Stress about daily news

Hello everyone,

I am feeling a bit stressed nowadays more than the previous year, the increase in price of prettu much everything, and all the daily news on the TV or internet I think are very stressfull.

How do you to keep yourself informed of the word around you but at the same time avoid feeling stressed about it?

I just created my own company two month ago, and I work as a credit broker so you can imagine the stress that it can ad(because of the raise of the interest rate which make my work harder)
That stress I cannot avoid it because it’s my job, but what about the news ???

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Just don’t watch it. My dad had a friend who had a saying that i like, “If it’s something important, you will get to know anyways”

Edit: And yes, what jaaj said because some news is indeed important for your job


Don’t watch or read the news in general.
Or your Subconscious Mind will manifest what you are watching.

If you need to keep track of news for your broker job, find a source that delivers ONLY the news or market analysis that you need and that does it with text only.
No photos, videos or audio.
This way you will minimize the negative impact of the absorbed content.

There is also the “Stress Relief” field that I highly recommend.


Thank you a lot for the insight, I will follow your advice, I don’t gain anything anyway from thoses news, I will have more free time :slight_smile:

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