Subconscious limiting beliefs removal + ego dissolution questions

Yes and no. The QI videos pump your system full of love and light, which benevolent beings relish in and destructive, negative beings are threatened & weakened by. So, how do the negative beings try to re-exert control over you? They work to make you afraid, so fear builds within you and you stop going back to what would have freed you from them.

In short, it’s not you that’s disturbed by the energy work in the QI videos (or any other energy worker that uses heart-based, loving energies), it’s the negative entities that are trying to use/control you that are bothered. Get rid of them, then soak in the light.


After taking a long break due to overwhelm, I tried SLR for the first time yesterday (I thought it may be the root of my problem). I immediately felt nausea and heartburn. Later when I tried to sleep I got annoying tingling all over my skull and saw lights in front of my closed eyes. It wasn’t the worst reaction but it was bad lol.
I really want to make audios work for me but so confused about what I should do next. I did do some grounding after (grounding meditation not the audio) and it did help. Do you have any advice for me please?