Hi everyone, I have been having one with one sessions ongoing with SammyG and having in depth discussions about morphic fields, effective practices and my overall experience since Sapien started this all in 2011. It was recommended for me to try share posts, knowledges, tips and I’m keen to be putting info out there. Specifically with fields I’ve talked extensively with Sammy about limiting beliefs, power of belief, mindset, placebo effects and the Subconscious Limits 3.0 field which is an extremely powerful tool to grow ongoing with fields and use for infinite applications.
I have been using Subconscious Limits 3.0 for well over 340 days consecutively ongoing with daily detailed journal notes and have learnt a vast amount of knowledge with unlocking this field, other fields and much more with many different types of applications and programming
In regards to SLR 3.0, by clearing and removing limiting beliefs - removing and clearing limiting beliefs can increase the development of neural pathways associated with ALL skills, programming and behaviours.
One of the biggest tips I can share for the SLR 3.0 field is that it can be developed beyond the subconscious and can be directed further to the unconscious mind also. Directing and applying the SLR 3.0 field additionally into the unconscious mind will make results and effects far more extremely powerful
The bridge between the unconscious and the subconscious can be understood in terms of the processes involved in accessing and integrating information from these deeper layers of the mind into conscious awareness.
One way to conceptualize this bridge is through the process of psychological exploration and introspection, such as through therapy or self-reflection. In these processes, individuals may uncover unconscious thoughts, feelings, and memories that are influencing their behaviour and emotions. As these unconscious elements are brought into conscious awareness, they may become part of the subconscious—meaning that they are still operating beneath the surface but are now more accessible to conscious thought and influence. Using methods such as getting into self-hypnotic states, trance states, heightened suggestibility, meditative practices, open eyes meditation / closed eyes meditation with direct focus and intent for the field to seep into the unconscious mind.
Another way to think about the bridge between the unconscious and the subconscious is through techniques such as dream analysis or free association. Dreams often provide a window into the unconscious mind, containing symbols, emotions, and themes that reflect underlying psychological processes. Using the SLR 3.0 field at late night, getting into induced sleepy states, using deep breathing techniques while relaxing eyelids and altering brainwave activity into lower states such as Theta / Delta is extremely powerful.
Similarly while listening to SLR 3.0 using techniques like free association, where individuals speak or write freely without censoring their thoughts, can help bring unconscious material into conscious awareness. Through this process, individuals may uncover hidden patterns or meanings in their thoughts and behaviours, allowing them to better understand themselves and their experiences. Also after listening writing with free association with directives and intentions to emerge from the unconscious is powerful.
Overall, the bridge between the unconscious and the subconscious involves processes of exploration, introspection, and integration, through which unconscious material becomes accessible to conscious awareness and can influence conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
Also by developing with SLR 3.0 I discovered the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind which is often described as the “preconscious” or “subliminal” space. It encompasses thoughts, feelings, and memories that are not in immediate awareness but can be easily brought into consciousness. This bridge is where information from the subconscious mind can rise to the conscious level. Finding this connection point where it feels where the subconscious meets the conscious mind is a powerful method to be able to more directly and intentionally create changes and clear obstacles for programming, this can be achieved by turning down the volume of the field significantly where it’s at a very low volume but still clearly audible and you can feel a shift where the effects feel like it’s shifted from the deeper subconscious and moved way higher into the bridge connection of the conscious mind and it’s inter connections of the more shallow parts of the subconscious mind which are more easily accessible.
Several psychological theories and models attempt to explain the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind. In cognitive psychology and neuropsychology, they emphasize the role of cognitive processes and brain mechanisms in mediating the interaction between the conscious and subconscious mind. These theories suggest that the subconscious mind processes information outside of conscious awareness and can influence conscious thoughts and behaviour through various cognitive biases, automatic processes, and emotional responses.
In summary, the bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves psychological, cognitive, and neurological processes. It represents the interface where subconscious influences can become conscious awareness.
In terms of what can block effectiveness with the SLR 3.0 field also is the “Sentinel” of the subconscious mind which are the processes or mechanisms that regulate or protect the contents of the subconscious mind from conscious awareness. These include various psychological processes such as defense mechanisms, cognitive biases, or the mechanisms of repression and suppression that operate to keep certain thoughts and memories out of conscious awareness. Deep intentional application and keeping an opening mind to allow the field to integrate within you and assessing with critical thought and introspection is important to analyze what could be stopping you from allowing this field to create powerful changes. Our ego specifically has defense patterns and when it realizes it may not be in control it’s immediate reaction is ‘I am going to stop this right now’. We need to mentally condition and retrain ourselves from conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels to ensure the sentinel and defense mechanisms of the mind are not getting in the way of the effects and programming / changes we are after with SLR 3.0 and fields / applications. Hypnotic inductions, affirmations and intentional preparation with deep mindfulness are powerful methods to set yourself up for success
Furthermore in terms for law of attraction boosting at all levels with SLR 3.0, this can be demonstrated by the syntergy theory. Mexican scientist Jacobo Grinberg coined the term “lattice” to describe a holographic matrix of information that interacts with the human brain to create reality.
Grinberg’s syntergy theory suggests that there is a continuous space of energy that humans can only partially perceive, and that this process is what creates reality. The theory also states that the brain creates an energetic field that expands into space and interacts with the space-matter continuum. This interaction can change the informational content of the space-matter continuum, which in turn affects other neuronal fields and physical forces.
This is just a part 1 and introductory written article about usages with Subconscious Limits 3.0 and look forward to sharing more. If anyone needs any help, requires advice, has any questions, about SLR 3.0, open to help out.