Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

This is still a thing. :grinning:

I can call it the Feel Good Field or Go Happy field, since it brings me Such Positivity.

Also, it helps with the Results coming from Fields And Autossugestions (kind of obvious, this statement).


People would be insane not to pair this with affirmations. You are twisting your limiting belief to form into the belief that you do want via affirmations and the process is done very smoothly and quickly.

One of the most important fields to have.




I try to avoid looping but I am going back to uni in few months and have been feeling sort of too dumb for it. Limitless Horizons nft helped a lot but yesterday I looped it together with this one so 1xSLR, 1xLH, 1xSLR, 1xLH… for one hour. After my session I felt really good in my own skin, a can do attitude and no worries. If you are going through serious self doubt and have LH try this. I feel so capable and free now.


This is powerful, thank you!


Welcome to the forum @jasonfrovich !


Thank you, I have listened to Sapien for years on YouTube and only just found the forum looking for more info on Digital Mandalas and where I can get them from. I found a lot on IG. Still looking for more.


Welcome @jasonfrovich :slightly_smiling_face:

You can easily do a search :mag: using keywords of your choice, but linking it here


Cool and good to know.


Man had a shitty day at work, lots of stress and doubts. Looping this a few times and I feel much better :grin:


I’ve been inspired by this field because I listen to it every day before making my list, and sometimes in between. I’m curious if there are people who are genuinely insensitive to energy. Sometimes I read about others’ experiences and their excitement after just a few listens, and I wonder if I have too high expectations or if these fields really have minimal effects on me despite my persistence. Is it possible that subliminals work better for some people? Okay, I know many will say I’m not in the right vibration and should practice more meditation, etc., but I don’t entirely agree because I know myself and I’m not that new to this.

Is there a way to measure sensitivity to energy? Does anyone have that ability or power?


Keep using this one and maybe older SLRs too, and the new limitations removal field (from the latest album).

I think, if fields do work for you, just slowly or less than expected, it may be a block specific to fields. That’s why I recommended the SLRs, cause they work on the belief that fields don’t work for you.

Besides that, there are many possible problems to address. Energetic, physical health, “multiverse” issues, not being willing to face something, self-worth, etc.

I want to mention the “not being willing to face” part. Maybe you just can’t deal with something (trauma is hard), and you don’t yet have the right tool.

Many people here experience improvements in the same areas again and again, with the different tools, as they address different things or from different angles.

So I guess deep down or your highest self knows that you wouldn’t “survive” the detox or it simply is not good for you, so fields aren’t working perfectly for you, until you find the one tool that can address something that your current fields could loosen up and it could be too overwhelming.

But with the right tool for whatever that is, it should be easier. I read you’ve used every clearer and cord cutter out there but…there seems to be no end to clearing, so I’d keep at it.

I’d also use things that free up energy (like guilt revision, shame washer, sexual trauma revision), and something to put you in touch with your purpose…maybe you’re chasing the wrong goals for you.

I think sensitivity isn’t an issue with fields. They work regardless. If fields won’t work perfectly for you, then they won’t, with the difference that you felt some energy; or you didn’t, so you knew the field wasn’t going to work as expected, but still can’t figure out why.

The new voodoo field be looking juicy too :ok_hand:


I recommend looping hard and see if it helps. Also try to find other ways to boost results, such as energy blockage etc.

I looped this one around 200+ hours and now I feel the fields more. Check my brain thread for details


Im nosy and i read. I wish you and @Freedom wouldnt delete after posting so many times.

Most of the times what you share is really good, i dont know the reason but your input like every one else’s is valuable!


Alright I brought it back but…the reason why is that I felt weird after posting (for several reasons).

And as it is now, it sounds and feels bad to me. Something isn’t right…but also can’t think any better (big burnout hours). Hope it doesn’t bother Zin-Uru.

I’m counting on that too xD. I know posts remain for 24h, so sometimes, I assume people will read it but it won’t clutter the thread or I won’t feel that I left something out of place there.


Thank you for bringing it back.

It is an amazing comment.

What if you try keeping whatever you write from now on?

For a while?

Like 2 or 3 weeks?

No matter what you write?

