what does everyone think about having language categories for everyone to help each other out in their native tongues?
it would be beneficial for non-native english speakers to have access to similar support with sapien medicine morphic fields as english speakers naturally do.
The idea is good but for every language there must be someone to step forward to become a dedicated moderator, because the current admin team might not know all the languages. One person at least, but ideally two or three people to help out when they can, as this will be on a voluntary basis.
These volunteers could:
keep people on topic to filter out chatter, so the thread will be more beneficial
flag comments for the admin’s attention, with translation and context of why it should be removed or needs certain action.
take initiative to respond to questions (asked in their language) or direct them to useful existing threads.
If no moderation, these threads could get messy. We already have that issue sometimes with the English topics. So helping out the admin team for the foreign language threads would be necessary.