Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

I think this was a general remark, not related to myself. Thank you for your help. And thanks to @Alkul for information he shares.


just done it, will try the expanses too

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I think the two is a powerful combo.

I tried this before a workout audio stack inspired by Sammy-san’s post and @Jokas21

  • Subcon 3.0 X 1
  • Malleable Ego X 1
  • Workout audio 1 X 3
  • Subcon 3.0 X 1
  • Malleable Ego X 1
  • Workout audio 2 X 3
  • Subcon 3.0 X 1
  • Malleable Ego X 1
  • Workout audio 3 X 3

I was severely sore. Initially, I thought of just adding both audios at the beginning of the stack because the duo before every field is probably overkill, but dang, this combo was extremely strong.


Nothing produced on this forum is generic.


You’re quoting Simon & Garfunkel :joy:


“The Boxer”
written by Paul Simon


I think @igem just meant that Malleable Ego can work on a wider scope , which is what SammyG is saying, right?

I’m sensing some language barrier here.


From what I understand

The aspect of the Malleable Ego is embedded in the -subconscious limit removal- aspect of the field as an extra dimension to subconscious removal. Essentially adding an extra mechanism to work on SLR.

Malleable Ego is a mechanism unto itself which acts to a much broader scope since it’s not a specialized application of it.

I like the tomatoes analogy used up above. SLR 3.0 is a sauce which earlier, didn’t have tomatoes but now does. But ME is the tomato itself so it’s applications are much broader

I think, the confusion and overlap.comes thru since subconscious limits are such a deep part of our being, but what’s super interesting is that ME does that and WAY more so the possibility of exploration is more user specific and endless.

Correct me if I’m wrong!


I don’t want to go off topic but I love this song, great musician’s.
It’s been a while since I’ve watched their concert in 81 in Central Park. Time to go back down the rabbit hole.

SLR 3.0 is amazing also :raised_hands:t3:


You might want to re-read the thread :slight_smile:

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does anyone stomach hurt when listening to this?

Wow :popcorn:
I still have yet to give this a whirl
All in good time
But I do love the stories :black_heart:

must. maintain. referential. integrity… :eyeglasses::briefcase:

It is 2024 and I know there are many of you that are still struggling with the same blockages for years. This is a year for fully facing what’s in our way, dissolving it and paving the way for new patterns that bring out the best in us. It’s time we finally face the music. You already have the willpower to change yourself and you show that by seeking out and listening to these audios… which do so much of the subconscious work for you. Now it’s time to do the conscious work that comes with it to permanently change our minds. And well, we have a supportive community that is here if things get too difficult.

For subconscious limits removal, I am going to suggest a reflection and affirmation process. I will take you through it step by step. The reflection is to bring up this old pattern and put it in full perspective. The affirmation process is for you to then consciously accept, release these old patterns and open the mind to new ones.

At first, you might meet resistance and have a hard time mentally giving in but the more you answer the questions and recite these affirmations, the more you consciously/subconsciously let go of these patterns. You are to recite these mentally or out loud, either way is fine. Just do your best to feel these things and put yourself into this perspective. I know it’s tough but you can listen to Resilience beforehand to increase your mental fortitude beforehand.

Before you do this, it helps if you fill in the blanks for the affirmations with the limiting belief you have.

Then, all you have to do is answer the questions (mentally or out loud) and then do the affirmations (while listening to the Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0 )


What is this limiting belief I have?

Why do I believe it?

What memories validate this belief?

What new beliefs and positive outcomes can I embrace by releasing these limitations?


I acknowledge i have believed _____

I acknowledge the feelings associated with this belief

I acknowledge I chose to believe this because I reject ______

I seek peace so I choose to accept I have believed _______

I accept the memories associated with this belief

I accept the limitations that believing ____ has caused me

I now choose to let to go of _____

I choose to make peace with _____

I fully let go of ____ and open my mind to new and positive possibilities


If you want to take this to the next level, you can then afterwards… listen to a field that installs the new pattern that you want programmed. For example if your limiting belief was about abundance, then listen to one of our abundance fields right after. Or if it’s about you thinking you are too short to be attractive, then confident afterwards. Then while listening to the field, answer these questions mentally with visualizations and then recite the affirmations mentally or out loud:


How would my daily life look and feel if I fully embraced the belief that I ___?

What positive changes and experiences would I encounter by living with the belief that I ___?

How would my relationships and interactions with others improve if I consistently believed and acted as though I ___?

I now open my mind to believing I ___

Each day, I grow more confident I ___

I recognize my inner potential to ___

I am actively taking steps to be _____

I fully believe I ___

(repeat #5 over and over again while imagining how you would feel and your life would be with this belief as permanent truth. Feel it as truth)


The flow to these affirmations is rather different. The questions allow you full tap into the old pattern.

Through acknowledgement, you bring up the repressed energies to the surface and allow them to coexist for a moment. Acknowledging your choice in feeling how you felt reaffirms that you had choice and control in how you have felt about yourself. This is you taking accountability and putting yourself back into the driver’s seat.

Then by reaffirming you had choice and control in rejecting these thoughts/feelings, you can now choose to accept these thoughts and feelings. You are in control again and have the choice to accept these rejected energies and neutralize their repressive force. Accepting rejection dissolves rejection (because then there is no more rejection!)

Then by choosing to let go (which since you reaffirmed yourself as being in control and choosing your limiting belief, you are now in the position to choose other things for yourself), you are making the choice to let go of the negative associations. You are choosing to perceive this thing neutrally. You are letting go of all the weight this negative baggage has had on you. Releasing it through your acceptance and opening your mind to embracing new patterns.

The flow is also designed to slowly open up your mind to ease your mind into being able to accept and let go through the sequence.

Now for the sequence of reprogramming, the questions simply get your mind to start to naturally visualize your life with this new belief. Then the affirmations open your mind to this new belief and then begin to fully integrate the new belief into your mind. The visualizations afterwards direct the new patterns being created in your mind with the information this new belief needs to actualize. Now before I go…

Something here needs to be reminded because I think a lot of people struggle with the concept of acceptance. Acceptance does not mean approval. Acceptance simply means making peace with what is and no longer fighting/rejecting it. In making peace with what happened or current circumstance, you will no longer have a negative association to this thing nor be triggered by it. This gives your mind the space to then create new patterns instead of being resisted by the old patterns. Here is a quote from the Path to Wholeness system that fits in here.

‘Every aspect of you, from your strengths to your insecurities, forms the complete person that you are. Rejecting any part of yourself is like ignoring a crucial piece of your identity. It doesn’t disappear; it simply weighs on you, unrecognized. Accepting yourself fully means recognizing and embracing every part, even those you’re not fond of. This acceptance doesn’t mean you stop growing or improving; it means you acknowledge your current state as a starting point for any change. It’s in understanding and accepting yourself as you are now that you find the freedom and energy to evolve. Acceptance is the first step to growth and peace. By embracing all that you are, you unlock your full potential and turn your focus toward positive transformation.’


Accepting tension, dissolves tension ;)



Lol, you got the reference :sweat_smile:


We should have these posts from Sammy-san added to probably the FAQ list. I can’t see anyone who will not benefit from them.


does anyone have any idea why my stomach hurts as soon as i play Limits 3?