Subliminal listening times

So I’m wondering how long I should dedicate for listening to my subliminals a day?
What would be too much, I usually go for as long as possible which can result in 22/24 hours at times.
I was under the impression that more of the repetition the better the results, is this not true?
I’m also wondering, if I’m using a subliminal to get better at a video game, can I play the video game whilst using the subliminal? or should I only use this subliminal whilst not playing the game to be listening from a state of detachment. Me playing the game would mean, I’d be checking for results constantly by the way.

I’ve kind of been neglecting the effects that subliminals cause to the energetic body, I’m not really knowledgeable on energy or our energetic body, what overloads it etc, any books that you guys can recommend to learn this sort of thing?

Why are you asking questions about the usage of subliminals on a morphic fields forum?


I considered it appropriate since I was moreso talking about the effects subliminals have on the energetic body, which is related to morphic fields. Like what’s the point where it gets too much for my nervous system.

Subliminals target only your Subconscious Mind, not your energy body.

They have, in most cases, zero effect on your energy body, unless the Subconscious Mind actually decides to initiate those changes (which almost never happens with 99% of the subliminals that are out there).


I see, thank you for your wisdom!

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