Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

Activating a specific morphic field like the “Subconscious Limit Removal version 3” in your energy system across all timelines involves a mix of focused intention, visualization, and personal belief in the power of such fields. Here’s a guided approach to help you with this activation:

  1. Ground Yourself: Find a quiet, comfortable space. Sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Feel yourself grounded and centered.

  2. Set Your Intention: Clearly set your intention to activate the “Subconscious Limit Removal version 3” morphic field within your energy system. State this intention either aloud or in your mind.

  3. Visualization: Visualize this morphic field as a radiant energy surrounding you. Imagine it permeating your being, reaching every part of your energy system. See it working across all timelines – past, present, future, and parallel.

  4. Embrace the Energy: Feel the energy of this morphic field dissolving any subconscious limits. Visualize these limitations breaking down, transforming into positive energy.

  5. Affirmation: Use affirmations to reinforce this activation. For example, “I am now fully integrating the Subconscious Limit Removal version 3 morphic field in my energy system across all timelines. I am free from all subconscious limitations.”

  6. Meditate on the Connection: Spend some time in meditation, focusing on the feeling of this field being active within you. Trust in its power and your ability to connect with it.

  7. Regular Reinforcement: Regularly revisit this meditation and visualization to reinforce the activation of the morphic field.

  8. Gratitude: Conclude your session with a feeling of gratitude for the energy and its positive impact on your life.

Remember, such practices are deeply personal and subjective. The effectiveness depends on your belief, intention, and the power you ascribe to these visualizations and affirmations.



Beautiful Sammy, I started doing this and felt a huge amount of energy around my heart center.

A condensed recap:

Subconscious Limits Removal Manual

Welcome to the Subconscious Limits Removal process, designed to help you identify and release limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Follow these steps for a transformative experience:

Reflection and Affirmation Process

  1. Introduction:

    • Understand the purpose: This process combines reflection and affirmation to bring old patterns into perspective and open your mind to new possibilities.
  2. Preparation:

    • Identify your limiting belief: Fill in the blanks in the affirmations with your specific limiting belief.
    • Boost mental fortitude: Consider listening to Resilience before starting for increased mental strength.
  3. Reflection Questions:

    • What is this limiting belief I have?
    • Why do I believe it?
    • What memories validate this belief?
    • What new beliefs and positive outcomes can I embrace by releasing these limitations?
  4. Affirmations:

    • I acknowledge I have believed _____.
    • I acknowledge the feelings associated with this belief.
    • I acknowledge I chose to believe this because I reject _____.
    • I seek peace so I choose to accept I have believed _____.
    • I accept the memories associated with this belief.
    • I accept the limitations that believing _____ has caused me.
    • I now choose to let go of _____.
    • I choose to make peace with _____.
    • I fully let go of _____ and open my mind to new and positive possibilities.
  5. Next Level (Optional):

    • Listen to a field that installs the new pattern you desire immediately after completing the reflections and affirmations.

Flow Explanation:

  1. Acknowledgement:

    • Acknowledge the old pattern and bring repressed energies to the surface.
    • Affirm your choice and control in feeling a certain way about yourself, putting you back in control.
  2. Acceptance:

    • Reaffirm your choice and control in rejecting old thoughts/feelings.
    • Choose to accept these thoughts and feelings, neutralizing their repressive force.
  3. Letting Go:

    • Choose to let go of negative associations, releasing the weight of old baggage.
    • Open your mind to embrace new, positive patterns.

Reprogramming Sequence:

  1. Visualization Questions:

    • How would my daily life look and feel if I fully embraced the belief that I ___?
    • What positive changes and experiences would I encounter by living with the belief that I ___?
    • How would my relationships and interactions with others improve if I consistently believed and acted as though I ___?
  2. Affirmations:

    • I now open my mind to believing I ___.
    • Each day, I grow more confident I ___.
    • I recognize my inner potential to ___.
    • I am actively taking steps to be ___.
    • I fully believe I ___.
  3. Repeat and Visualize:

    • Repeat the last affirmation (#5) while imagining the positive changes in your life with this belief as permanent truth. Feel it as truth.

Acceptance Reminder:

  • Acceptance does not mean approval. It means making peace with what is, allowing your mind to create new patterns without resistance from old ones.

Closing Thoughts:

Remember, accepting yourself fully is the first step to growth and peace. Embrace all aspects of yourself to unlock your full potential and focus on positive transformation.


4s you can see i liked this post

which means is the very best audio

loop it use it eat it


Thank you soo much for this! I finally figured out the aspects I was missing. This post is an absolute gem!


will this work even if you use it passively? like will it scan my subconcious and clear out what i dont need ?? bc tbh i dont have time to meditate to it lol


It works on it’s own, but where your attention goes your energy flows. 🤷🏾


What i do is that if i need to work on specific stubborn things, i focus and mindfully listen to it while i repeat the affirmations (after acknowledging and accepting what the blockages are as suggested by Sammy)

But i also add it to all playlist and not once but like every max 3 different audios in the list.

I am absolutely loving this field.

The couple of things i would share is that even tho i have never had blockages in regards of the efficiency of Dreams fields i am realizing or confirming that the Subconscious Mind is a hella powerful USB that control Us!! And the “dangerous” part is that is not just fed but what you provide, but collects from anything and everything unbeknownst to you.

