Stubborn body acne

any updates @IAmJonathan ? have you tried the Bacteria Destroyer and Fungus Destroyer?

would you think The Deep Organ Cleanse from The Politics of The Body would help skin as skin is considered our largest ‘organ’?

i am grateful my face is clean and clear now, but i do my best to continue taking care of my skin and learning more about skin beauty! when i was 11 i began to have so many acne related problems and they were mostly comedones that destroyed my confidence.

i spent a couple thousand for cosmetic surgeries that didn’t do anything the first time but physically hurt me and the comedones just came back. i had to do another round of surgeries for them to be 95% gone so i’m never going back to physical surgeries.

too much information

my healing pace was a living hell with bleeding craters for over a year before my skin turned back to actual skin and my pigmentation was back.

what does everyone think about asking intercession from:

based on the following:

There is also no sickness/dis - ease on Arcturus, it was eliminated centuries ago.


Watch this, then you’ll know what to do.




Honestly it hasn’t been my main focus in a while Since I got a little better, and it was never a big problem either lol I only got one pimple on my back but the acne scars make it look like more

Not in a hurry to heal the scarring though, been focusing all efforts into another goal

I’m scared to use this one because I think it might affect my digestion of food haha

Yes but not for acne lol I just started using it for whenever my car gets humid, a little air can come inside from a window so it can get humid when it rains lol

Damn I can only imagine all of the years of stress that must’ve caused you… I’m glad you overcame it in the end! Can you imagine what life would’ve been like if you found out about sapien at that age?

I agree with Bronyraur :slight_smile:


Yup yup! I looped it by mistake for a few hours and got terribly bloated for three days! Had to replenish good bacteria with some strong probiotics…


Wow! I’m so sorry you had to go through that man

I personally would love a field that increased stomach flora and bacteria! Only temporary boosts maybe this would make any bodybuilder truly unstoppable with sapiens fields


scientifically this is great to know! the thing is, i’ve healed myself (without sapien medicine audios) by just forgetting about the issue and moving on to other things. :grimacing:

well, in this way i’ve answered my question! but it would still be beneficial for readers to have morphic field suggestions for their solutions, i believe.

i also want to mention that i’m more looking for ‘the next step up’ instead of just healing to the ‘base’ of something, i’m seeking solutions to ‘enhance’ what we already have like a form of ‘physical ascension’.

i’d love to live in a reality where the physical body’s health is always at 100% so that we can focus on other aspects of life such as relationships, creating, and ‘evolution’.


You can definitely have extremely good health with morphic fields alone, I just sent that video because it would help to intuitively know what to use. Aliens are probably your best bet if you dont want to worry about health ever though, because dream makes morphic fields with what is currently scientifically possible. But aliens probably have methods a lot more advanced we wouldn’t know in centuries, if they want to help of course…


I think the aliens have tech/abilities at least 10 times stronger than morphic fields.Just holding back/being held back for various reasons?

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This is a great and important point as the skin also reflects what’s inside of us emotionally. To shift one’s focus from the outer symtom and work on grief, anger or whatever that needs to be solved often solves the skin issues as well. :slightly_smiling_face:


You should avoid gluten. It could be the cause just try it out for like 4 weeks. Dont eat bread at all. It might just help you.

Oil pulling does wonders for not just acne and scars but also for overall health, I started a few days ago and my skin is already improving, more energy and better sleep.