I like the YouTube version, but yeah I feel you with the bleep.
I use it sometimes to loop overnight very quietly, it works well for that.
I noticed that the moment I wake up, my mind doesn’t yet register that it is on, I have to “come to” to start hearing it again.
I like the you tube version, it’s just a bit much lol
Immediate effects of the pendants are phenomenal. Little worries I still had are gone, my mind is clear, when I think of what I want to do there’s no doubts.
But that was the opening of the floodgates,
I’ve had my pendant on since yesterday around 7 PM…
Look, I’ve done an immense amount of releasing work in the past two years but when I tell you that this pendant is like removing energy tumors from you, that’s not an exaggeration.
I was laying in bed and completely relaxed my body, I would feel different areas of my body (Meridian combinations or spots on the chakras) light up, become heavy, and slowly start to lift off. I would help some of them because they felt like someone put a dumbbell on me.
It seems that there are small phases where I am clear and at that point my body starts vibrating like I’m running an audio but I am in silence.
Granted, I’m running experiments to intensify my intentions but still, the only time I’ve felt something similar to this is when I ran an experiment with THC edibles to intensify what I was feeling and some of the realeases almost put me in a psychosis episode (I would say it did and I caught myself midway to stop it).
Even as I am typing this my part of my brain feel lit up and with a slight headache, when I release it, it gets better but then something else pops up.
I’m thinking this is going to be a multi day experience.
No more limits #ordering #route #nihilobstat
thats a no huh
is there a telefon number for the shipping company, just wanna ask if they even have anything for my order and stop hoping haha
Imagine it coming tomorrow, imagine how you’d feel opening your package and feel the gratitude of it finally being in your hands and it will manifest as so
There’s fields you can listen to while doing this too that can help
I imagine this since 2 weeks bro, if it isnt in the shipping company, then it isnt
should’ve picked the normal shipping route maybe then I wouldnt wait like a retard looking 24/7 at my email haha
The more you focus on it not being shipped, the longer it’ll take haha the faster you let go the faster you’ll receive the shipping confirmation email!
yeah I get what you mean but man, this fucking sucks
little bitch ego crying because SLR tag wont ship
Stay strong homie
@anon48416969 let me know when it does.
I’m also waiting, it is like I’ve done an investment and I’m waiting for the return…
At the same time waiting for the unintended return to Teespring
So what are 250$ travelling abroad?
All we can do is wait. I’ve talked with the servitors, I’ve played luck audios and honestly I had forgot about it. Until I reach for the IPF tag. Then “oh, that’s right…you’re missing your buddy”
No… as everyone said before, they’re in production. There is no point in calling the shipping company because they have not even received it.
Just chill, it will come to you (and me) once they catch up with the production.
You will get an email once it is actually shipped.
And I second it, keep us updated as to when that happens, I will as well :)
Oh boy
Guess who recieved his email
Finally haha
Our time has come!
I just hope I don’t have a mail saga, like with teespring
Nah mate, teespring had bad system with shipment
When did you both order?