Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

Everything you wrote makes perfect sense. I was thinking the same way, so I made a new list. I start with this video, then move on to Become Whole, and after that add the Schumann Resonance in between. I’m loving the Lucky Flowers and Dissolver of Mental Limits lists right now, so I’ve included them. I can’t narrow down the list much this time because I feel like I need everything.

I believe that the detoxification happened much earlier, and now my body can handle a lot of energy. Guilt revision, shame cleansing, and sexual trauma have been part of the list I’ve been listening to for the past few months, so now they’re not part of the standard setup. You may be right that we should identify what things or conditions lead to certain conditions and then work on them.

For those of us who are hypersensitive, we may need to increase serotonin levels first, then work on emotional strength, and only then focus on other changes. Now I got it all mixed up, but I think you get the point. Adding to that a curious nature that likes to explore new fields makes it even more difficult. But I believe that everything will be great if we make a correct and smart plan. That’s why your experiences, advice and recommendations are so valuable to me. :hugs:


People in the forum right now:

:male_detective: :female_detective:
:running_woman: :tornado::leaves:

Same…which is why I found it hard to answer.

So, thanks for the kindness and encouragement guys and gals :bowing_man:


Right now I’m somehow in square 1 once again. So I was building my foundation with ego diss - all purpose anxiety removal - amygdala healing plus fear release. And I planed to add guilt, shame, sexual trauma later. And then later trauma fields.

But now I’m not sure if the trauma, guilt and shame should go before APAR and amygdala.

The fields I overlook the most (basically never use) are the vibration raisers. And also, feel good fields I use once in a blue moon. And they always bring me back up.

But it is…yknow with all things one can improve, I don’t prioritise raising vibration, as I assume it will go right back down almost as soon as I stop playing the field, given my environment and circumstances…also Ascensionaut didn’t do much for me (only had for a month and didn’t “use” it besides having it in the wallet though).

And with emotional strength, it depends. I work on it, but not so much in confidence as I get sht-tested as all hell.

I also gave up the “other changes” but now I have to bring fields for that back. Gotta work on everything, despite time and energy constraints.

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You’d be surprised to know that my focus always has elements of protection and caring :relaxed:

In other words, feel lucky if i focus on you here and there haha

Embrace it!!! :hugs:

Yw brother!


I came up with the idea of ​​serotonin after listening to a highly respected neurologist talk about how hypersensitive people are often born with low levels of serotonin. She said it’s best to start there, because increasing serotonin can raise oxytocin, dopamine and other hormones to a certain level that is attainable for hypersensitive people. Only then should work be done on cleaning accumulated emotions and various traumas stored in the body. It all makes sense to me.

If we can’t change our circumstances right now, the only option left is to improve ourselves in order to cope better and make the most of everything. Everything seems to get a lot better when I honestly listen to myself and my intuition. So with these other changes, let’s hope for the best.

We must not forget love, which is the key thing that we often overlook. I believe that when we are happy and emotionally stable, all these other changes become much more intense. The beauty of this forum lies in the support members provide to each other on their journeys, regardless of the direction and goals they are pursuing.


Yes ,it will clear everything if looped ,posible it may cause nightmare and trauma detox

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Another time-bending dream of a field.

Props, Cap.


Someone ever tried to use Brain Boosters on this?


No, but thank you for the idea :wink:


I’m wondering if this works on a physical level, our incarnational brain/body (So we may think that it dissolves the blockages which also have a physical manifestation) or it works over an higher level of existence (Where is the Subconscious located?) or both perhaps.

As Above So Below
As Within So Without

I’ll try to boost it with Opus Manhattan, I think may have interesting consequences


This part


I boost slr with opus. I think it helps. I’ve found that opus can boost a lot of things. Like Merry Maker it’s boosted really good for example. I love opus, i think it’s my fav!