Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

My best guess is maybe your sacral or solar plexus is weaker compared to your other chakras or perhaps you store a lot of limiting beliefs in that area? Conflicting beliefs even

They say the gut is a second brain

And just a random intuitive hit… I feel soul restoration would be of great benefit :blue_heart::blue_heart:



In TCM, Qi stagnation causes blockages and pain and probably the field is trying to push through the blockages.

Try also Mana Circuits, Acu Automation and see if a few rounds of these help? May be even Energy Blockage Removal and Resilience fields…

Also Emotional Release to smooth out the clearing process if the process of release is bringing up old grief and trauma manifesting as physical pain.

Your energy system is nice and rosy, so I don’t sense anything visibly wrong!


Yeah, i looped some energtic being, soul contium and soul core as @AlreadyThere recommended :grin:

I am going to sleep, I will in the morning :raised_hands:

This field reminds me alot like VOC, but much safer and less harsh.

Am aready noticing different bowel colours and constant use of the bathroom after using this field, stool suggests that my food wasnt completely digested according to google.

I really hope a can cure my stomach, that would acutally be a dream come true.


I bet even primal urges and song of the core would help a lot.
Smart reiki
Intestinal cleanser?


Just throwing this out there (it’s not a field), but check out Dr William Davis’ book Super Gut. L Reuteri yogurt (which the book pioneered) is a totally transformative process for the gut/body. Recommend.


It´s probably adressing the beliefsystems behind this chronic issue. Persist!


In this way should Ego Malleable be listened to before the fields on abundance or before SLR 3.0?

My assumption is that it is some kind of resistance. Because the field is doing too much too fast and maybe your subconscious or a part of it is scared to let go.

As freedom suggested, persist and it will go away.
If you have malleable ego listen to it together or before the limit 3.0.


Tried this out yesterday and I gotta say i definitely feel some changes mentally

For this, do we ask the questions while listening to the limits removal as well, or only the affirmations?

Also, how long should you do this practice for one specific topic before moving on?


While listening or before is fine. As long as it comes up to the surface for the field to dissolve it.

You stop when you feel it isn’t a blockage anymore.

But you can work on different blockages everyday if you want. Lighten the load bit by bit.


You guys ain´t realizing how powerful this tool is yet…

The realizations are all over the place since I´ve started using this with ME and SC…

As always, consciously work with it to maximize results.

2024 is the fucking year :sun_with_face: :milky_way:


What is sc?


The multidimensional dyslexic professor

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the multidimensional tour?

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Lol no Soul Continuum


thanks! :sweat_smile:

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This plus malleable ego is definitely changing my relationship/interaction with fields. One noticeable difference is I can no longer loop fields like I used to. Much more sensitive to them. A little goes a long way. Limitless possibilities to be explored.

Excellent field.


Have you coupled it with active work such as affirmations & visualizations?

Or just passively playing it before fields? and how much?

I very much do couple it with affirmations and visualizations.

Not all the time but as much as I can remember to. Journaling, speaking, thinking, feeling, visualizing.


These past couple of days felt like every cell in my body was about to burst out of joy. I feel fully in Divine’s embrace. To think this came as a free release :pray:t3: This is probably what I needed the most right now, thank you so much DW :blush::heart: