🎧 Subliminal: Instant Anxiety Killer

What this subliminal is designed to do is bring you very quickly into an instant profound state of relaxation. Within 5 minutes you should feel your whole body relaxing and letting go of anxiety.

This is a Hybrid Subliminal - if using headphones make sure to play on low volume.

There are 16 Amplitude modulated Multiplexed tracks running all at the same time at various insanely fast speeds.

The script is about 20 pages long and is repeated about 60 times in the 30 min duration. So your basically going through 40 pages of script in every minute. Tons of scripting going into your mind. Let me know how you like it

Do not operate machinery when listening… Expect to be extremely chilled out.

Downloads: Most effective form would be the hybrid version. It’s has double the amount of voice tracks in it. Also partially conscious / Subconscious method.



Hybrid - V2


Thank you. Do you own or work for Indigo Mindlabs?

Either way, I like their work, and thank you for releasing this.

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Thanks man!


Your welcome. I don’t.


So i just upgraded this Subliminal lastnight to a second version. I wanted it to be more calming to the mind and more tranquilizing on the body. Feels pretty nice to me. Let me know how you like this version.

Hybrid - Instant Anxiety Killer V2


I felt it working, it reminded me a little bit of a creation of mine. It was pleasant but about 7 minutes in I started to get headaches. Maybe subs with more density don’t work as well for me?

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Could be actually. I have back masking and some panning going on between the vocals. And there are some scripts that are very concise and looped many times in one minute. Could be because of that.

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How long does it take you to produce a new sub?

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Hmm. It depends if i have script written or not. But just to compile it up to 10 hrs. I need a newer computer too lol. I’m tearing up my processor :rofl:

The script takes me a while really.

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I totally believe that… And this is just the process itself, not counting in that you have a normal job you are committed to at the same time.
It’s not easy, that’s why I respect this

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Thanks man. And likewise :+1:. Yeah i work more than full time lol. But hey I’m gonna browse your subliminals and try one out as soon as tonight. I said i would some time ago. :wink:

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I really look forward to hear your feedback :slight_smile:
Also working on a skin health subliminal right now, maybe this is something you are interested in (Dunno if the x1-stuff I uploaded is for you lol)

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That sounds nice. Hmm. Do you have something for metabolism or hunger inhibition? What is 1x like? I need subliminals to be pretty intense to get them to work for myself lol.

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x1 is the current framework I am building my subliminals with.
You could say it is some sort of formula, wich I am consistently developing, so there will be x2, x3 etc.
My goal is to create subliminals that are very focused on the topic they are meant to help with, so they are as light as possible and as heavy as necessary, so people have as much freedom and flexibility to stack them. Nonetheless, depending on how much work that needs to be done, an x1-subliminal can be more or less taxing for the system, so I wouldn’t take it lightly. For example, when I started using Sacred Sexuality, I started to feel a deep sadness and at first I didn’t connect it to the program because I thought it wouldn’t be that intense.

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Oh nice. You really have a system down for yourself then. That’s great and good job. It sounds very exciting. I like your thinking with all that. Cool. I really look forward to running one of your subliminals. :wink:

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Seems like you spend a lot of time writing your scripts out as well. That’s great

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Yes, although I am by no means perfect in that. I think you know a lot more about scripting than me haha

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I need to browse your subliminals :grinning:. Do you have something towards Weightloss or appetite inhibition?

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No, currently there are only three x1-subliminals: NoPMO, Hyper Focus and Sacred Sexuality, but I plan on creating other stuff in the future of course.
There is an older file which was designed for weightloss but I don’t think it is as effective as it would be as an x1 title

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Hyper focus sounds perfect. I’d like to try that one :grinning:

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