Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (Patreon)

Thanks guys for all the advice, your all awesome af <33

I wanna ask a question though, has anyone managed to remove all limiting beliefs about themselves?? If so, what does that feel like and how is your life now ?

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If you have the time, it would benefit you to give yourself the opportunity to write out a list of beliefs that are upholding this intelligence belief.

I will list the core beliefs and then some possible additional beliefs you may have upholding the core belief

Such as:
I am not capable, I am not capable of changing my intelligence, I am not capable of becoming more intelligent, I do not have the capacity to change my intelligence (no matter what I do/try)

I am inadequate, no natter what I do I am always inadequate, no matter what I do my intelligence/knowledge is always inadequate for my/the circumstance/project/

I am insufficient, my level of intelligence is insufficient

I am not good enough, I am not good enough with the level/degree of intelligence I have, my current intelligence is not good enough, I am not good enough to change my intelligence

It’s never enough, No matter what I do, it’s never enough my intelligence doesn’t change, It doesn’t matter if I do XYZ, it’s never enough, my intelligence does not change

If you can really dig around the beliefs, you will find lots of little sneaky beliefs that solidify and uphold the core belief

You don’t need to find every single one, but if you belief -

“It doesn’t matter what I do, my intelligence (my money, my relationships) does not change”
well then it won’t change and that belief is actually more “limiting” than the belief “I am not intelligent”, because you are completely wiping out any possibility of change, development, advancement.

You can also use incremental or stepping stone beliefs -

I am willing to believe it is possible to become more intelligent
I am willing to believe it is possible for me to improve my intelligence
I am willing to believe i have the capacity/capabilities to change my intelligence/become more intelligent

Hope this helps :cherry_blossom: :pray:


This feels more like a Gumroad release than a free YouTube field.

SLR 2.0 messed with my digestion so badly I wasn’t able to use it all that much, but SLR 3.0 is both more gentle on me and the effects far more noticable/powerful.

I gradually worked the number of listens up, now I’m able to use all day via my broadcaster.

Oftentimes I feel so light now that I can noticably feel subtle air currents on my skin. I love it.


how do you think it messed with your digestion?

We live in a matrix that limits us, but every second, we create our personal matrix through our believes, points of views, thoughts, feelings, and reactions.

If you want to see the details, imagine a business. What are your thoughts about it?
State every small detail you dislike.

Is it a weak business model? Issues with the supply chain, marketing, talent acquisition, low margins, instability, customer relations, or accessing funding?

It is your personal matrix for your business.

Apply this example to every aspect of your life, and you’ll see how your beliefs and perspectives shape your reality


Hi all :slight_smile:

Just to be sure. This field removes all the limiting beliefs, including those about money and prosperity?

Wish you best!

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As it relates to the solar plexus, this chakra governs your confidence, personal power & all matters of growth and expansion. When the solar plexus is aligned and balanced, you will feel empowered to move toward your life goals with confidence and courage.

This Chakra is tied to your digestive system and several organs. If you are releasing blockages tied to it, a bit of abdominal discomfort is normal.


As someone who has lots of paid fields from Dream, I absolutely attest to this… This is permanent in my stack from now on


Hey guys need some advice…

ive been trying to remove limiting beliefs for the last month or so and things are just getting worse and going back to my old habits

Lots of self sabotage and self hatred talk. I know things are just purging and ill feel better soon but what can I do to help it


Fields that help with fear and anxiety and The Internal Alchemical Crucible. Also, fields related to love, happiness and feelings like that.


Have you tried combining with malleable ego? this helped me a lot when I did such work.

And if you don’t listen to, PoNR eases up everything for me, just one listen beginning of the day.

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The new Non Judgmental Acceptance (Mind Program Series 1) field would be good too


Try Path To Wholeness. Completed it a few weeks ago and there have been notable changes in my relationship to myself.


What’s your stack along with this ?

When we clear blockages the stirred up ego clutter start to disturb and mind is kind of destabilized for a while…hmm… something like this :arrow_down:

We need to install a new software when we are upgrading our old version. So,

It’s very important to ACCEPT the NEW YOU ASAP! Process of becoming is accepting…

The reason why Captain released this I believe .

positive mindset fields + Unconditional love ones +
Crucible ones + malleable ego + Angelic vibration v2(stronger …use when ready) & Pranayama ( my fav for everything).

Its easier to slide down than to climb up, start ego trek now :)




I just want to share this i just read i think its a great tip!!


2-3 times, or how much?

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it’s loopable, but 2-3 times is a good start.


which ones would that be??