_face:


I believie it will cover everything. Just focus on your problem and talk to the field. Its very efficent method.

Its very powerfull and complex field.

Internet, sugar. too much sport, shopping,
ā€¦and list goes on.


Addictions that are listed are the most common one.
If Ugninis had to involve all of them in the description we would have an encyclopedia instead of description :nerd_face:


:laughing: this has been my problem in the past in different projects, now itā€™s the phase of brevity and clarity, and all additional clarifications and descriptions can be done in additional follow-up posts. A definite evolution of the approach, I like it :yum:


Any chance this can be made available via Patreon store?

It covers cravings for sugar.
I developed some dependency on sugar lately and after few days of regular listenig i really donā€™t need that much anymore.
It tastes little of putting to be honest :neutral_face:.
It reminds me of the time i didnt eat any sweets and they were just tasting awful for me. It took me 5 months to get to this state.

With this field i think its going to be less than 1 month .

I felt really awesome not consuming sugar and not even being tempted by any dessert.:roll_eyes:


One of my areas of addiction is sugar.
While reading your post, I just realize Im not eating alot of Candy like I normally do, and Im craving more healthy foods .
So thats a plus .