Stroke recovery


Unfortunately my mother suffered a heavy stroke last year.
She survived but with major complications, which she still is suffering from.
I would really appreciate advice if there are any fields that can help with rehabilitation from stroke and that are maybe stimulating the growth and healing of the damaged areas in the brain.
Maybe some of you already had similar experiences and success stories to share.

Thank you very much.


I’m so sorry to hear this, depending on the stroke if it’s hemorrhagic or ischemic, I would play
Blood brain barrier repair
Stroke prevention
Cholesterol Vaccine and enhanced cholesterol reduction

Also make sure to recognize symptoms quick
Face drooping
Arms dropping
Speech difficulty

Call emergency asap if you suspect any of these

Strokes can be caused by the build up plaque of cholesterol in the brain or lack of oxygen in the brain from the plaque
So make sure good diet but her doctor probably knows this

I wish mom a speedy recovery


Thank you very much for your help.

Do you think its any problem if also hear those fields while I make them listen to my mom?

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Hi Cavour84!

Welcome Angel Chalice

The Welcome Angel is sending healing to your mother and your family. Please keep us updated on her recovery.


No, I don’t think so, once again I wish a speedy recovery

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Wishing your mom a speedy recovery


You may also try Chinese acupuncture. But this may require a long treatment process.

There was a news story about a bodybuilder who was paralyzed from the lower body after a stroke and was able to return to the gym through acupuncture.

There is an acupuncture field in Sapien.

I recently made this stack for someone who also suffered from a stroke, this includes all the free fields that should help a lot with the recovery

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Did the person experienced any progress in recovery?

This is a question regarding to stroke patience. I had a friend that just got a huge stroke due to high blood pressure. He enters into vegatative state

He is alive but unconscious, sleeping on the bed, cannot move. His mother is heart broken because he is about 43 years old. Now he is just waiting to be declared death…

Anyone has experience of what fields to be used? I try to find a topic about vegatative state but no luck. Thanks

Vegetative state

(Vegetative state - Wikipedia)

Disorder of consciousness caused by severe brain damage

A vegetative state or post-coma unresponsiveness, is a disorder of consciousness in which patients with severe brain damage are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness. After four weeks in a vegetative state, the patient is classified as being in a persistent vegetative state. This diagnosis is classified as a permanent vegetative state some months after a non-traumatic brain injury or one year after a traumatic injury. The term unresponsive wakefulness syndrome may be alternatively used, as “vegetative state” has some negative connotations among the public

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I underline this, a specific field to help people who are currently in a vegetative state would be very much needed.

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I also know someone in the same situation, just younger. It’s a tragedy for the family. There must be fields that can help people in vegetative states, can anyone help?

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Brain Regeneration
And Be The Healer, to send healing


thanks a lot!!

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