Subconscious limit removal

Is the subconscious limit removal the perfect field? If we have no limits, we are overpowered. Abundance would be faster, less fear, more happiness, and more.

What is your question exactly? Are you seeking reassurance? Since you’ve already answered yourself.

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It wasn’t a question. The topic got changed by the moderator :sweat_smile::joy:


:joy: un-done lol
Yes it truly was supposed to incite discussion
sorry for the confusion

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It’s fine :joy: we are all just human beings


Yes, you could say that.
I think it was my very first tag also.
Arguably the most important…


Great synchronicity. It took me more than a year to understand this but I did just today. I had a plan with changes to do on my daily listens and this morning I suddenly… out of the blue, decided its time to get serious and have been looping the subconscious limit removal audio. I somehow understood how important it is, not sure what triggered this.


It was my first field too, but the old version 1.0. I was on vacations, in Egypt and was laying next to a pool and was listening the field. I was hyped because the description hahaha. Being ,limitless" sounds very interesting

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Yeah I am thinking about that too…because if I do that, my life would improve in all areas, especially mental, so I think I will listen too it on loop while I am asleep

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Unpopular opinion here, subconscious limits are not the only kind of limits.

Sometimes it’s a biological limit, physical or energetic. That’s why we have other fields for other types of limits.

You’re not wrong in thinking subconscious limit removal is very effective, but one must carefully understand the requirements to achieve what one desires.

Mental limits often feel like invisible weight, they have an allure.


Unpopular opinion are always welcome here!

You are right! The physical limits, genetics, there sometimes some other better fields. But I can imagine that the subconscious limit removal helps when u want to surpass your “limits”


I think this is also helpful for achieving new horizons -

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Subconscious Limits are often responsible for biological, physical and energetic limits in the first place.

The Subconscious Mind is consciousness level and consciousness rules over everything.

The only reason why someone’s individual Subconscious Mind is not able to override all biological, physical and energetic limits is because after a certain point those limits are enforced by a collective consciousness (or the Higher Self or whoever created the whole universe game in the first place).

For example, the individual Subconscious Mind can quite easily change your phenotype but it is very difficult for it to change your genotype, or in other words, certain physical rules can be overrided more easily while others require much more “consciousness power” in order to override them.



We had this conversation before, to me you are saying “yes, but…”

Practically speaking, down to earth, for someone who wants actual results… yeah.

Saying everything is consciousness and energy doesn’t change anything, it’s “yes, but…”, it’s just changing the definition not fixing the issue.

I can say “Physical reality is a manifestation of collective consciousness and physical/brain fields are a way to change that consciousness and limit”.

Great. But it changes nothing.
That’s just another less relatable, less concrete filter on the same phenomenon

We might explain electricity and consciousness using quantum mechanics, but it’s not necessary if we’re making a tuto about plugging a TV

People are looking for solutions

Lol, let’s not get into this

But I feel that if you played the game and interpreted my post as biology as a manifestation of conscious energy at a certain vibration within a 3D dimension.

It would flow.


Like seriously, just go ahead and manifest a plane in your backyard ?

Can’t ?

Then whatever is limiting you, let’s call it physical reality. It can be collective consciousness-based or whatver.

Want to be a cat or dragon right now, no delays.
Can’t ?

Let’s call whatever limiting factor biology and let’s understand it

I don’t know what’s the problem with the notion of physical reality and I don’t understand how it keeps anyone from being enlightened.

If I throw a rock in your face, it’s gonna hurt. You won’t care if it’s a collective consciousness-generated rock simulation.

You eat food, you don’t go naked in the street, on some level I know you guys get it and act based on that knowledge.

Maybe I’m just crazy and got no clue lol

Phones and computers aren’t real, it’s atoms and molecules really.

It’s the same logic

The variation is
How does ChatGPT work ?

Molecules !
Now I understand how GPS work, it’s just molecules.

It’s same thing as biology being quantum consciousness. Same logic


PONR deals with several limits at once.

limits impossed by entities/biological/energetic/unconscious/etc

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For any link questions there’s a magnifying glass 2 icons before your profile picture in the top right corner that serves as a search function


Now with the 3.0 version, it would be even more powerful

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