Suit of the Mahavidyas

Create a smart suit servitor created by the Mahavidyas
- Can be imbued with smart functions decided by the deities and taught to the suit that would automatically work on the user
-User can request intercession with the Mahavidyas or a specific Mahavidya to ask for a smart function or a time based blessing to be delivered through the suit
- Smart Protection, Cleansing, and healing of course at the highest level


Anyways I love this concept could @Mr.Nobody please help me with this because this is my first project or anyone willing

Did you mean Mahavidya-s?

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Mistype sorry

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In het past i played with the idea of creating a divine suit consisting out of the trimurti

Maybe this can also be of any help

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Thankyou @RobbyHa and @Maoshan_Wanderer



actually i requested it ago years but it was ignored so…
it’s nice how things return when the time is right


@Mr.Nobody looking forward to working with you on this. Btw what do you think about linking it to the Arcturians or Nagas to help further solidify the intelligence of the suit and work with the Mahavidyas to upgrade and create the smart functions.

i do not think that’s a good idea because having 10 mahavidyas is already enough and should cover every aspect of our life

also, i’m not sure if you want one being made out of the signature of the ten mahavidyas or a portal that connects directly to the ten mahavidya

the nft doesn’t get better if too much things are added

also, as it is intelligent one always can ask to connect to certain realm/beings


@Mr.Nobody I would prefer a portal that connects directly

ah good, me either


Agreed… Vidya means pure knowledge and diluting it with every concept - related or unrellated, and making it a kitchen-sink is probably counter-productive.

In reality, one just needs one Mahavidya which takes several lifetimes to perfect. 10 is already a gigantic concept and complete in every which way.


@Maoshan_Wanderer can you unblock yourself so I can add you to the group




@Rosechalice @Nice2knowU

please close this thread