Strange occurence before New Releases

It does not happen everytime or even regularly.
But it just happened again and I dont really believe in coicidences.
Before release of ‘‘My personal emotional and mental supporter’’ I experienced some of the field effects and core ideas without me doing anything in that direction and without me knowing anything about field being created or released.
The same thing happened before with Ancestral Knowledge field and Collecitve Consciousenes field to name a few.
The very first time that occurence happened to me was with The Tree Experience.
Like I would meditate/dream or generally be in altered state of consciousenes and experience being The Tree for example. Like the experience and general concepts/ideas about it would come to me without me doing anything in that direction.
The few days, like one or two would pass and boom Dream releases the Tree Experience.
Same with Collecitve Consciousenes and Ancestal Knowledge.
And now with My personal emotional and mental support field.
Probably happened with one or two fields more but cant remember it right know.
Anyone elese experienced this? Is it possible that when Dream creates those fields he brings them closer to ‘‘the Surface’’ of Collective experience and because of this they are easier to reach for the rest of us?
Thats wierd and fascinating I could not ignore this so I had to ask You guys about it.


I have experienced it too.

Quantum effects. Pretty normal and increases when the collective consciousness expands and it gets stronger.

Which once again confirms how we can create and change the reality.


I noticed this phenomena happening with family members many years ago. When one of us was working with a new healing modality it would effect the others. Later when I started learning more about quantum physics and quantum entanglement it made sense. It also seems that energy and people we have a lot attention on we are more entangled with, therefore more effected by. Since you work with many of Dream’s fields and have a lot of attention on it, that makes sense.


Absolutely. It doesn’t happen every time, but somehow I just know what he’s about to release.

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Huh thats interesting, Im going to look at this quantum entanglement thing more.
Similiar to what You said one or two of my parents would always get sick when I would get sick and even without physical contact. Or even more bizzare I would hurt some part of my body (knee, eye etc) and one of them would complain about the exact same part of the body hurting them aswell.

Everything moves in patterns. Our genetics, etc, are anchors of these patterns. Hence the sick thingy. All those patterns too, are quantum entangled, and quantum entanglement.

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It is a fascinating subject to explore. Another great example that shows how everything is connected is the work of Dr Ihaleakala. He cured patients in a mental hospital without ever working with them directly. He would study their profiles and only address the emotions that arose within himself. As he healed what was within him the patients in his hospital started getting better.


Welcome to Quantum Entanglement, fascinated stuff and yes it’s been proven scientifically :100:

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“i sense a great disturbance in the force…”