Studies to show evidence (transfer from listening to sapien med audios)

There is no doubt that Sapien medicine works to some degree of course, due to all the testimonials given by the people, it can’t simply be a placebo. An idea for the future is to conduct research studies to evaluate the benefits gained from listening to the audios, the main reason I posted this is to make people believe in the audios more, as in lose subconscious doubts, stick to the video longer. Now don’t get me wrong, I know that Sapien tried to do this with brain grow work on Teespring, but was cancelled due to the covid-19 pandemic, but perhaps doing studies for more than one field, or one type of field (hormonal boosters, gene changing, brain structure/cognitive differences, changes in other organs, brainwave state). Now not all of them can be measured: luck, maybe psychic improvement, etc…, but I believe that doing this would enhance the results people receive from the audios, as subconscious limits will be removed. A study could be like, where one group (the control) is given the placebo, so they are just told that taking a pill with null effect will make them smarter, or will heal their intestine will work over a period of (x )weeks. Then another group where they actually listen to the audio for (x) weeks, and then measure improvement.