Subconscious Limiting Beliefs being put back into subconscious

There are many Subconscious Limiting Beliefs removal audios said to remove limiting beliefs. But how are those beliefs replaced with positive beliefs?
I personally have been in a very negative state of mind. So I feel like I’m constantly putting back negative thoughts back into my subconscious mind.
I have been listening to Subconscious Limiting Beliefs removal audios for some time but I don’t feel much different.

Don’t know where but Creator M seems to have mentioned somewhere that “when we pull out some belief, we always have to change it with it’s opposite. There is no empty space. If you don’t change it, it will come back.”

So if we are in a negative state of mind while listening, aren’t we putting back the negative thoughts into our subconscious mind? When we have a purge after listening to removal audios, some people recommend listening to grounding, cord cutting, soul restoration fields, etc. but are we able to rewrite with “positive” thoughts?


My advice is to do ALL of the following additionally:

  • Combine SLR 3.0 with Vibration Increase fields.

  • Combine with Gratitude and similar fields that focus on appreciation of positive things.

  • Avoid any type of input that would re-install new limiting beliefs (news, music lyrics, radio, social media, porn etc.).

  • Proactively focus on new positive thoughts.

  • Proactively take action that reflects a new positive reality and state of being, even if it is hard to push through those past patterns.

  • Listen to Angelic Intercession and similar fields to receive support. Proactively ask them to support you in the whole process.

  • Some limiting beliefs may be very stubborn, because they are based on deep seated traumas. For this, the traumas need to be healed with the use of the various trauma healing fields.

This is not a “pick what you like list”. The recommendation is really to do all of these things.

Good luck!


SLR is like exercise, it can work on its own, but it’s better supported with a healthy diet (of the mind).

If you double down/ruminate on negativity to fill the space it’s freeing up, you’d need to increase the “exercise” even more to compensate.

I firmly believe SLR will carry you through in the long run, regardless. Try pairing it with ego dissolution and JAAJ’s suggestions.


Thank you so much for your advice!
I didn’t know we combine with another field.


By combine I mean having a playlist of those different fields. Not listening to them at the same time.

(you can listen at the same time only if you 2 fields are played from 2 different devices)


Thank you for your comment!
I wish there was a field that could just flip negativity to positivity all at once.

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OK understood.
Thank you for clarifying!


Addition to the things @JAAJ has mentioned,

Do this while meditating to Ego dissolution. Not listening but meditating. Feel the emotions of you being in a positive state. Subconscious Limiting beliefs are nothing but just Beliefs. Do not over complicate it. You have to actively change your beliefs while meditating to Ego dissolution. Do the inner work.

Here are few Important to remember:

  • The limiting beliefs are part of your “current” state of being. The key word here is “current”, which not something that will continue to exist.

  • You have to use Ego dissolution daily to alter your beliefs and state of being. Feel positive emotions within your heart and use positive thoughts to actively change your beliefs while meditating.


If the fields do all the work for us, what was the point of our choosing to come and experience life?

And the closest field you’d get to that, to making your efforts count, is probably Point of No Return.


Yes, this is right.

Do check this out.


I would actually say to consider what you want to replace these thoughts with. Just having them is sign of presentation, your mind, actually you is considering “what do we do about it”. The idea considered itself isn’t necessarily negative, this is just how the process is perceived, otherwise if you are positive about a belief, why would you consider to reject it even if you find it “limiting”, or rather would mind even think about it as a limiting otherwise. These thoughts aren’t accepted or rejected on a completely random basis, but there’s degree of uncertainty, so you can just continue repeating. Take note that any particular belief isn’t up to necessary removal, but consideration if it’s beneficial for your development now. Ego Dissolution changes how do you feel about these thoughts when they arise, but it doesn’t change core of the process. So it might make it easier to reject something you find unproductive, but you can come to a different conclusion that the belief is good for you at least for now as well.


Not directly related however I’ve found that Negativity Removal Fields such as Booted Bhoots, Voodoo Detangled and Negativity Processor really help clear the mind and make it much easier to achieve a positive state of mind.

Not really sure if this was an answer you was looking for.


Thank you all for your comments.

First of all is this really true? (I just read it somewhere, don’t know what exactly the source is)
“when we pull out some belief, we always have to change it with it’s opposite. There is no empty space. If you don’t change it, it will come back.”

Subconscious removal is such a popular subject but I have never come across filling an empty space with the opposite belief, nor that there will be an empty space.

I would say Dreams field will do it all for you and you don’t need to worry about a thing just play it.

You can always listen to a subliminal at the same time or another field based on what you want to become.

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Do not complicate things. You don’t have to worry about empty spaces with beliefs exist or not. Focus only on replacing your limiting belief to something positive, not the opposite.
You can’t empty out a negative limiting belief without very convincing evidence, to erase such belief.
I recommend you to fuel your thoughts to something positive (that you want to change) and add emotion to that particular thought. Embrace that feeling. Do this everyday. This a powerful and works very well. Do this while meditating to Ego dissolution, so it’s easy to accept change.


very very powerful combination! :boom:


Thank you for your help, will do so : )

Let me try this combination.
Thank you for your help!

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OK thank you for your message!