Yeah, it’s safe
@Josh which myosin isoform will this nft give? Myh1 is rare and fast give type 2x muscle fibers. While MYH2 is type 2 A , MYH4 not found in human (only found in rodents) - type 2 B the fastest , and MYH7 - type 1 (slowest).
Were you on the team that designed it?
Trust me
Cap would never induce anything hypertrophy wise targeted at organs lol
I feel the same way. Like I said, would just feel better confirming.
like muscle beyond limits, its only targeted to skeletal muscle
Thanks. Sorry to be “that guy” but now I won’t have that little voice nagging at the back of my mind later on. Much appreciated.
it will increase all of the ones found in humans, not the rodent one
so you will have more MYH7, MYH2, MYH1
Does this replace any of the existing fields? Like say A Twitch in Time?
Yes because it already has the effects of that field in it
it basically has all the effects of muscle beyond limits, twitch in time, and induced follistatin, also plasma charged mitochodnria (only in muscles for this nft)
I’m not fully sure though, captain might’ve made it different for this nft then he did in the individual nfts
Thanks Josh…
First time, MBL drops off my list lol…Welcome Strength & Endurance…
Yes. This is a must have. So glad it’s public.
The Sprinter Nft has specifically mentioned increased amount of type 2b muscle fibers (i.e. myh4- the rodent one), that’s why I was asking.
So, in a nutshell this can be used to replace MBL track?
It wont in any way work as a workout for any muscles tho right ?
Bruh no offense but are you guys not reading the description of the project
Yes it can replace mbl because it has the same effects as it (hyperplasia, follistatin, satellite cells, etc)
Hi all. I bought this and Max Heal in one transaction and while I was able to claim both NFT’s, it’s not letting me get at the audios. Wondering if someone can DM me this audio. I can show proof of ownership, if requested.