Struggling socially (mental block)

Blarney stone
Throat chakra


Hello @froggy !

Along with the suggestions by Spinningtour I think the All purpose anxiety removal field plus Mindfulness field could help you.

See you already have a great Tag which you use every day and a good playlist you follow. In my opinion what is holding you back is simply the fact that you are not living in the present moment. You say “stuck in your mind” and I perceive it this way - in a state of anxiety (living in the future) followed by a state of guilt/regret for what you could have said in the past during your social interaction (living in the past). The Mindfulness state will bring you a flow that will make your interactions fluent.

I think the Conjunction of Spheres álbum could help too, the Fool, the Magician and the Star.

And to built your confidence I think of the Thor Tag or Mandala and the Lion Confidence and Courage.

All the luck to you!


This field is OP


There are lots of fields for you.

You can use the Anti-Anxiety stack for you, but it really sounds like you have a bit of clearing and healing to do as well.

Things like Aura Cleanse, Etheric Cord Cutter, Auric and Energy Body Repair will help you, along with Forgiveness and Release, Trauma Release, Emotional Release, all to clear out whatever’s behind all of this for you. Also, things like PTSD, Shamanic Medicine Blend, New Perspectives, My Personal and Emotional Supporter would all be helpful additions to this process.

When you’ve cleared and healed the past, I’d start to play with Self Healing and Acceptance, Self Love and Acceptance (anxiety with others usually stems from a fear that they might be judging you which means that you are judging you), Becoming Whole-Self Acceptance-Self Love (a single field with a long name).

Then you can add the self-confidence fields (audio as well as mandalas–You can find them by using the Search function of this Forum, the little magnifying glass icon in the upper-right corner of each page of this forum) when you’ve addressed your healing and integration.

[An aside: I’m not sure what you mean be “bpol.” If you’re meaning the Best Path in Life tag (usually BPIL on this forum), it’s helpful in some many aspects of your life (including this one) but not directly focused on this subject you’re asking about here. Think of it as more helping you to select the right fields and the “right” conversations for you on your Best Path.)


Thank you for your suggestions!
Will start listening to Mindfulness and all purpose anxiety removal.
Where can I find the conjunction of spheres? I checked patreon but I can’t find it on there.

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Conjunction of Spheres


It’s on Energetic Alchemy channel. iTunes too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for your suggestions!
I will have a look into these audios :slight_smile:

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Aside from fields you can also analyze which people are in your immediate surrounding. There are certain people whose vibes i can immediately establish as not being very open toward me, so i have little to none to say to them. For instance, look to your friends cycle and see if you vibe well. Do the same for other relationships in your life and maybe you can identify sth.

The best situations are those in which you can comfortably be yourself and genuinely have fun expressing yourself. A good test for this occurs naturally when suddenly nobody has anything left to say and the infamous awkward silence is upon you, however in this case the silence feels beautiful and it’s palpably a different energy in the air


Meditation may help you practice listening. If you’re hearing your thoughts, it’s harder to hear the person you’re communicating with.

Practice running social interactions in your mind.

Watch shows that have healthy social interactions. Kids shows are actually good with this!

Practice with talking to your reflection as you get instant feedback of your body language and hearing what you say.

Let this go. All your power is right now here in the present. Stop telling yourself this because you can’t change your past, you can only change the present and that will build into your future.

Socializing is something everyone practices. Everyone makes mistakes socially and learn from them. Remember you are equal to those you connect with.


Do you feel blocks in social interactions? How familiar this is to me…
Captain’s fields were a good catalyst for me to sort myself out + I’ve been plugging in other methods of analysis…

In my case, the difficulty in communicating was due to the way I was raised, childhood traumas…

I am not good at acting assertively in a social context. I’m comfortable in small companies where I can fully reveal myself. And I’ve learned to accept that.
I’ve always thought that modern society over-values extroversion, openness of character and social figures.
However, the assumption is partly wrong. In fact, both introverts and extroverts can be popular. :)

My childhood and adolescence - was a crucial factor in explaining my difficulty communicating with others.

Sometimes the reason you may have difficulty communicating with people is due to psychological and even neurological factors. Anxiety and stress are factors that limit and hinder social skills. Note that certain characteristics of your personality itself, may be the cause of this problem.

For example: shy people perceive the outside world differently because of what is known as sensory perceptual sensitivity. The brain of shy people is structured differently. On average, it takes them longer to respond to stimuli. Crowd, noise, new stimuli, or exposure to situations in which they have no control lead to stress and discomfort.

For my part, I’ll point out just one thing: If this interferes with your quality of life, plug in additional methods
Simulation of certain social situations - help you understand yourself more and increase your social adaptability
Also, some methods help develop a lack of certain social skills

A certain methodological analysis personality type, your character, temperament, upbringing, negative experiences also helps to answer many questions

Consider all the Captain’s fields that help you accept and love yourself:

  • Become Whole.
  • Self Love & Acceptance.

As recommended to you above, consider all the fields of the Arcana 1 / 2 / 3 albums.
The energy of these cards is getting to know and working with the hidden (shadow) corners of your personality…

By the way, I realized that most people who experience this kind of difficulty have an internal mismatch between their feelings, thoughts, and behavior. They try to communicate not when they want to, but when their mind tells them to. Accordingly, spontaneity in interaction does not work, the person gets anxious and once again is convinced that he or she “does not know how” to communicate.
Undoubtedly, effective communication skills, eloquence are very useful qualities, but they are only a surface, which by itself will not make a person uninhibited and will not bring pleasure in communication. It is very important to hear yourself and your emotions in your interactions with others.

And as I’ve written many times before, Captain has a huge arsenal in working on the inner world


Yeah so I have this issue mainly with people who I don’t know that well.
I don’t have this issue with my close friends and family, I’m not the loudest but I’m present and actively engaging in the conversation. When there is a silence with my close friends and family, it doesn’t feel awkward at all.

I’ve had people be quite open to me and I still can’t really open up even though I want to. Ofcourse there are also instances when someone isn’t open to me and I can sense that immediately, I don’t really care about that situation and I just move on.


A very good observation.:+1:


This issue stems most probably from my childhood too. The thing is I want to be social and meet people. It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m craving for it! This is literally the number one thing that I’m struggling with in life. So with the Arcana albums, do I listen to all the audios in one playlist? Or do I listen to one audio first for a while and do I then switch to another?

What I also notice is when the social interaction is over I analyze it afterwards to see if I did anything wrong or say anything wrong. It’s really tiring me out… Yeah I definitely do have some mismatch going on that needs to be fixed ASAP.

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Save yourself alot of anguish and save up to get New Perspectives.
Gonna make your whole journey so much easier with this.


I’m considering getting it. My friend told me Outlook Retrainer is sufficient for me, is that correct?


Well New Perspectives has Outlook Retrainer in it… So until you’ll able to get New Perspective, yes, Outlook Retrainer + PTSD field can used instead.


Alright thanks!
Is that the Stellate Ganglion Block audio or PTSD help audio?

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EIther one.
Tne SGB just doesn’t have the amygdala field in it.


Yep, completely agree with this — wonderful field for this!

Seem to recall the Stellate Ganglion Block also doesn’t contain the other PTSD subfields, btw.

But either will do.