I mean up to you of course, but just remember we are ALL here growing, expanding, coming out of the shell, challenging ourselves, embracing the self, accepting failures here and there etc etc

All throughout the interactions, comments, posts etc the Forum itself is a big field imo (not saying it is, i meant more like in terms of bringing changes just like a field)

Thats why random thoughts and general thread have so many comments, because we feel safe there, ah i can say whatever here and its fine, we can say whatever in any post as long as its respectful and more or less related to the topics.

You are valuable Drift, i pay close attention to people in the forum, each one and i really like how you think and process things. Its good!

If you try, you will accomplish a lot. Trust me.


Yeah i agree with lunamoon.Your part about “no end to clearing” struck a chord with me. Definitely food for thought! :+1:


Overview of Common Reported Findings, Benefits, and Downsides: Subconscious Limits Removal Version 3 (Based on thread and YT comments)

Common Reported Findings

  1. Emotional Reactions:

    • Immediate emotional responses such as waves of joy, tears of gratitude, and feelings of peace and lightness.
    • Some users report a sense of emotional release, feeling lighter and happier.
  2. Behavioral Changes:

    • Increased motivation to exercise and engage in positive habits.
    • Reduction in overthinking and a quieter mind.
    • Enhanced willpower and a more positive mindset.
  3. Enhanced Confidence and Clarity:

    • Improved self-confidence and reduced fear in stressful situations.
    • Clearer thinking and better handling of challenging circumstances.
  4. Manifestations and Synchronicities:

    • Increased ability to manifest desires and experience positive synchronicities.
    • Examples include receiving unexpected gifts or favorable outcomes.
  5. Physical Sensations:

    • Reports of physical sensations like warmth, tingling, and feelings of relaxation.
    • Some users feel a lightness, similar to a refreshing walk on the beach.
  6. Improved Relationships:

    • Better handling of interpersonal relationships, more forgiving, and accepting compliments more easily.
    • Less reactivity and reduced absorption of others’ negative emotions.
  7. Heightened Sensitivity to Energy:

    • Increased awareness of personal and external energy, leading to more conscious interactions.
  8. Impact on Ego and Subconscious:

    • Effective in altering subconscious patterns and reducing limiting beliefs.
    • Long-term changes in behavior and mindset due to subconscious reprogramming.


  1. Emotional Well-being:

    • Enhanced feelings of joy, peace, and emotional release.
    • Users report feeling lighter, happier, and more balanced.
  2. Mental Clarity:

    • Reduced overthinking and improved focus.
    • Clearer and more organized thoughts.
  3. Physical Health:

    • Increased motivation to exercise and better physical sensations.
    • Some users notice improvements in physical stamina and reduced soreness.
  4. Manifestation:

    • Enhanced ability to manifest desires and positive outcomes.
    • Users experience an increase in favorable coincidences and unexpected gifts.
  5. Self-confidence:

    • Boosted confidence and reduced fear in challenging situations.
    • More willingness to take risks and pursue goals.
  6. Interpersonal Relationships:

    • Improved interactions and acceptance of positive feedback.
    • Enhanced ability to handle interpersonal conflicts and emotional triggers.
  7. Energy Sensitivity:

    • Greater awareness and control over personal energy and emotions.
    • Enhanced sensitivity to other energy fields and frequencies.
  8. Ego and Subconscious Reprogramming:

    • Effective in reducing limiting beliefs and promoting positive subconscious changes.
    • Accelerated personal growth and self-improvement.


  1. Initial Discomfort:

    • Some users report initial discomfort, such as increased anxiety, tingling sensations, and difficulty sleeping.
    • Temporary emotional upheaval as subconscious beliefs are challenged.
  2. Emotional Overload:

    • A few listeners experience overwhelming emotions or feel dissociated and confused.
    • Some users may feel emotional numbness or increased sensitivity to negative emotions.
  3. Physical Fatigue:

    • Reports of feeling physically tired or experiencing headaches after prolonged listening.
    • Some users feel drained and require additional rest.
  4. Sensitivity Variability:

    • Not all users feel the effects equally, leading to frustration for those who do not perceive immediate benefits.
    • Variability in sensitivity to energy fields can affect the overall experience.
  5. Potential Negative Effects:

    • A minority of users report adverse reactions like increased anxiety, insomnia, or emotional numbness.
    • Some users experience negative physical sensations like tingling or discomfort.
  6. Ego Resistance:

    • Some users feel uncomfortable dealing with changes in ego and subconscious beliefs, leading to resistance and negative reactions.
    • Difficulty in accepting and integrating new beliefs can cause temporary setbacks.
  7. Dependency Concerns:

    • Potential risk of becoming overly reliant on the audio for emotional stability and well-being.
    • Users may feel dependent on the audio to maintain positive emotional states.