So we always have that lingering doubt in the back of our heads (kinda giggling now thinking that the infamous “back of our heads” might be the house of the Subconscious Mind) :thinking:

Anyhow, so even if i havent doubt the fields ever before, i have had general blockages that we all have like a damn template at different levels of intensity yes, but pretty sure all of us have it like:

Undeserving of great things
Fear of great things
Fear of changing


And for the most part i dont have a problem feeling what every field is doing inside of me, sometimes i could even trace its path etc so this was totally unexpected and goes to show how crucial this field is in every playlist whether you think you have blockages re this or that

because now i am feeling like if each field (even old ones used for a long time where i have had great results from) are like displaying in my mind everything they do or have done, as if i had a board meeting to explain what each part of the field is doing what, like the mechanics of it, and as our brain tends to bounce back to reptilian state (like hmmm im still not 100% sure lets see… lets keep and eye on it) kinda position (and most of the times unconsciously) once everything is explained in detail our brain goes ahhh now i believe it)

And therefore the fields are working even deeper and faster and way stronger. So yes yes, it also works passively. Oh and working on the tags as well!!

That said, it is a great way to understand those fields that have little information and for some that reptilian brain keeps them like a hostage :grimacing: making it harder to let a field work as it could just because the description is vague.

And the 2nd thing im feeling is my manifestation dusting off all the cr*p it had accumulated in the many years i struggled and the external circumstances that kept pushing me down, i used to be my own magic wand, unstoppable, with an Unbreakable faith about succeeding in whatever the heck i decided to put my interest in and i achieved a lot, and i always walked facing life upfront secure in any outcome…

Had to be tested again and again, but mostly the lesson was to fully focus on something until getting through, which i wasnt doing, because my potent inner magic wand, i wanted to explore all but all was left unfinished most of the time, so with each push back life threw at me my confidence to manifest started going down and down and down and then i found myself having to learn, adop and collect all kinds of techniques, and tools to accomplish whatever damn something because nothing was happening my way at all.

I lost my inner power.

And i became someone that needed a lot of crutches to get somewhere and that was simply because i did not trust my Subconscious Mind at all, i knew it was all bad with the wrong wiring, clogged up etc i got to a point to manifest with the contrary set of mind like “positive thoughts bring the contrary, but when thinking i could not get something then i get it” so dont be too positive about anything.

And that is sick!!! Its so wrong. But its how my Subconscious and Conscious mind became, i just tried to survive.

Ego Dissolution, the original SLR and the magnificent Devil in Reverse helped greatly but still being the stubborn child i am, so was my fkd up Subconscious mind.

And its when i developed and focused on expanding the 2nd Manifestation Powerhouse: The Heart.

That helped.

But it still couldnt bring all or how I wanted or at the speed I wanted when the mind kept pulling towards the opposite direction.

How am i feeling the shift and liberation of my Subconscious Mind?

When i say things that could be a decrete a type of force feels like exuding out of me and i guess that is the manifestation energy that empowers and hooks to my words once the are out.

Oh and one last thing, ive felt a bit dizzy or more like high high when i am reciting the affirmations while i play the audio, like strongly lol to the point that half way my tongue feels heavy and it gets difficult to finish the sentences :sweat_smile: and i feel like if i was about to have an OBE every time.

The level of re wiring and freeing is insane if its making me feel that way.

Its like if it was performing an exorcism in me everytime i swear haha i love it. Bring it please and thank you! :muscle:


I had several huge ego detoxes & transformations from this field. Today it seems things have cleared up a bit. When playing the audio the only thoughts that come to mind are remove all limiting beliefs & clear my subconscious completely so that i can realize & make use of my full potential. I hope this is enough!


Please also update the Confidence and self-esteem field with this new technology


The [self love + confidence] field from ‘Path to Wholeness’ is that.


Is that the rizzard of oz himself?


Lmao the rizzard of oz? :laughing:


Hahaha I said that!
The rizzard of oz
Rizzly bear

rizzmattan method
Plasma Brain of rizz
Rizz Key
Snapping rizznapses

Subconscious rizzlimit removal

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LOOOL bro we gotta chill but I’m crying laughing.

P.S this field removed tons of blockages. I’m similar to @Pano in that my sensitivity to fields increased. (But nah fam I’m still cranking nonstop lol.)


Yep it’s like a complete re-sensitization


Facts bro, I’m also getting more tangible results from fields that weren’t really doing much for me as well.


This in the first few days opened my mind up so much. I was watching a series about celebs going into prison (reformed prisoners pretending) I had no idea why I was watching something like that I never watch anything these days. However at the end I was like wow coming out of prison whole world to do nearly what ever you like in the sense of a fresh start (obviously with the limitations of a criminal record) and then all of a sudden I had the feeling like the world is all there for me I can have fresh start when ever, I can do whatever felt basically unlimited. The day after I didn’t feel that feeling of freedom as much but I had the knowledge of the freedom and I knew with time this field could take me there.

Hope this makes sense and can give others a different perspective. I suppose the message I’m tryna put across is when you feel in a runt or spiral just remember at any moment you can pretend your coming out of prison into a world made for you and write a bit of a game plan for what you want to achieve. Something along those lines.


how long can i loop this 4?