Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

Na I aint using andro, manly man is enough tbf


this is strong! after listen to this field and listen to other fields i can field the energy faster of the other fields


@Maoshan_Wanderer Regarding the old Androstenol field, it appears to still be in operation. The old Androstenol is archived in Wayback Machine. When Sapienā€™s channel was attacked Sammy recommended to access Wayback Machine, that means that the old Androstenol and all the archived fields are working.


Here is the original archived field Androstenol field:


I believe i can recover! Letā€™s go!


Nah bro, conceptual realizations :exploding_head:

how do you access, find sapeins frequencies in archived web?

Lovely thank you Sapien Med


Welcome to the forum @Billst :blush::champagne:


Wellā€¦ Cough cough.I just want to share that this is ridiculously powerful even better than version 2.0, you can feel that removing limiting beliefs is long term, you ā€œfeelā€ the new solidified patterns. Thanks Dream :pray:t2::slightly_smiling_face:
And with all due respect to people who buy ego malleable separately and dream, but you should include it in all fields and a solidifier changes.


Iā€™m between jobs and I was thinking about what to do next. Suddenly I thought that it would be amazing to see myself becoming a stand up comedian and I was really thinking about it. I zoned out and I was thinking specifics.
Meā€¦ who a week ago I knew I would die of a heart attack if I get on a stage with people below watching me.

Suddenly I realized the difference in the way of thinking, being a little bit shocked and thinking this is weirdā€¦
Andā€¦ this audio was playing on the background. This is ridiculously overpowered!

I also noticed a very light headache every time I loop more than 5 times. And it goes away few minutes later after I stop listening. Probably some kind of resistance? Anyone else noticed similar effect?


@Luminous Access the Androstenol link, then click on Sapienā€™s channel and then simply select the Videos option.

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Me thinking ā€œman I paid $150 and now itā€™s basically freeā€ didnā€™t last more than a second.
It might be the unconditional love infusion Iā€™ve been using, but I think pretty much everyone would be fine with that.

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Malleable Ego is more generic than SLR 3.0 though. And personally I donā€™t find it a complete replacement of Ego Diss+ (although original Ego Dissolution isnā€™t exactly replaced from my point of view either).


Hi @Billst!

Welcome Tara Hierophant

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So Iā€™m actually not stopping Ego Diss+ completely in favor of Malleable Ego.

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I think a number of you are still misunderstanding Malleable Ego and I donā€™t know how many more times or ways I can explain it.

Malleable Ego is not more generic that SLR 3.0 . I donā€™t know where you get that idea. Iā€™m still using Malleable Ego daily because it allows me to directly program my subconscious however I want. SLR 3.0 clears up limiting beliefs that would be in the way of you reprogramming but it does not directly reprogram the subconscious. Thatā€™s not what it does.

Ego Diss+ also isnā€™t a direct reprogrammer of the ego as well.


It was made pretty clear several timesā€¦

ā€œStill a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the restā€


Ay man, no need to throw shade. @igem was just sharing his/her opinion on it. Might have not clearly understood and thatā€™s all.


A few spams of the current state of the Attunement Card will fix it. No shade, Igem is a bro. All yā€™all bros. Light jabs is all :facepunch: