Subconscious Communication RE


  1. Do the two exercises in the chapter (First focusing on simple concepts and holding the concepts in your mind for a minute or so. Then focus on different concepts and stack them together). How did this practice feel to you? How far were you able to go with it?
  2. Concept stack these statements:

Everything comes from nothing
Therefore everything is essentially nothing
Nothing is I, I am nothing
Nothing is thinking
Nothing is feeling
Nothing is identifying
Nothing is true, everything is possible,
and so, I am.

Write down your experience with stacking this one by one. Works best while meditating. Note down your experience with this attempt.

  1. 35c5492838e8ed6b2fecf27226f2875f6ad40a75_2_303x500
    Empty or relax your mind as best as you know how. Then focus on this tarot and get a feel for its energy. Then just begin to contemplate where you are in life. Think about where you are, where you are going, where youā€™ve been on your current path. Listen to the thoughts that flow and of course, flow with them. Write down what comes up.

  2. Empty or relax your mind however you know how. Stare at this image. Feel this image. Feel it not as an image but as a thing within you. Begin asking yourself questions that you would like to know the answer to. Questions about your life. What you should do. Reasons for your dissatisfaction. What you are meant to do. Whatever you want to ask yourself. Ask it why focusing on this image. Write what comes up down. Just contemplate it on your own as well. Donā€™t wait for an answer. Just flow. Remember, you are your higher self. You are the tarot. So when answers comes to you, they come to you THROUGH you. Weā€™ll talk more on that later.

Write down what comes up when doing this exercise.

It helps if you listen to meditation audio while doing these exercises of course.

Extra Credit:

  1. Do the Whole Body Stimulation Exercise and then listen to The Tree Experience . Just allow yourself to be. Just relax and let yourself become the sound of the audio. Allow your mind to be open to whatever your consciousness opens up to. Observe, donā€™t react. Be.


  1. How would you define subconcious communication? What is it to you and what are some of your experiences with it? If you understand little, what is your confusion with it?
  2. How would you describe your intuition? How do you determine the more intuitive answer within from the egoic desires? If you donā€™t do this so well, why?

And ask questions. This is a confusing chapter and also confusing thing to most people in this forum. Letā€™s delve deep into it. I think learning to subconsciously communicate will help anyone on their journey immensely.


Subconscious Communication Webinar

  • Friday, 1 PM EST
  • Saturday, 1 PM EST

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I heard from someone once saying that when he connected to higher planes and fields of consciousness to get answers for questions and to heal himself(I donā€™t know if itā€™s the same as the higher self) he became sick for a few days after walking through a large crowd of people because of their energies(I think he was energy sensitive and therefore felt the negative energies from other people,like greed, negativity, jealousy, evil eye etc., but Iā€™m not sure of that) Is there any side effect like that when connecting to the higher self?

Is the higher self connection audio safe? Or will it make me energy sensitive or something like that and receptive to energies from other people, or evil eye, or jealousy etc. ? Sorry that I ask but Iā€™m not experienced in this topic and I donā€™t want to make a mistake. Maybe you know more about it, Sammy? @SammyG I ask you because I recently read a post where you said that you have a connection to your higher self.

Btw, is evil eye also some type of energy transmission?

No reallyā€¦ We are already always connected to our higher self. We are our higher self. Part of our disconnect is believing it is something separate. Tuning into that innate wisdom and intuition is a matter of learning to be present and conscious. Aware, listening and observing without judgement. That is the higher self. The observer. It is you. The real you. We are convinced we are the ego but that is but a mask we put on to navigate this world.

So no, connecting to the higher self doesnā€™t make you more vulnerable.


Ok thank you. But can it elevate my vibrations and can it bring ascension problems or can it bring old traumas to the forefront trough a higher vibration for healing?

Or is it a completely safe connection where I exchange information wisdom etc. ?

I donā€™t believe it woud bring ascension ā€˜problems.ā€™ But in ascension, you dissolve more of the ego and become more of your higher self. So that conneciton will yield better results in projecting the wisdom that is already within.

So no, you wonā€™t have any issues connecting with your higher self. But you might have a hard time realizing the wisdom you are actually projecting from within already. Being wrapped up in the ego, in fears such as fears of ascension, may likely get in the way.

