Subconscious limit dissolver best practices and audio mixes

Hi friends!

I’m new to the forum and just starting to follow Dreamweaver work, so I bought some audios from Gumroad and now I’m an active patreon on full access membership. And like to know wich audio versions of the subconscious limit dissolver you recommend, also the best audio mix to create the most effects.

First I like to clean my mind, so I bought the Gumroad version of Subconscious limit dissolver (with music) and I like it, but read that on Patreon there is one with no music but also read that the one with music is more powerful, so what do you think about this?

Second, does the Subconscious limit dissolver audio could be mixed with some other ones to improve mind blockages removal (like ego dissolution, do you recommend me any other one)?

Third, Subconscious limit dissolver + ego dissolution could be heard every day without affect (block, reduce) any other audios effects? I’m ussing now “Remove Any Addiction” so my plan would be for the next month to use them all together, 2 times a day (night while sleep and morning while shower), would they work together?

Thank you very much for your responses!


welcome to the forum. :) Subconscious limit dissolver - this should become the main audio in any playlists for a very long time. The basic advice is very simple - pair it with ego dissolution audio at the start of any playlist you play. the version on Patraion without music has the same effect - this has been written about many times on the forum :) listen to it several times a day. although some people loop this audio throughout the night :slight_smile:


Thank you very much Dmitri, do you think that I can make a playlist with Subconscious+Ego+Adicction and play them together to loop all the night without any effect loose?

Its better to play Ego dissolution before the loop and always the first before any audio.
I dont think its safe to loop Ego dissolution through the night. The rest you can.


No, I do not think so. I think that one should get used to morphic fields gradually, and not overload one’s energy system. I understand that many of us want everything at once, but in morphic fields, an increase in the number of listens does not always lead to the desired result. I advise you not to rush. Start listening 2 times a day - morning and evening


Thank you very much @Ugninis and @anon17734191 I will do it as you recommend.

My best wishes to you!

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Welcome to the forum, you’re off to a great start. I recommend the following daily listeners:


If you don’t don’t got any particular reason to listen to any audios just stick with these till you find something you’ll want to stick and listen to.


Thank you very much for your kindness @zen my main reason is to grow spiritualy and also repair all the unconscious damage made to my physical and energy bodies… I had gained a lot of knowledge about spirituality, yoga and meditation and with this awesome tools I know that will get to the next level. Also I will get the course in coming days.

So my starting list would be:

  1. Ego dissolution
  2. Subconscious limit
  3. Amygdala
  4. Remove any addiction

This will be my main list, and eventually any audio for meditation like “Meditation peace love and joy” or some others as meditation background. Then I will add Animal Empathy and higher self…

There are so many awesome audios here that I will get more than I can hear in a year or more. Dreamweaver is awesome.

Later I will use some for body repair like Teeth, hair loss… and so on…

Thank you very, very much for your support


That’s a fine starting list and you can also add:

-Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
-Environmental Energy Accumulator (Dream Seeds)

From my experience, they will boost the effects of other Sapien videos/audios which you are using.


Hello and Welcome!!

Subconcious limits removal its one of the greatest audios , i recomend you to play "remove negative and entitie removal " and exorcism … with the past of the time… if you never take care of your “field” , could be a great first step !!

Good luck and have fun !



If I was you and if I am on the start of all these, I would use playlist point of no return+ego dissolution and after that your wanted field.

Point of no return has 4 main fields and if you use them daily they will help you to build your energy system to absorb better in the future all fields, that’s it to work for you efficiently:


My experience with Subconscious Limit Dissolver is more than positive.
If you listen for several hours a day it will create an inner space and a persistent sense of freedom.
Even when praised it is underrated.
A Master Key!


Thank you very much fo your recommendation… @AkiraTheWild :pray:t2:

Wonderful, I will use it for sure, yesterday I started with it, I was playing it just two times by day, 'cause I’m using some other fields too, like Adicction + Ego + Emotional Release… So do you think that would be good to use Subconscious multiple times a day?

Thank you very much for your support!

Thank you so much for your recommendation @anon728190 I did not started with that play list because some of the audios does not applies to my needs, but was a great read anyway. I really appreciate your support.

Yes, you can play it many times a day. If you make it your most important audio you will not regret it.

Ego Dissolution has more potential for discomfort, especially in the beginning. If you feel angst or discomfort, then cut down on listening time untill you find a level that you can handle.
Emotional release can also help.


Thank you @Bootcamp I’m starting to hear it daily and I’m felling very confortable with it, will keep working on it for so long. I appreciate your suggestion :wink:

I´m glad to hear that!
Please update us on your progress in a week or two.
And don´t forget to increase listening time. It is where the magick begins.


Sure I will, thank you very much @Bootcamp :pray:t2:

Ego Dissolution>>>>>Subconscious Limit Dissolver>>>>>Become Whole

Best combo to have.

Also Love Graviton making me smile rn, Since im attracting love i wanna give love back yknow.