Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

Bro, I added the four fields (Subcon 3.0, Malleable Ego, and the two fields from the new course) to all my stacks.

You guys rock! Super excited… This is like the turning of the clock to a new era…Intercessions, Plasma, Panchanga Yoga, and boom, this… 2024 is going to be AMAZING!


Could go either way honestly. But… it’s like this.

Malleable ego onto subconscious limits removal if you want to amplify subconscious limits removal and really focus on removing limiting beliefs.
You do sub onto malleabe onto other fields, if you want to focus on other fields or reprogramming in general (subs, affirmations, visualizations, ext).


Indeed man, I’m excited for what’s to come :fist:


Thanks Sam! This is a really good distinction to make and remember. I’ll be making a few swaps.


This wouldn’t have been made if we didn’t have something to add. 3.0 was made using the new malleable ego technique that has been very effective in altering the ego/subconscious. I think people here or in the youtube comments would be pretty vocal if this one was worse or not really as effective as the last.

At the end of the day, the results will speak for themselves to you. You try it out yourself. It’s free.

We aren’t going to just put something out like this knowing it’s worse than 2.0. We didn’t make hair loss 3.0 setting out to make it worse. Dream found some new techniques for hair loss and used them for 3.0. They worked for some people and didn’t work for others.

So that’s why you try the fields yourself and see if it works for you. Fields affect everyone differently so truly the answer of ‘what’s better’ is only a question that you can answer. I’m personally pretty confidence that slr 3.0 is an upgrade from 2.0 but that’s from my personal experience with the field.


@SammyG Sorry for getting off topic mate… but I want to know if I buy the premium Patreon subscription with a family member’s card (I currently don’t have one) and then give the money to the person, then will the premium fields work for me?




(Trying Right Now)

How about Playing or even Looping SLR3 on Device1 and/while playing/looping Field of our choice on Device2?

Edit: The Joy is Real (I’m the type who actually isn’t that much of a Believer, in anything/any method or any Creation, results Speak for Me, And The Results From SLR3 Have Spoken! :grinning:), same thing today, it makes me So Much More Positive While listening (to) SLR3 and after, and the effect is lasting; also, it boosts my Creativity.

New Edit: It Seems to Work Splendidly, while using another field as well, however I have used KQC and Energy Expansion Card, to make sure that My Energy is Expanded and Capable of Receiving and Incorporating 2 Fields at Once (for me, this is an old experiment, and I gotta say, anything which boosts Energy/The Aura is Truly Helping, for Those Who Want to Try/Listen to/Use 2 Fields at Once).

@Nice2knowU Reading Your Comment, I gotta say: That’s How Life Should Be, That’s The Ideal Standard of How We Should Be - Limitless, Joyous, Powerful.
SLR Truly Brings Things In/To Their Rightful Place.
It’s Official - I LOVE This Field (One Of My All Time Favorites)!


I agree.
And the positive outlook it creates on life is mind blowing. All possibilities suddenly become tangible and normal. It’s like the typical image of standing in front of a tall mountain symbolising the challenge, then this field simply makes the mountain disappear. The goal is then not only in sight but also much more easily reachable. The field really changes your perspective big time

Have done that yesterday with SLR3 + Ojas Marrowed


:100: to everything you said.

This + New Perspectives would be a super powerful combo. :mechanical_arm:


Wow just realized Ver 3.0 is here :heart_eyes::flushed:


This can be played on a loop?


what a powerful combination this is.
SLR 3.0 x3
Goat scent 4x
SLR 3.0 x3
Androstenol sapien from youtube 2x
SLR 3.0 x3
Androstenol patreon 2 x
SLR 3.0 x3
Unconditional androstenol 4x

I went out to walk around the city, brother, as if I were some celebrity, all eyes were on me. I immediately felt the smell of androstenol


bro i find fields work better when i stack them this way : e.g.
SLR 3.0 X 9
Androstenol x 9

idk just playing them that way makes them work better for me but its all subjective ig


Love it :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


thanks sammy


what are the benefits of adrostenol field?

Which Andro field as you all using? Patreon one or the web archived one? The reason I ask is I find Manly Man + GOAT + Golden Glow much better than the old Andro without some of the aggression related side effects.

I was bribed to ask this question haha


Been peppering my day with this one at several points in the day and it’s just divine.

I’m able to negotiate with myself a lot easier. An intrusive thought will come in, you know the old “what if this what if that what if this” song and dance and I used to just kind of watch from the cheap seats but lately I find myself close enough to the stage that I go, “enough. I know it’s fine.” And it’s quieter, then.

It’s a highlighter, a very good one. One of my patterns that really gets in the way is I can in the name of self protection be cynical with people I interact with but I’ve decided that hurts more than it helps.

This one highlighted that in a few interactions I had. So following Sammy’s advice I’m hitting it in this order: this, malleable ego and the true self of others (divine spark). The affirmation: I’m balanced and judicious in how I see people. I notice the “good” equally with the “bad,” and I try my best to give the good the edge.

A follow up affirmation for next session could be, “I’m strong enough to handle whatever happens with as much grace as I can muster.”

Because If I really believe that, what’s there to really worry about?

Time to dismantle the vestiges of victim mentality, brick by brick.


@SammyG Not sure if anyone asked but how long do the effects of this field last with 1 listen? A few hours? A day?