1	How would you define subconscious communication? What is it to you and what are some of your experiences with it? If you understand little, what is your confusion with it?

subconscious communication for me is communication that is actually conscious but I refuse to acknowledge it because itā€™s not always what you want to do, hear or act on it. If something is really subconscious than you are not aware of it on a conscious level and you keep on doing, saying or act on a automatic level staying unaware of your behavior. For me It was more in the past hat I chose not to listen to this subconscious communication that I was aware of because I thought I new better haha.
I describe this communication more physical like, sensations, illness, pain, body language verbal and non verbal, words you speak or donā€™t, sound off your voice.
Confusion comes sometimes when I am feeling anxious then Its difficult for me to feel what is warning from my subconscious and whatā€™s my anxious ego. Itā€™s slowly getting better.

2	How would you describe your intuition? How do you determine the more intuitive answer within from the egoic desires? If you donā€™t do this so well, why?

For me intuition comes in many forms, images, sounds, dreams, words, songs, animals even smell sometime. My intuition never let me down, but I let my intuition definitely down in the past. Now I listen very good I learned the hard way. Difference between intuition and ego desire for me is easy I can feel it right a way and sometime I let my ego win just because is fun and I am making that choice conscious and feel more in balance . Especially when I have to choose one more bite chocolate or not.


So what I immediately noticed was that my brain was working like a search algorithm to produce a satisfying result. I also noticed some ā€œsimpleā€ items hold plentiful concepts in them (i.e. I had a poker chip lying on the table and realized how its an artificial value, made of plastic, used as currency, circular shape, etc).

This exercise made me aware of how difficult it is to describe concepts with words sometimes.

Here i noticed how funny a concept ā€œnothingā€ holds, or rather, how funny it is that there exists a word to describe nothing

This now made sense due to the first statement

The I am really feels like the = equal sign in programming (assigning values). I noticed there was resistance in assigning anything to the I am. And the ā€œNothing is Iā€ is somehow rejected fiercely.

Here I noticed my brain trying to get another angle on ā€œNothingā€ as a concept

This clicked well, though. The ā€œNothing is trueā€ removed the definite nature of ā€œtrueā€ and thus opens up all possibilities -

ā€œI amā€ being the ultimate reflector of all possible truths - the ultimate blank canvas

im too tired now, gonna have to do the rest of the exercises tmr


Do the two exercises in the chapter (First focusing on simple concepts and holding the concepts in your mind for a minute or so. Then focus on different concepts and stack them together). How did this practice feel to you? How far were you able to go with it?

Concept stack these statements:

Everything comes from nothing

Therefore everything is essentially nothing

Nothing is I, I am nothing

Nothing is thinking

Nothing is feeling

Nothing is identifying

Nothing is true, everything is possible,

and so, I am.

Write down your experience with stacking this one by one. Works best while meditating. Note down your experience with this attempt.

1-2.I went to a seminar several years ago and ā€œnothingā€ was discussed. These concepts reminds me of that seminar and make me feel and be more aware that I have to relax more and not be so worried and stressed about things in life, because everything is nothing. All the situations, emotions, and feelings, I can keep them and give them value or let them go be nothing. Everything is possible means I can create whatever I want, to fully believe in it and create it and I will be that. I remember I had to prepare for a fitness test and I was worried that I was going to fail. It didnā€™t occur to me until I saw one of my coworkers preparing for it in a different method. That helped me see that I could try that method and I could pass. A wave of excitement and relief washed over me and my preparation afterwards had a pep to it. My thoughts and feelings changed. I put in my subconscious mind of what scores I need to get a first class and I did it. I can do this again to other aspects of my life and see how things change. There are obstacles, people who donā€™t believe in these concepts, certain circumstances, but if there is full conviction and effort, the creation can happen. I am going to try this and see if the results manifest.

  1. Six of Wands
    I do not know the meaning of Six of Wands and I decided to not look up what it means and just go with the flow like you said. The man is looking to the right, or looking forward, in the same direction as his horse. Thereā€™s a contemplative look on his face and a wand that has flowers which makes me feel happier than the other wands in the background. Toward the right is the sun, he is facing the sun and I think he is moving towards the sun into a brighter place. Currently, I feel like I am at a cusp of a change in my life ā€“ I can feel shifts in my thoughts, feelings, in my actions, and the routine of my daily life. I acknowledge some of my habits that are not healthy for me, that needs to change. I cannot continue living like I have done in the past. I am researching for the changes that I will make, and I know that where Iā€™m headed, it will be after I meditate, self-reflect, have full conviction and decision to do it, and asking for support. Where Iā€™ve been helped me become who I am now, but I cannot stay who I was. I cannot maintain the thoughts, feelings. I was not happy and seeked externally to make me content. I have to seek internally and learn to be kinder to myself and stand up for myself amongst others who try to bring me down. To speak up, so I can show others an example of how to speak up.