Combination with Malleable Ego Field

The combination of Subconscious Limits Removal Version 3 with Malleable Ego is highly beneficial for individuals seeking profound and lasting personal transformation. By preparing the ego to be more receptive and flexible, it allows for deeper and more effective subconscious reprogramming, leading to faster and more stable positive changes. This combination can significantly enhance emotional well-being, mental clarity, and overall personal growth.

For optimal results, listen to Malleable Ego first to prime your ego for flexibility, followed by Subconscious Limits Removal Version 3 to effectively clear limiting beliefs. This sequence ensures that the ego is more adaptable, allowing for deeper and more efficient integration of positive changes.


Overall, while Subconscious Limits Removal Version 3 offers significant positive changes for many users, it also presents challenges, particularly during the initial stages of use. Balancing the benefits and downsides is crucial for a positive and sustainable experience.


From my experience it basically comes down to these points:

Energy available:
Three Treasures/Prana/Mana/Tejas, for physical changes like from Muscle Roar also building blocks like protein. etc.

Strength/Health of the energy system itself:
Mana Circuits/EB/Soul Restoration Series/Auric Repair/Cns fields etc.

Structure of the subconscious/trauma/emotional load that one is processing:
SLR/Unconscious Clutter Removal (really dope combo), trauma fields, Emotional Release, PUs Karma Clearing/Karma Crucible, Self Love fields, Forgiveness and Release etc.

Brain/CNS health:
Plasma Brain, Dopamine Redux, PUs End of all addictions, Nerve Healing/Inflammation Help/PTSD Help etc.

(Physical detox helps to clear the energy channels too, diet alone makes a huge difference for me)

The real benefits often only become noticeable after I spend some time deeply grounding myself to integrate the changes.

Spamming PUs Intrusive thoughts Dissolver left me sometimes with seemingly opposite results, thought it didn’t worked. It was only after using some Herkimer that its benefits suddenly kicked in and wiped the slate clean so to speak, so keep that in mind (no pun intended).

Herkimer Diamond, Alien Songs of Moldavite and Libyan Desert Glass, Automated Grounding, Supreme Grounding + etc. etc.

Intent: You can instruct your system to facilitate changes, clearing blockages, heal ailments, manifest changes, the options are manifold (and not some fancy superpowers like some believe).
This however is highly dependent on your level of evolution, and might pose an issue if you´ve never experienced much benefits from energy work in the first place:

Imaginarium Divine, Higher Self Connection, CC, CB, PM, Ego Dissolution (+), Malleable Ego, basically everything that reduces resistance from the ego and increases your conceptual/psychic intelligence/abilities.

Of course you can also always ask for assistance via intercessions.

Regarding “Attacks” (psychic/astral etc.) I found them to be usually part of the “detox” process, i.e. you start to behave differently, even if just on a subconscious level, and peoples ego start to panic bc they loose control over “you”. Your ego acting out “externally”.

Using shields assumes that “others” are able to attack you in the first place.
I don´t have a fixed stance on this tho, as I´m still experimenting with not using shields until it´s absolutely necessary, so shield/cleanse at your own discretion. Often however, we´re simply not grounded enough, or our aura is out of whack which makes us hyper sensitve to “external” influences.

If you do feel under attack, look at those areas first.

Another approach are vibration raiser fields, tho they will automatically bring up whatever needs to be processed anyways.

Some combos I like to use to “increase results” :

Malleable Ego
Unconscious Clutter Removal
Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0
Shame Washer (PU)
Revision of Guilt

Mana Circuits
Auric Repair/EB
Formula of Balance
Astral Viber

Devil Reversed
Tower Reversed
Herkimer Diamond


:sob: got me in my feels @anon73693188

I’m the same way

And I agree - I love your energy @Drift!