Struggling socially (mental block)

Yeah so I have this issue mainly with people who I don’t know that well.
I don’t have this issue with my close friends and family, I’m not the loudest but I’m present and actively engaging in the conversation. When there is a silence with my close friends and family, it doesn’t feel awkward at all.

I’ve had people be quite open to me and I still can’t really open up even though I want to. Ofcourse there are also instances when someone isn’t open to me and I can sense that immediately, I don’t really care about that situation and I just move on.


A very good observation.:+1:


This issue stems most probably from my childhood too. The thing is I want to be social and meet people. It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m craving for it! This is literally the number one thing that I’m struggling with in life. So with the Arcana albums, do I listen to all the audios in one playlist? Or do I listen to one audio first for a while and do I then switch to another?

What I also notice is when the social interaction is over I analyze it afterwards to see if I did anything wrong or say anything wrong. It’s really tiring me out… Yeah I definitely do have some mismatch going on that needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Save yourself alot of anguish and save up to get New Perspectives.
Gonna make your whole journey so much easier with this.


I’m considering getting it. My friend told me Outlook Retrainer is sufficient for me, is that correct?


Well New Perspectives has Outlook Retrainer in it… So until you’ll able to get New Perspective, yes, Outlook Retrainer + PTSD field can used instead.


Alright thanks!
Is that the Stellate Ganglion Block audio or PTSD help audio?

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EIther one.
Tne SGB just doesn’t have the amygdala field in it.


Yep, completely agree with this — wonderful field for this!

Seem to recall the Stellate Ganglion Block also doesn’t contain the other PTSD subfields, btw.

But either will do.


Do you want me to tell you a huge secret? Just don’t tell anyone…

Make them crave it. Make them WANT to communicate with you.

This is a very important aspect.

Do you know what personal magnetism is? Do you know what inner strength, charisma is?

Personal magnetism is that quality, or property of a person, which attracts to him the interest, trust, friendship and love of other people.

Have you noticed that some people as if attracted to themselves by others? And those people don’t have a brilliant mind and aren’t super handsome.

Restore energy integrity at a deeper level. Stabilization of the state. Centering, integration, development of inner potential.

This simple exercise will help develop confidence, personal power, magnetism…

After reading this sentence of yours, I had a thought that this exercise would suit you very well and complement your arsenal that you were offered above.

While taking this course (Star exercise), I began to notice the aspects it activates. It’s great for increasing inner luminosity and attracting the attention and interest of others

(+ this exercise has a lot of other useful properties)


Yeah people want to communicate with me! I just give off a close of vibe because I somehow get stuck in my head and don’t know what to say. So people think I’m not interested or just stuck up/arrogant. I have had people get irritated and mad because they think I don’t want to talk to them, especially girls.

I added Mindfulness, anxiety removal, PTSD help and outlook retrainer to my list. Will start doing the reiki meditation too!

Thanks for your help


It is not your fault. I guess you’re an introvert, and when you were a kid you didn’t know how to communicate with others. Also the other people didn’t know how to communicate with you. This is where adults should interfere. I guess unfortunately there wasn’t someone in your life to show you the right path. Also there are communities that don’t care about introverts. They behave as if this world just belongs to extroverts! You can see many of these kinds of people at school/university/work/…even at gym.
Try to know yourself better. Not all people express themselves with words. Read this book to know yourself better.
Quite: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (Susan Cain)

I have 2 nieces. One of them is 7 years old. Till 3 months ago she barely spoke and even didn’t raise her head in front of me! At this time I always told her how much I love her. She became better, then her dad sent her to a theater and acting class and now after 2 months she’s someone else! This is because there were people for her at the right time, at the right place.


I don’t know if mentioned before or if you are aware of it, but limit the amount of time you use the PTSD field. As per description it states the results of 2/3 listens last quite long and it is advised to listen that 2/3 times and stop for a week. Than repeat the process the same or every other week. Someone correct me if I’m wrong please. Just thought it was important to remind it here for you.


I agree. I listened to it 2-3 times a week or at least several days in between. I pick it up now and then when stuff comes up, can take weeks between listens now. Excellent field, have been very helpful on many levels.


I’m an introvert yes. When I was a kid I was not introverted at all I was highly energetic and couldn’t stay still. People thought I had ADHD. Once I got to the ages of 10/11 I became more quiet and self-conscious from there onwards it has stayed the same.

Will have a look at the book that you recommend! Happy to hear about your niece :) The right help at a young age can really make a difference.


Will listen to it 2x a week and then take a couple days off.
I’m looping the mindfulness audio, is it ok to loop it?

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Yes, from its description I infer it’s okay to loop it. You can also use check the other audios from this series as they are complementary :+1:


almost nobody is 100% introvert or extrovert. There are different scales. I read this book and I find out there’s a much difference between being shy and an introvert. About my niece she’s still and introvert, but now she knows well how to react and behave in different occasions. How to express herself and how to tell others about her emotions. How to ask help, how to play with other children. I myself learned how to charge my energy in my privacy and how to become like an extrovert in the society. Because I had a job that I had to become like an extrovert. And let me tell you nobody at work knew I was an introvert! Good luck


I don’t feel 100% introvert either. I like going to parties, events and I’m not scared of crowded places. I just struggle to connect with people (people who are interested in me). You mentioned that you manage to charge yourself in privacy and be extroverted in public. How exactly did you do that?

I found a hobby that allowed me to spend hours in my room. I write poems. Of course I had this talent since childhood but I had never thought about it as an skill. So when I’m at my room others know that they should not to come to my room at any time. On the other hand I put my feelings into words and create something that I even enjoy reading it. As an introvert you need to spend some minutes or hours by yourself/alone. Silence charges your energy, and when you do what you like, it makes you happy. So this happiness moves you forward.

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