  2. These are my thoughts as I stared at the picture. The person, the personā€™s soul or aura, or light that spreads out into earth and the universe, you have come down into this body. You saw a moment, you had a moment before, as a protector, as a guardian, as a spirit guardian, as a spiritual being and you met the other physical guardian. Spiritual also needs physical tests, just as physical also needs spiritual tests. They work together, they work as a team. Your life here will be hard but there will be beautiful moments. It will be okay and it will prepare you for the next life. Help others as it nourishes you. You will not be rich, but you will have a successful life in a way you never dreamed of. Success in love, success in joy. And all the hard work and sweat will be worth it. Embrace the pain, it will be there whether you like it or not. I got you. Your failures will make your success that much sweeter and relief with gratefulness. Your failures are little compare to the overall success, but many failures you will have to learn and no one will say you got it easy.

How would you define subconcious communication? What is it to you and what are some of your experiences with it? If you understand little, what is your confusion with it?

Subconscious communication could differ from person to person. For me, it is the subtleness, that quick pause, nudge, and whether I consciously choose to follow it or not. Or itā€™s following whatever your mind and body tells you to do and trust it. I was hiking in the woods and I just suddenly told my friend to put our cell phones in a plastic bag and put in the backpack. A few minutes, rain came down. I didnā€™t know for certain it was going to rain. I just followed whatever my mind thought without hesitation and asking. There can be signs, but sometimes that could be trying too hard and could be a confirmation bias.

How do you unlock more subconscious communication?

How would you describe your intuition? How do you determine the more intuitive answer within from the egoic desires? If you donā€™t do this so well, why?

I am more aware and listen to my intuition more than I had in the past. My intuititive answer is usually the softer, more subtle. Sometimes it is really strong in telling me not to do something, which means if I donā€™t listen (which Iā€™ve done before), it has a negative impact on me. If I listen when it is really strong, Iā€™m usually succesful. Sometimes I donā€™t listen to intuition because my logical side gets to me. And sometimes the logic side is right, but I wonder if I should have done the intuition and not get it right to learn something.




Whenever Iā€™m doing any kind of energy work, or trying to grasp this conceptual feeling, I become aware of a sort of build up of energy ā€˜ blockage ā€˜ in my face. I develop a strange sort of half smiling grimace. Itā€™s not uncomfortable. It just feels like an accumulation of energy in the right side of my face, that sort of pulls up into an unconscious half smile.
Iā€™ve tried the energy bouncing , using paint roller up and down from crown to throat . Doesnā€™t seem to loosen it. Strange isnā€™t it ? And Iā€™d be open to any suggestions about what it is and how to deal with it.
If I consciously relax the muscles in my face , I can and it relaxes. But as soon as I take my focus away it reverts back to this contracted state. Itā€™s present when Iā€™m relaxed in meditation and can be a distraction. :thinking:

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I meditated only on this part (after also doing some Yoga, especially Trataka/Candleā€™s flame meditation) and I realized that I donā€™t need to view myself as something, thatā€™s just a perception, an attachment, I donā€™t need to value myself or to have self-importance in my own mind, even less to be attached to othersā€™ view of ā€œmyselfā€ (what they actually perceive as me), since my own perception of myself (and others as well) changes according to different factors, circumstances, etc., my ā€œvalueā€ and ā€œself-importanceā€ is just a product of my own imagination and Ego and the product of human/societyā€™s conventions ā€¦; as you or someone else said in another thread (I donā€™t remember who said it), some people just/simply are, they just live, without giving (too much) importance to self-importance or these notions ā€¦

The notion of nothing seems liberating, no attachments, thatā€™s how I view it, nothing has no shape, no purpose, no limits also ā€¦, every possibility is/can be born from it.

Well, these ideas just came to me/in my mind, I have no idea if these are just thoughts from my subconscious, ideas that I reiterated, etc., anyway, I hope that my ā€œself-importanceā€ wonā€™t bother me (although, perhaps, it is built on previous trauma and experiences, so perhaps I needed that idea, that Iā€™m worth it, that life is worth it, etc., also I guess that I attached to these ideas in the past to combat depression, but now Iā€™m not depressed and I think I can go beyond these thoughts, I donā€™t need to be so attached to them) ā€¦

With Sapien Medicine + daily Meditation/Yoga, Iā€™m sure that my whole life will improve and I will liberate myself from fears and limited perceptions/ideas.

Thank You, SammyG for this thread (Iā€™m trying to not tag you or Captain, unless itā€™s necessary, since you guys are so busy)!

EDIT: Although this is perhaps for people who have participated in the Energy Courses (since it is in the ā€œEnergy Course Revisitā€ category), Idk, but I find this thread useful for everyone.